developing newknowledge although this is possible” [9, p. 18]. The initial review of the articles consisted of ahigh-level examination of the articles in which the researcher noted the purpose, questions, andresults of each study. During this review, the first author reflected on what was read, noting keyfindings and making initial connections. The second review included an examination of themethodology, results, discussion, and any implications or limitations of the studies. During thesecond review of the data, themes common to the articles were extracted.ResultsThree themes emerged from the analysis of 11 articles collected in the systematized search. Thethemes describe the types of experiences women encounter in engineering industry. Most of
-university collaboration towards theimplementation of a professional development program for construction students improved theirinterviewing and soft skills, contributing to their professional identity development [22]. Well-designed informal learning programs will provide construction students with exposure to rolemodels, mentors, experiences, symbols and rituals within the architectural-engineering-construction (AEC) professional community to enhance their professional identity development.This occurs because these experiences encourage students’ reflections, interests, persistence, andand bring them to full participation in the construction professional community.BackgroundThrough a formal proposal submission by an HBCU for the development of a
knowledge process. The interpretation depends on a learner’s background knowledge andbeliefs. Every new piece of information is connected to existing knowledge after subjectiveinterpretation to fit their existing beliefs. Thus, new information can be connected appropriatelyand will reflect each person’s objective reality; it can also be connected to the incorrect beliefsand interpreted subjectively; or, it will be rejected (not retained), if it contradicts the learner’sbeliefs.11 Inductive teaching methodology is an active learning methodology which allows theinstructor to expose mistaken perceptions and beliefs of learners, and lead them to reframingtheir beliefs before new information is introduced and connected to the learner’s
for a medical device to be cleared or approved by the Food and Drug Administration. We believe all patients should receive high-quality medical devices, regardless of their ability to pay. All BME courses are patient-centered, which is atypical of medical device and medical device regulation courses. For example, when the Director teaches eighteen electrical and mechanical medical devices 3 that have saved numerous lives in her Medical Device Systems course, five requirements from applicable engineering standards are discussed for each medical device. As a former Vice President of Research in the medical device industry, she asks students to reflect if each requirement is
0 II Preparation Preparation for first use 2 III Mechanical Use Use w/o reflection 1 IV A Routine Reliable use with few changes 4 IV B Refinement Continual adaption & improvement 3 V Integration Collaboration w/ others to improve 3 VI Renewal Large improvement & reevaluation 0Teacher’s Creative AchievementsCreative achievement was found to be low with the sample of RET teachers in the first cohort.The second cohort included much more lifetime creative acheivement and recognition, with twoteachers scoring over ten on the instrument. While the overall
literature [12-14], the conceptof shortage of time repeated throughout the interviews. A participant reflects on the lack of timeissue: I would say that the largest cost has been our individual time, the faculty members' individual time. Because it takes some time to think about your course syllabus in a different way, thinking about ... Because in the curriculum plan, it shows you ... or there's indications of what courses might be prerequisites. But then we had to go back and think about what topics within that course are the most relevant.Another participant recounts what resources could make more time possible: I think that there's probably something as a carrot and a stick to get faculty together to do
, overall, students enjoyed the technology and would like to have itintegrated into their school curriculum. Culturally Situated Design Tools (CSDTs) also integratecultural aspects into their applications which cover various educational topics 18 . The CornrowCurves CSDT uses the African American cultural braiding technique to allow students to practicegeometric skills by having students to create their own braids or mimic images supplied by theapplication. Translational geometric skills such as rotation, reflection and scaling are required tomaster intricate designs when creating cornrows. Ron Eglash’s team of researchers have craftedover 15 CSDTs that are tailored to multiple cultures including African American, African, NativeAmerican and Latino
the effectiveness of the applied/active learning activities and to see ifthey correlate with an increase in later success in Engineering courses, we analyzed studentperformance in the Applied Mechanics I class. The current prerequisite to the AppliedMechanics I class is Physics for Engineers I. Before the redesign of Physics curriculum theprerequisite was PHYS 215, Engineering Physics I, which was a traditional Physics class. It washeavily oriented towards theory and the lab components were rather disjointed with thetheoretical learning activities. We compared the Applied Mechanics I class final grade pointaverage (which reflects all assignment grades, including homework, quizzes, and a total of threeexams) as a measure of the performance
problem, reconstructing the main problem, and performingindependent and collaborative studies, students then revisit the original problem with a renewedapproach, new knowledge, and skills (Savery & Duffy, 1995; Barrows, 2002). The action ofreconnecting to the problem with a constructive approach encourages students to take ownershipof their short- and long-term learning goals. As part of life-long learning skills, students developself-learning habits to understand the need for recognizing real-life problems, allocating time todo independent research and reflect upon findings (Hmelo-Silver, 2004; Hoidn & Kärkkäinen,2014).3.0 ENVIRONMENTS FOR FOSTERING EFFECTIVE CRITICAL THINKINGThe Environments for Fostering Effective Critical Thinking, or
study cited interest or skill in building or putting things togetheras reasons they could not become an engineer, suggesting that some students see engineering asfor builders or makers, but not for them. Other students said they could not become engineersbecause they were not creative or didn’t know how to ideate. Several students said they couldbecome engineers but would not because they planned to pursue another career of interest. It ispossible that all of these students might find engineering more appealing if they saw their ownskills and interests reflected in engineering. For example, we note that six girls and one boyplanned to become veterinarians; perhaps these students would be drawn toward engineering ifthey were aware of ways to
builders as an important experience they desired for themselves. For example,Batya, an 18 year old African-American girl who came to the program from a large city,explained that she took the time to reflect and think whether and how participation in theprogram would be beneficial to her. She described having conversations with her design teacherand several women in her family. Batya described that making and building was something thatshe was used to doing alongside her brothers: “Growing up I have all brothers. So being aroundgirls and doing stuff that I would normally do with boys, it, kind of I guess, not changes myperspective, but widens it. So, I might be more comfortable personally just working doing thingsthat I wouldn't normally do with
theproject was used, but the 8 outcomes below reflect accurately the consistent goals of the courseand form a basis for what features needed to be included in a project. 1. Students will develop problem statements and design criteria/requirements by evaluating a project scenario using design techniques (such as mind mapping or functional decomposition). 2. As a part of a design team, students will use the engineering design process to design, create, and evaluate a prototype that addresses realistic design constraints and requirements. 3. Students will self-assess, select, pursue, and demonstrate competency with a variety of tools, methods, and software as determined by their program. 4. Students will analyze
partial credit defined in the rubric. Moredetails about the rubric and the grading scheme are described in [8,9].Locating, classifying and correcting errors on exams can be a very important part of the learningprocess. This is referred to as reflection by cognitive scientists [2], and we prefer that studentsrather than graders glean this benefit. We hope that this process leads to higher accuracy andgrades in the future, all while developing an engineering mindset for checking work and locatingmistakes.Early and Frequent Assessment. In this new course design the timing and frequency ofassessment is important. It is recommended that students get two or three early assessmentsduring the first five weeks of the semester. If the assessments are left
force,and is committed to solving the imbalance of social development, while traditional means ofpoverty eradication cannot fundamentally solve the problem. It can be said that bothengineering ethics and inclusive innovation share the core goals of “changing the potential ofpeople's lives, solving social problems, and maintaining fairness and justice”. Secondly, reflecting the social fairness, building a community with a shared future formankind and fully stimulating the social innovative vitality are the philosophical startingpoints of engineering ethics and inclusive innovation. There are two principles need to beconsidered when we reflect the social fairness. The principles are as follows:(1) Equality ofopportunities. Under the condition
their learning compared to otherforms of course engagement such as working problems, or taking traditional notes. Thefollowing student comment reflects the “I do it because I have to” approach to doodling:The doodles are very good in concept. However, many doodles were created last minute orwithout much thought in order to obtain the points.On the positive side, several students provided comments such as:I like the doodle because it helped visualize the concept.I liked the doodles because I felt they gave me an opportunity to think in more detail of the actualapplications of what I'm learning, other than the applications given to me in class. I think this isan important skill for engineers, when you consider how much of engineering is thinking
distance, the flow loses its transport capacitydue to dissipation of shear stress. As a result, the deposition is graded to reflect the ability of theflow to transport grains of differing sizes (Fig. 1). Weir Flow direction Accumulated leaves Stop 1 Stop 2 Twist Stop 3 Stop 4 Figure 1. Stops 1 through 4 of the field trip. 3Stop 3
butalso TI ARM M4 series. The uC Training System (Rev 3) trainer board was designed, produced,and tested based on the demand from the academic community that acknowledged thatmicrocontroller course curricula need an advanced microcontroller platform to meet industrytechnical training demands. This was a direct reflection of the NSF I-Corp L project results.Lab Modules Design and Implementation Project Collaboration: With the new uC TrainingSystem Rev 3 Trainer Board specifications (Figure 7), The initial lab modules were created byOld Dominion University (ODU), Norfolk, Virginia and Farmingdale State College (FSC),Farmingdale, New York faculty as a team, and using the web portal managed by Ohio NorthernUniversity (ONU) faculty to facilitate the
samples of Senior Design Projects which reflect common studentprojects.Wireless Sensor NetworksA wireless sensor network consists of many wireless-capable sensor devices workingcollaboratively to achieve a shared goal [4]. A WSN may have one or multiple base-stationswhich collect data from all sensory devices. These base-stations serve as the interface throughwhich the WSN interacts with the outside world [2]. The basic premise of a WSN is to performnetworked sensing using many relatively rudimentary sensors instead of utilizing the moreconventional approach of developing a few expensive and sophisticated sensing modules [2].The potential advantage of networked sensing over the conventional approach, can besummarized as greater coverage, accuracy
identified from market research.I. Introduction"What is truly in the water I am drinking?" A rise in sales of water filters such as Brita or PUR,bottled water, and safer reusable drinking containers (e.g. BPA-free plastics) reflects this concernin drinking water, along with the recent Flint, Michigan water crisis that made headlines [1].However, there are still very few accurate and cost-effective ways to test water or beveragequality. To address this problem, an interdisciplinary team with students from the EngineeringTechnology, Anthropology, and Entomology departments tackled the problem of designing adevice that fit the needs of the market.II. Multidisciplinary team and educational benefitsThis project and team began from an offshoot of another
with. A group of faculty in biochemistry at NC State has been working on aWordpress platform where lesson plans can be paired with 3D-printable designs for students toaccess. We propose to build a comparable site for Engineering Mechanics. Each lesson willinclude: • written explanations of the topic • a 3D CAD file using Fusion 360 where students can access the file, see how it's built, and edit it as needed • a brief video from Fusion 360 where the part spins or deforms • a 3D printer file so that faculty or students with access to a 3D printer can print their own demonstrations • a lesson plan describing a simple experiment to demonstrate the topic being discussed • reflection questions built around the
this material are those of the author(s), and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science Foundation.References[1] A. Hunter, S. L. Laursen, and E. Seymour, “Becoming a scientist: The role of undergraduate research in students’ cognitive, personal, and professional development,” Sci. Educ., vol. 91, no. 1, pp. 36–74, 2007.[2] E. Seymour, A. Hunter, S. L. Laursen, and T. DeAntoni, “Establishing the benefits of research experiences for undergraduates in the sciences: First findings from a three‐year study,” Sci. Educ., vol. 88, no. 4, pp. 493–534, 2004.[3] A. D. Patrick and M. Borrego, “A review of the literature relevant to engineering identity,” in American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE
, 1524601, and 1524607. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science Foundation.References1. K. Schneider, A. Bickel, and A Morrison-Shetlar, “Planning and implementing a comprehensive student-centered research program for first-year STEM undergraduates,” Journal of College Science Teaching, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 37-43, 2015.2. K. Schneider and A. Bickel, “Undergraduate research apprenticeship model: graduate students matched with STEM first-year mentees,” Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 25-31, 2015.3. J. Frechtling. “The 2002 user-friendly handbook for project evaluation,” National
National Science Foundation for their support through a Graduate ResearchFellowship (DGE-1333468). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of theNational Science Foundation.References[1] C. E. Foor, S. E. Walden, and D. A. Trytten, ““I wish that I belonged more in this whole engineering group:" Achieving individual diversity,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 96, no. 2, pp. 103–115, 2007.[2] J. M. Smith and J. C. Lucena, “‘How do I show them I’m more than a person who can lift heavy things?’ the funds of knowledge of low income, first generation engineering students,” J. Women Minor. Sci. Eng., vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 199–221, 2016.[3
disciplines availableat the university and are free to change their major during the first year without the consequenceof a delayed graduation timeline.Path ForwardThe survey will be distributed approximately two weeks after the college’s primary majorexploration event during the fall and spring semesters, approximately the middle third of thesemester. The required event introduces students to the college’s 11 engineering majors andstudents submit a reflective assignment as part of their first-year engineering coursework. Wehope to have some preliminary data to present at the conference.AcknowledgementsI would like to thank Rachel McCord for helping shape this project, reviewing this paper, anddirecting this study. I would also like to thank Marisa
students to work cooperatively in interactive learning groups. Participants were then asked to complete an online Figure 1. Venturi survey administered over Qualtrics© at the end of the semester. flow meter The survey prompted participants to reflect on their LC- DLM instruction and report how well they believed being taught concepts with LC-DLM influenced their learning experience Figure 1. Venturi flow meter compared with other course concepts they learned with regular lectures in the same class. Participation in theexperiment was
knowledgeand skills that are crucial to succeed in creating high quality online learning environmentsbecause, as the famous quote from Joel Barker says, “When a paradigm shifts, everyone goesback to zero” and then “your past success guarantees nothing [1].”This is a reflective paper, in which I, the instructor (the first author), will narrate my experienceon transitioning from teaching in a face-to-face classroom to teach fully in an onlineenvironment. It will also explain how the support of an instructional designer (the second author)can make this transition smoother.About me, “the instructor”Before becoming an online instructor, I taught in face-to-face classrooms using teacher-centeredpractices and more recently the learner-centered (flipped
traumatic events are perceived and handled within engineering environments by allmembers of the engineering education community. Specifically, the messaging around emotionalexpression should be examined to determine what explicit and implicit barriers are constructed inengineering. Through advanced understanding in this area we can begin to create models thatsupport students through challenges that manifest in and out of the engineering classroom.AcknowledgmentsThis work was funded by grants from the National Science Foundation (EEC-1531586/1531174,DGE-1333468). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation. The
examine how intended student development goals for first-year engineering that are set by instructors, faculty, and administrators align with thestudent experiences as described by students.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation underGrant Nos. 1664264 and 1664266. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] R. A. Ellis, “Is U.S. Science and technology adrift,” Washington, DC: Commission on Professionals in Science and Technology., 2007[2] M. Borrego, R. Brawner, “Preparing Engineering Educators for Engineering Education
southernUnited States during the fall of 2018. In order to enroll in the course, participants completed anonline application and were approved by instructors. Active recruitment was done in the Collegeof Communications, College of Fine Arts, and School of Engineering in an effort of creating acohort that reflected a diverse set of design disciplines. Participants included 7 Theatre andDance (T&D) majors, 7 Engineering majors (4 mechanical and 3 electrical), 4 Arts,Entertainment, and Technology (AET) majors, 3 Radio, Television, and Film (RTF) majors, 1Studio Art major, and 1 double major in French and Design Arts & Media (see table 1). 12females and 11 males were enrolled in the course. Of the engineers, six were male (3 electrical, 3mechanical