rather thatmany are still serving. Cooper’s part time service in the Air Forces Reserves provided him acontinuing source of support— social, emotional, and financial— upon being discharged fromactive duty and entering college. The fact that he turned to re-activation and deployment whenthings got too stressful at home and school suggests that the transition from active duty (i.e., full-time military) to full-time student may be emotionally stressful and disorienting. Cooper’smilitary experience did not reflect the stereotypical veteran experience of combat and trauma.Rather his service, focused in a technical specialty related to aviation and space, reinforced hislong-term interests in pursuing an aerospace engineering career. It also provided
students areasked to perform real-world tasks to demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledgeand skills." Following this line, Shridaran and Mustard [8] explained that authentic assessmentsare comparable to real-world task or assignments, where individuals or teams are able to use anyresources available and at their disposal, such as other colleagues, experts, and access tomaterials and resources, with the goal to accomplish the task at hand.Forms of authentic assessment include portfolios, reflective journals, oral presentations, workintegrated learning, self and peer evaluation, performance assessment, and so on [9]. Larkin [14]supports that in the STEAM subjects, there is a need to provide students with different ways toprepare and
engineering.Davies and Gannon define Feminist Poststructuralism as a third kind of Feminist theory afterradical and liberal feminism [34]. They continue “feminist post-structuralism troubles the binarycategories male and female, making visible the constitutive force of linguistic practices, anddismantling their apparent inevitability” [34 p. 321]. Without a frame that looks to gender toinform practice and reality, there is no way to uncover the dichotomy that exists within the fieldof engineering.Dual IdentityThe subjectivity espoused by Feminist Poststructuralism is reflected in the ideas of a dualidentity. People, in particular women in STEM, are subjected to factors outside of the “norm.”The notion of double consciousness is applied to women in
trol/intervention groups brokers ECJStarter Builds ECJ pipeline from Links BrokerEAInterface to Parson- classes evoparsons.ecj and sEvolutionState, main class of ECJ params configuration file pipeline PresetStarter Manually designed puzzles by Calls BrokerEAInterface once at start teacher Config Access to params configura- A factory for objects, creates them tion file through reflection by corresponding configurationadministration; the build-server bash script builds the EvoParsons jar, the evoparsons-server scriptis
their classrooms. Teachers reflected on students’ developing a sense of autonomy and persistence as learners. “I can give them a question on a test pretty much for anything for the year and it's not like, "Well, this wasn't going to be on the test so this isn't fair" because they now expect that anything they've learned is fair game throughout the whole year, so that has been a huge help for me,” noted one respondent. Another teacher offered, “When I give them a test, I can put a spiral question on there and again it's not like, “Well, I'm not answering it because this wasn't on the review sheet.” And especially in math, I can give them a deeper level question where it's not a simple equation that they might have just
as children, and fourstudents did not cite either one of these experiences. The different experiences of first-generationcompared to continuing-generation college students were further captured by interview questionsthat asked students to think back to experiences/activities they engaged in as children oradolescence and determine if they now see them as engineering related experiences. By askingstudents to reflect on the pre-college activities that fostered their interest in engineering, we wereable to understand the cultural and historical practices that brought them to seek an engineeringdegree. With this theme, we sought not to capture every micro experience students have had intheir life, rather obtain a general understanding of the
assessment,student satisfaction survey responses and creative designs, the next section will comment onthese results, draw some conclusions and address opportunities for future work.IV. Discussion and ConclusionsThis section discusses some questions this work raises, reflects upon and draws conclusionsabout the outcomes and suggests ideas for future work, as related to the IMD project employedin an EMAG course at Messiah College during the Fall 2018 semester, and for the broaderengineering education community. Project outcomes discussed here include key experimentalresults, graded assessment, responses of the student satisfaction survey and creative designs.Questions raised by this work include best learning strategies and concept clarity in EMAG
the accreditation cycle under which the program wasreviewed, whether the university is public or private, and the Carnegie Classification. Respondentswere also asked to either provide “Table 5.1” (Curriculum details) from their most recent ABETself-study report, a revised version edited to reflect the current curriculum, or to respond to a seriesof questions designed to elicit the information contained in Table 5.1 of the Self-Study Report.Seventy nine complete survey responses were received including nine from programs undergoingreview in the 2018-19 accreditation cycle. In the case of duplicate records, data obtained from bothsources were compared to confirm that the methods used to identify curricular elements in thisstudy were consistent
effective latent variable model and instrument that reflects the factors of college students’ retention. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019 Creating a Successful Pathway to Graduate Studies: The Student Integrated Intern Research Experience (SIIRE)AbstractFor the health of the engineering profession and the nation, increasing the number and diversityof engineering students going on to graduate studies is imperative. The Student Integrated InternResearch Experience (SIIRE) is successfully addressing this situation, supporting students fromundergraduate through graduate school. SIIRE recruits a diverse group of first-year students tobegin in SIIRE in their sophomore year and
developing conception generation skills (Daly et al.,2012), the benefits of model building for dealing with ambiguity (Lemons et al., 2010), and thebenefits of reflection practices in learning engineering design (Adams, 2003). Additionally, someresearchers have found that design courses should move from an“instructor-transfers-knowledge” model towards a “developing-a-professional-knowledge” model,where students are asked to take charge of their learning and needs (Mann et al, 2007).Crismond and Adams (2012) developed the informed design teaching and learning matrix whichoutlines specific learning practices between novice and expert designers and also providessuggested teaching approaches. Specifically, Crismond and Adams (2012) define design as
contexts [1], [2]. This study is part of a broadcurricular reform project in 11 core studio courses using assignments that support students’learning of engineering practice [3], [4]. The reform is motivated by research that relates thedevelopment of higher-level capabilities such as systems thinking, communication skills, ethicalstandards, and critical thinking to students’ success in the workforce [5]. It also addresses callsfor greater emphasis on complex, open-ended design problems reflecting work done byprofessional engineers [6].Such tasks contrast with more typical school worksheets that require an algorithmic applicationof course concepts, with an emphasis on reaching a single correct solution through an instructor-determined solution path
numerical answers, and g)reflect on the answer. Parts a, b, and c together were worth 2/10 points. Part d was worth 4/10 points, parte was worth 3.5/10 points, and part g was worth 0.5/10 points. To create the problems, GTAs browsedseveral dynamics books to understand the typical types of problems used, and then created problemssimilar in scope and content and that addressed the learning objectives within each chapter. Thehomework solution template was designed to force students to utilize the problem-solving approach theinstructor was working to develop. For instance, students had to draw a diagram of the system, whichsometimes seems unnecessary to students early in the course because the problems are straightforward.However, forcing the student
ActivitiesWhile the program activities of Bridge to Boise State and STEM Summer Adventure (now merged intoone program under the title, RAISE) have evolved over the years, common elements have remainedimportant components of the program over time. These include peer mentoring, opportunities to connectwith STEM faculty, team and community building activities, and sessions that focus on buildingmindsets and habits linked to academic success, such as a growth mindset. The following is a summaryof the program activities from the most recent year of the RAISE program, which are reflective of, if notidentical to, the program activities from previous years of the Bridge to Boise State and STEM SummerAdventure programs.Peer MentoringFeedback from previous years
and student’sacademic performance.As the SI program’s effectiveness is aimed at reducing the the D’s, F’s, W’s and Q drop rates(DFWQ%) rates in first year engineering courses and in turn retain more students to the ECEprogram, the collaborators have collected multiple types of data, including students’ SI sessionattendance and grade outcome in the course, students’ demographic data, and DFWQ% rates forattendees and non-attendees. As mentioned in the limitations section, the voluntary nature of theprogram does create some difficulty in making a direct link between higher SI attendance andstudent success. We, therefore, used SAT scores to group students with similar high schoolpreparation, for a more accurate reflection of the effects of SI
goals. It is important to define achievable and reasonable rubrics thatthe students can follow and achieve successfully. Those rubrics can be structured as theobjectives of the project that should reflect a safe and successful environment where students are encouraged to participate instead of feeling embarrassed. It should promote an interesting andrelevant experience, as well, where the students are allowed to fully engage in a professional roleto fulfill the goal they are working on.In this paper, two project-based activities are discussed along with their impact on sophomoreand junior students’ performance. The new structured course grades were compared totraditionally taught class environment grades. The comparison allowed assessment of
, we iteratively tested our "humble" learning theory under real-world conditions [32]. Specifically, we sought to investigate how design challenges that arecontextual, current, relevant, and reflective of professional practice can support students toengage in ethical reasoning by being scaffolded to consider diverse stakeholder needs. Thedesign challenges were not client driven, but were specifically developed to have an authenticfeel and clear stakeholders. To guide our investigation, we posed the following questions: 1. What kinds of ethical reasoning do students demonstrate in their final project pitches? 2. Do the kinds of ethical reasoning vary by design challenge type (community-focused versus entrepreneurial)?Setting
campregistration is free, with the instruction and materials support paid for by the NSF ERC program.Out-of-state students who need to stay on campus could do so by paying a room-and-board fee.To apply, a student needs two letters of recommendation. If qualified, a student would beadmitted on a first-come first-serve basis. For the past 3 years, the student population hasconsisted of 70% of male and 30% of female.3.2. Structure of ActivitiesOne of the aims of the camp is to reflect the research activities in the CURENT ERC. However,it would be impractical to cover the CURENT research activities in great technical details, whichare the products of graduate student research. As such, the instructors mostly provideintroductory materials to the camp students
disconnect from the vacuum, but I just remembered that was part of the vacuum.”Indicating that at the time of the in-class activity, students did draw from their previousknowledge to formulate a mental model of the engineered system, but in reflection, the studentsrealize that their mental model is either incomplete or false. Here one can hope that studentsfollow the path of enrichment as described by Vosniadou [6] to append their mental model toinclude the remainder of the information not originally recognized as a part of the system.Most of the interviewees assumed that the mental model activity must be similar to theircoursework, as demonstrated in the following response. “I say that um with my engineering 101 class [Engineering
leadership identity that could be further tested using structural equationmodeling.Significant results were also observed among engineering fields and institutional characteristics.Students in computer engineering and electrical/electronics engineering scored significantly loweron the leadership construct than mechanical engineering students. Students who attendedinstitutions where women comprise a higher percentage of engineering students scored higher onthe leadership construct. It does make sense that some differences among engineering fields mightbe observed, reflecting cultural differences among engineering fields. In terms of the latter finding,it’s encouraging that attending a program with higher gender diversity might indirectly
, including the positionand rotation of all devices, measuring tools, pen-strokes and buttons pressed. This deep-loggingis expected to be increasingly useful as a means for students and instructors to reflect on pastperformance, and potentially to automatically analyze real-time problem-solving behavior. Itcan also be used as an efficient way to watch a recorded lecture from an arbitrary viewingperspective, as was proposed in [13]. The whiteboard diagrams and writing could also be savedas artifacts of the analysis.5. Pilot StudyThough presented above as a sequential process, in truth, the hardware, user interface, andapplication were developed together, largely in parallel from an initial idea that collaboration anddrawing were important for real
presentations in global engineering ed- ucation at several national conferences. Scott is an active member in the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) both locally and nationally, as well as the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) and the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE).Dr. Kevin D. Dahm, Rowan University Kevin Dahm is a Professor of Chemical Engineering at Rowan University. He earned his BS from Worces- ter Polytechnic Institute (92) and his PhD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (98). He has pub- lished two books, ”Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics” and ”Interpreting Diffuse Reflectance and Transmittance.” He has also published
the time it took for the eggsto stop, thus decreasing the possibly damaging impact force. These topics were eventually moreformally assessed on a subsequent hour exam.In addition to responding to the activity showcased in Figure 2, the students were also asked torate their confidence levels in terms of the responses they had written to the question posed.Students were asked to rate their confidence levels on a scale from 1 – 5. A confidence levelrating of 1 reflected that the students had very little confidence in their response. A 5 ratingindicated that they were very confident in their response. Providing a confidence level ratingwas the second new twist to the free-writing activities.The next section will begin with an analysis showcasing
teaching effectiveness and student achievement. The TAP evaluation involves classroom observations, coaching, and feedback/reflection for professional growth. Kara has worked with 60+ student teachers in various subjects at the pre-K through 12th grade level, and conducted over 100 TAP classroom observations. Since the fall of 2016, Kara has been working with the JTFD Project, an NSF grant working to improve active learning in engineering education. She has completed 300 RTOP classroom observations in ASU engineering courses (civil, environmental, construction, chemical, aero/mechanical, materials, transporta- tion, and biomedical engineering). The RTOP or Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol, is a rubric designed
resolved by considering thatthe sampled data is no longer real-valued but instead complex-valued, with separate real andimaginary components. Hence, there are actually two data elements per sample, and with twicethe data, it is possible to obtain Hz of signal bandwidth while sampling at Hz. Note thatsince the time-based data is no longer real-valued, the resulting spectrum is no longer conjugatesymmetric such that the center frequency is not a center reflective point. The developer needsto be cognizant of this fact when processing signals, in particular, when isolating signals andapplying symmetric filters or converting the complex-valued signal into a real-valued (floating-point format).Signals used in SDR processing are normally complex in
-world engineering problems, the value of the toolis easily understood by students.The course design also tries to introduce students to some of the more cutting edge technologiesto allow them to feel that their efforts have current relevance. Students discuss data analysis andmanipulate data from real data sets such as water level monitoring from local streams or foodsafety data for baby food. They also build a reflective light sensor, gather data and use a simplemachine learning tool to make and train a roughness sensor shown in Figure 3. From thesemodest activities they are introduced to the fields of Artificial intelligence and Big Data.Figure 3: Example of a sensor built by students in Fundamentals of Computing. The sensorconsists of a
instruction, she spent twelve years teaching K-5 and enrichment at the elementary level. In 2010, Kara began teaching courses and supervising student teachers at ASU. Kara is TAP certified, an evaluation system designed to improve teaching effectiveness and student achievement. The TAP evaluation involves classroom observations, coaching, and feedback/reflection for professional growth. Kara has worked with 60+ student teachers in various subjects at the pre-K through 12th grade level, and conducted over 100 TAP classroom observations. Since the fall of 2016, Kara has been working with the JTFD Project, an NSF grant working to improve active learning in engineering education. She has completed 300 RTOP classroom
qualitativeinterview-based student perspectives from the fall 2018 semester are described in this work-in-progress paper. In conjunction with further qualitative data collection, a variety of survey anddirect assessment data from the entire two-semester course will be analyzed at the conclusion ofthe spring 2019 semester.Collecting qualitative data regarding student perspectives about working on interdisciplinaryteams allowed us to view students’ attitudes and self-reflections on their team experiences. Basedon the instructor’s own goals and literature-based reported gains [11] in interdisciplinaryteamwork, we were initially interested in how students perceived their team’s ability to beinnovative, identify customer needs, and receive rapid clinical feedback
Dictionary Wordscould not simply select the most common feedback (e.g. “good” or “great work”) because it didnot add meaningful information. Instead, we cut through the noise by selecting unique words andphrases that provided rich meaning but were used frequently enough to be matched. Table 2 showssome sample dictionary key words. Questions and answers were created from the selected wordsand phrases and grouped based on the category under which they best fit (Section 4.3). Every ques-tion has three answers with the exception of overall score, which has eight. Answers were chosento provide the maximum possible semantic distance between choices. For the third iteration of thereview algorithm, answers were chosen to reflect the question weight of 0
Manufacturingindustrial segments. For each industrial segment, two engineers were invited to engage in face-to-face qualitative interviews. Interview is one of the most important sources of evidences incase studies and is commonly found in this research design (Yin, 2017). At the time when theinterviews occurred, all participant engineers were working in senior leadership positions,ranging from managers to directors, and had between 15 and 34 years of professional experience.Purposeful and convenience sampling (Creswell, 2013) were utilized in the process of selectingthese engineers, since participants were identified from the alumni pool of Utah State University.In this study, interviews with practicing engineers were expected to reflect their
as part the observed PK team exchanges. Oscar’s parentsimmigrated to the US from the Mexican side of the border and Genesis spent her childhoodthere. Alicia, who was open about her daily border crossing experiences, also faced jokes aboutMexico and Alicia’s hometown during teamwork activities. In sum, it seems that team PK’smonoglossic language ideologies and behavior may have reflected a larger trend in perspectivesabout Mexico and Mexicans in circulation in the US at the time (2017-2018).Intersections of Gender and Ethnicity As the findings above show, the choice of language may have signaled to participants aparticular language ideology. However, ideologies about language intersected with ideologiesabout gender in ways that