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2017 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
David Ewing
2017 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Section Annual Conference Using the SCALE-UP Method to Create an Engaging First Year Engineering Course (Extended Abstract) 1 David J. Ewing – The University of Texas at ArlingtonAbstractTo meet the growing demands for professional engineers, much emphasis has been placed onrecruiting and retaining increasing numbers of engineering students. In response, the Universityof Texas at Arlington (UTA) performed a study and identified that students were ill-equipped todeal with the rigors of the engineering curriculum, particularly in the areas of problem solving,professional writing, and computer
2017 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Sreedevi Ande P.E.
Agree Disagree I plan to expand my GEMS experience, by telling my 20% 80% 0% 0% high school peers about my camp experience. Because of my teammates and GEMS experience, my 30% 70% 0% 0% skills in writing, documentation, oral presentations have improved. My GEMS experiences did not provide more 10% 10% 50% 30% information that will help me in my career choice. Table 3 – A sample of Students’ responses to the open ended questions on GEMS 1. What did you like the best about GEMS? • The projects • Engineering camp day • I liked that it was hands on • That GEMS
2017 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Benjamin Kelley
different situations. 14. I can develop and maintain working relationships with peers. 15. I can develop and maintain working relationships with supervisors or superiors. 16. I am capable of resolving conflict.  Business Acumen 17. I am able to verbally organize and communicate ideas appropriate to the situation. 18. I am able to organize and communicate ideas in writing appropriate to the situation. 19. I understand basic principles of business. 20. I understand how marketing is used effectively within an organization. 21. I understand the concepts of finance in a business setting. 22. I assess opportunity and recognize unmet needs. 23
2017 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Wei Zhan
of higher education. The results of the review will be sent back to the university toaddress shortcomings identified by the review team. An on-site review team of peers will do acampus visit. A fifth year interim report is also required between the reaffirmations. SACSCOCrequires that a Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) is in place for continuous improvement. Proceedings of the 2017 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Section Annual Conference Organized by The University of Texas at Dallas Copyright © 2017, American Society for Engineering Education 2017 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Section Annual ConferenceThere are many similar software packages that can be used for academic program
2017 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Tariq Khraishi; Kristine Denman
start of the project in earnest was in Spring 2012. The 5-year, 2 million dollar Projectinvolves the UNM School of Engineering (SOE) only which is composed of four engineeringdepartments (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Chemical/Nuclear) and the Computer Sciencedepartment. This Project revolves around the main goals of the National STEP Program and has thefollowing main four components:  Mentoring: About 25 mentors participate (5 faculty members nominally from each of the five departments) in 6 mentoring sessions a year—3 per semester, with some older peers involvement. Each group size varies by major/department. Last session is a talk by an expert (industrial or academic). Two of the sessions involve career development
2017 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Tulio Sulbaran
interrelated critical concepts for the construction industry. Knowledge management refers to the creation of a thriving work and learning environment that fosters the continuous creation, aggregation, use and re-use of both organizational and personal knowledge in the pursuit of new business value. (Anumba, C. et al 2005). Best practices are defined as the policy, systems and procedures that, at any given time, are generally regarded by peers as the practice that delivers optimal outcome, such that they are worthy of adoption (The Constructor n.d). Figure 1. Vent diagram representation of the CDMI PillarsIn addition to the three pillars described above the following considerations survey design