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Displaying all 9 results
Conference Session
Student Success, Learning Strategies, and Retention in the Aerospace Industry
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Lucas Davis, Iowa State University; Benjamin Ahn, Iowa State University; Yun Dong, Iowa State University; Ravonte Nievez Campbell, Virginia Tech
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andwere seen in prior turnover studies as well. Especially important were the interpersonal support networks,as networks lead to increased productivity, inclusion, and efficiency [15]. Holtom et al. [7] also found thatnetwork groups can improve social embeddedness and lower turnover intentions. This social embeddednesswas defined as access to mentoring and social inclusion, which is further reflected in the welcomingenvironment, close-knit groups, and social events that managers identified in this research. Additionally,social embeddedness involves how the newcomer fits with the team in social aspects, which is supportedby Cloutier et al. [1] and could be considered part of the close-knit groups and social events found in thisresearch. However
Conference Session
Laboratory Courses and Programming in the Aerospace Curriculum
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kathryn Anne Wingate, University of Colorado at Boulder; Aaron W. Johnson, University of Colorado Boulder; Lyndsay Rose Ruane; Dennis Akos
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questions, three map to the environment. Gendered effects of performance in CS areinfluenced by the social environment, whereas programming experience in high school or undergraduateeducation beyond introductory CS is reflective of the opportunity that students have in their pre-collegeenvironment. We also take students’ grades in the linear algebra course to be reflective of theirenvironment, rather than their ability, because the programming assignment we study involved forming anAx = b matrix from a set of equations. Based on students’ difficulty with this concept in class, wehypothesized that having prior knowledge of linear algebra would be helpful on this programmingassignment. And therefore, students who had the opportunity to take advanced
Conference Session
Laboratory Courses and Programming in the Aerospace Curriculum
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Mary E. Johnson Ph.D., Purdue Polytechnic Institute; Tracy L. Yother, Purdue University - Purdue Polytechnic Lafayette
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1 Ask someone (question 1 options k and l combined compared to question 4 option j) 8SummaryThe incorporation of lifelong learning into a hands-on, technology focused, standards driven,engine systems laboratory course was explored in this study. The current assignment of atechnical video was used as the structure to assess lifelong learning in the participants. Thestudent activity was to prepare a reflective assessment of their video assignment and drawconnections to a real-life industry problem that they may face in their first few years in theircareers. The results of the assessment show that students are able to identify resources used in aclass assignment and are able to project which resources
Conference Session
Laboratory Courses and Programming in the Aerospace Curriculum
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Waterloo Tsutsui, Purdue University at West Lafayette; Ruben D. Lopez-Parra, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Genisson Silva Coutinho, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Bahia; Alberto W. Mello, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; Michael David Sangid, Purdue University; Tamara J. Moore, Purdue University at West Lafayette
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actual labs and give a good visual of what to expect on the actual lab day.”Instructor Reflection about the VL ImplementationThe AAE 20401 instructor shared his experience during the VL implementation. The instructorspecifically talked about the challenging issues that he faced during the implementation. “When we first received the Virtual Lab software (Spring 2018), we received the prototype version of the software. Thus, it needed some work before implementing it in the student learning environment. In Spring 2018, we had graduate student lab TAs run the prototype VL program so that we can get a proper feedback. Then, during Summer 2018, I hired one graduate student to go through all the functionality of VLs
Conference Session
Aerospace Student Projects, Engineering Design and Research
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Wilhelm A. Friess, University of Maine
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to ABET [1] are required to incorporate appropriate engineeringstandards and multiple constraints, and be based on the knowledge and skills acquired in earliercourses. The courses typically consist of a design-build-test sequence [2], where students arerequired to follow through the entire design process in addition to building and verifying theintended performance of the project.Mechanical engineering capstone projects reflect the broad nature of the profession, and as suchcan originate from many different fields. The overlap of Aerospace Engineering and mechanicalEngineering in particular generates a variety of capstone projects that typically are of highinterest to the students. However, a requirement for senior design courses is that the
Conference Session
Aerospace Student Projects, Engineering Design and Research
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kuldeep S Rawat, Elizabeth City State University; Chandra Bhushan Asthana P.E., Elizabeth City State University
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statistically significant effect ontheir self-efficacy, matched-pairs t-tests were performed on the six items. The results, shown inTable 4, revealed statistically significant increases in self-efficacy after the hands-on experiencefor each item. Not surprisingly, the students were very confident in their general knowledgeabout the drone assembly/building process but somewhat less confident in detail knowledgeregarding specific components. Given that all of the students reported being more interested inSTEM-related areas as a result of this camp and 64% were interested in participating in a similarcamp, this lack of confidence reflects a desire to learn more about drones to gain that confidence.Students responded on a three-point Likert Scale to each
Conference Session
Aerospace Design and Manufacturing (Student Papers)
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Maria Baklund, University of St. Thomas; MiKyla Jean Harjamaki, Playful Learning Lab; Hannah French; Patrick Roche, University of St. Thomas; Collin John Goldbach, Playful Learning Lab; Cullen Charles Kittams, University of St. Thomas ; Molly Roche, University of St. Thomas; Deborah Besser P.E., University of St. Thomas; Damian Kulash Jr., OK Go; Jeff Jalkio, University of St. Thomas; Annmarie Thomas, University of St. Thomas
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information; (2) The design and execution of the two winning ideas: Cosmic Song and Dark Origin; (3) A reflection on the opportunities and challenges of running and participating in this project as an undergraduate research experience. We will share lessons learned from this project in terms of promoting creativeengineering opportunities for a K-12 audience and regarding empowering undergraduate studentsto play lead roles in aerospace engineering projects. Additionally, we will discuss detailedinformation, including schematics, of the two payloads.Introduction The title of this international contest was “Art in Space.” It was inspired by the rock bandOK Go’s music video “Upside Down and Inside Out,” which was filmed in
Conference Session
Aerospace Student Projects, Engineering Design and Research
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Mohammad H. Sadraey, Southern New Hampshire University
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2 ft x 2 ft interlocking rubber mats. It is intended to protect the drones fromdrop impacts to the floor and to reduce reflections off of the floor. The lab is equipped with 17 ft (length)x 20 ft (height) of netting that is required to protect the users from autonomous vehicles operating in theworkspace. This netting can be attached to the ceiling, or the net can be secured at the base - using tablelegs, and wall hooks - to ensure that the net is taut. Figure 2. A sample of the mission server control window for a testing setup 7 The ground station QDrone mission server employs a matlab/Simulink-based software package. In each flight, the matlab Simulink software is employed
Conference Session
Aerospace Design and Manufacturing (Student Papers)
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
John Vincent Kronenberger, Oregon Institute of Technology; David E. Culler, Oregon Institute of Technology; Alexander Max Ferere, Oregon Institute of Technology
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modules and gather feedback from students for future improvements.Introduction and BackgroundAdvances in machine tool technology, CAD/CAM integration, 3D Printing, and Industry 4.0initiatives are forcing manufacturers across the board to reflect and reevaluate how they designand implement components and assemblies of all kinds. Because of the nature of aerospace partsin general (geometric complexity,tight tolerances, and hard materials)as well as strict industry and FAAguidelines, the use of multi-purposeand multi-axis machines andspecialized cutting tools along withthe ability to inspect parts right onthe machine are a necessity. Thereis a need for more practical andcurrent educational materials thataddress this paradigm shift towarddesigning