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Conference Session
T1A: Readiness 1
2019 FYEE Conference
Natalie C.T. Van Tyne P.E., Virginia Tech; Lisa D. McNair, Virginia Tech
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Diversity, FYEE Conference - Paper Submission
differentenvironments, cultures and other phenomena, which may or may not be easily understood oraccepted. Reflection is a form of mental processing, according to Moon [1], which can bedirected at a specific outcome, such as building knowledge of a different culture in order torespond with intercultural competency [2]. Participants also develop meaning by comparingtheir new experiences to prior ones, and recognize that other ways of life are no less worthwhilethan their own. This last realization arises from reflection, according to Kember, McKay,Sinclair and Wong, who considered reflection as a re-examination of beliefs [3].Moon proposed a framework for reflection consisting of four stages, from descriptive to highlyreflective writing, where the final stage
Conference Session
M1C: WIP - Readiness and Professional Development
2019 FYEE Conference
Anetra Grice, Western Michigan University; Edmund Tsang, Western Michigan University; Matthew Cavalli, Western Michigan University
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Diversity, FYEE Conference - Paper Submission
], presented in workbook format for students. The workbook encourages writing andreflection, group work and group sharing for students and provides opportunities for detailedinstructor feedback and intrusive academic advising.Moving ForwardStudents in EXEP cohorts sign an Academic Success Contract during summer orientation whichspecifies they must receive a B or better in their Algebra II course in no more than two attemptsin order to be admitted to their desired pre-engineering program. Initially, the procedure forstudents who failed to pass Algebra II with a B or better in their first semester included thesubmission of a written essay to a committee of academic advisors who decided if studentsshould be allowed to continue in the CEAS. We are
Conference Session
M3C: Mentoring into the profession
2019 FYEE Conference
Whitney Gaskins, University of Cincinnati; Dewey Burnell Clark Jr
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Diversity, FYEE Conference - Paper Submission
Honors Research IECE Speakers Marathon International Crosstown Campus Career Fair The Big College Event Cstate LEGO SHPE ConferenceTable 2 illustrates scholar eReporting through reflective writing exercises as monthly socialactivity follow-up. Scholars had the option to choose the monthly social activity of interest inmonths where multiple options occurred. Attendance at only social activity per month wasrequired for compliance. This means that attendance at a monthly social didn’t necessarilycorrelate to the scholar completing a social reflection