essentially turnout to be increasingly broad with more applications crosswise over biomedical, aviation, as wellas defense industries. Here three of the engineering students, also authors of this study reviewed3D and 4D printing technologies. The undergraduate student has used these research activities forhis Engineer of 2020 requirements. Overall, these studies greatly benefit undergraduateengineering students for their future academic studies at different institutions.References1. Goh, G. D., Agarwala, S., Goh, G. L., Dikshit, V., Sing, S. L., & Yeong, W. Y. (2017). Additive manufacturing in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs): Challenges and potential. Aerospace Science and Technology, 63, 140-151.2. Sundaram, M. M., Kamaraj, A. B
,and acceptance by consumers. Here, one of the engineering students, also authors of this studyreviewed microfluidics for plant cell studies to address the problems and concerns. Theundergraduate student has used these research activities for his Engineer 2020 requirements.Overall, these studies greatly benefit undergraduate engineering students for their future academicstudies at different institutions.ReferencesAgudelo, C. G., Sanati Nezhad, A., Ghanbari, M., Naghavi, M., Packirisamy, M., & Geitmann, A.(2013). T ip C hip: a modular, MEMS‐based platform for experimentation and phenotyping of tip‐growing cells. The Plant Journal, 73(6), 1057-1068.Bascom, C. S., Wu, S. Z., Nelson, K., Oakey, J., & Bezanilla, M. (2016). Long-term growth
. Schofield, J. P. S Badyal, Three-Dimensional HierarchicalStructures for Fog Harvesting, Langmuir, 27, 3798-3802 (2011).4. J. Ju, H. Bai, Y. M. Zheng, T. Y. Zhao, R. C. Fang, L. A. Jiang, Multi-structural and multi-functional integrated fog collection system in cactus, Nat Commun, 3, 1247 (2012).5. A. Khadak, M. N. Uddin, M.M. Rahman, and R. Asmatulu, Enhancing the De-icing Capabilitiesof Carbon Fiber-reinforced Composite Aircraft via Super-hydrophobic Coatings, The Compositesand Advanced Materials Expo (CAMX), October 16-18, Dallas, TX, (2018).6. M. Salahuddin, M. N. Uddin, G. Hwang, and R. Asmatulu, Super hydrophobic PAN Nanofibersfor Gas Diffusion Layers of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells for Cathodic WaterManagement, Int J Hydrogen Energy
characterizations parts of the project, engineering BS, MS and PhDstudents were involved in every step and gained huge hands-on experiences on composite tech-nology. These activities also synchronized the team work ability among different levels of engi-neering students to enhance the engineering educations.Acknowledgement The authors greatly acknowledge Wichita State University for financial and technicalsupport of the present study.References1) Brauning, K. A. “Mitigation of Machining Damage on Delamination of Fiber Reinforced Composite Tensile Coupons,” M.S. Thesis, Wichita State University, May 2013.2) Shirvanimoghaddam, K., Hamim, S. U., Karbalaei Akbari, M., Fakhrhoseini, S. M., Khayyam, H., Pakseresht, A. H., Naebe, M. (2017). Carbon
15, 16 Waste Regulations/Environmental Requirements Slide presentations on incidents and Laws involving waste, Waste module, Watch video on spill clean-up procedures 17 EH&S site visit (guest speaker) Discussion with professionals 18 Emergency Protocols and Management: Part 1: lab Slide presentations on a hazardous waste basics and emergency equipment incident 19 Emergency Protocols and Management: Part 2: Fire safety module, Watch spill response How to identify
quality improvement.ReferencesAbdullah, F. (2006). "The development of HEdPERF: a new measuring instrument of service quality for the higher education sector." International Journal of Consumer Studies, 30(6), 569-581.Allen, I. E., and Seaman, J. (2015). "Grade Level: Tracking Online Education in the United States." Babson Survey Research Group. Babson College, MAAllen, I. E., and Seaman, J. (2014). "Opening the Curriculum: Open Educational Resources in US Higher Education." Babson Survey Research Group. Babson College, MAAlotaibi, F., Weheba, G., and Toy, S. (2016). "Quality in Higher Education: Perceptions of Top Administrators." Journal of Management and Engineering Integration, 9(2), 51-60.Annamdevula, S., and Bellamkonda, R. S
disagreed while another seven students remained neutral. Complementing students’ indication of higher confidence in using MATLAB-Simulink as amodeling tool, the Fall 2018 semester saw a dramatic shift in the simulation package(s) chosenby students for completing the term project (Table 2). A combined 77% of groups usedMATLAB-Simulink for their Modeling Dynamics term project in Fall 2018, compared to 40% inFall 2016 before the course restructuring. Table 2. Term Project Simulation Program Chosen Across the Two Semesters. Number of Groups Choosing: ME722 Groups MSC Adams MATLAB/Simulink Both Fall 2016 10 6 (60%) 1 (10%) 3 (30%) Fall 2018 13
) is a 5-day program offered byMissouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T) to introduce high schoolstudents to various engineering disciplines. The Intro Camp occurs at three different timesduring the summer and typically attracts incoming high school juniors and seniors. The IntroCamp was established with the following goals: (1) increasing students’ knowledge of variousengineering disciplines, (2) enhancing students understanding on how math and science relate tothe field of engineering through hands-on activities, (3) introducing the educational and researchopportunities at Missouri S&T, and (4) preparing high school students for making a thought-outdecision on choosing career or disciplines they want to
working in Kansas rather than exporting themajority out-of-state. The results from Table 3 show that WSU does a better job of producingEngineering graduates who stay in Kansas, proportionally speaking. The second observation is that there was a change in the percentage of the graduates staying andworking in Kansas after about 2015. For WSU, more than 60% of their graduates stayed in Kansasbefore 2015 while they were in the mid- to lower 50%’s after 2015. Somewhat similar trends can beseen for K-State (typically above the 42% average value vs. below average), KU (upper 30%’s vs.lower 30%’s), and the overall results for the three universities (upper 40%’s vs. lower 40%’s). Such atrend suggests that something was happening overall in the Kansas
-letter grade scale into the plus-minus system as follows: the minus part of thegrade for the lower 3 points, the whole letter for the middle 3 points, and the plus part for the upper4 points. For example, a B- would be given for scores of 80 to 82.9, a B for scores of 83 to 85.9,and a B+ for scores of 86 to 89.9. However, grades of A+, F+, or F- were not awarded at WSUProceedings of the 2019 Midwest Section Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education 3under the new system. The university has had a grade replacement policy since the mid 1990’s whereby a student canretake a course up to three times, and the most recent grade
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in the seat.According to the rules from the FSAE 2019 rule book regarding the seat [9]: The driver’s seat must be protected by either having the lowest point on the driver’s seat no lower than the bottom surface of the lower frame rails, or a longitudinal tube(s) that meets the side impact tubing requirements passing under the lowest point of the seat. There must be heat resistant, conduction isolation material with a minimum thickness of 8 mm between a source of heat and the driver of a 25 mm air gap. Radiation isolation must be done with a metal heat shield or a reflective tape when combined with insulation material.According to the rules from the FSAE 2019 rule book regarding the firewall [9]: Be
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Project-Based Approach to Intensify STEM Education Experience – A Case Study * Kishore K. Chidella, Srikanth Kumar Gampa, Abdulrahman Almohaimeed Department of Computer Science University of Nevada Las Vegas, 4505 S. Maryland Pkwy, Las Vegas, NV, 89154 *E-mail: kishore.chidella@unlv.eduAbstractThe evolution of engineering made an impact role in technology. Innovations with recenttechnologies brought a new lifestyle and wide variety of benefits. The engineering is animportant drive to bring the technological innovations, which raised the growth and prosperity ofUnited States (US). To obtain the scientific approach and to
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their medical records are used. Similar to the concept oforgan donation- every person would have the right to decide if their records are kept privatebetween themselves and their doctor(s) or if they can be used as part of a database to benefitfuture patients. With 95% of American adults supporting organ donation, there would mostlikely be a high percentage of people willing to participate in the use of medical databases [15].In order for these databases to be most efficient and beneficial it is important to be as userfriendly as possible. With millions of patient’s data compiled into a single database it will bedifficult to sift through all of it. SHRINE uses filters to search for specific characteristicsincluding age, gender, and diagnosis
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