information: 1) major targeting, 2) previous information about thehiring pool, and 3) recruiter experiences or extra information. Major targeting questionsencompassed answers about which, if any, major(s) companies specifically looked to hire or nothire at the career fair. These questions held basis in the fact that company profiles for the careerfair website included a list titled “Majors Hiring” [5]. Questions under ‘previous information’included answers about any information the recruiters had about the major or students beforevisiting the university. This information could come from the university itself, digitally orhardcopy, through word of mouth or from first hand experiences. The final category, recruiterexperiences, comprised a catch all of
, andcommunicate their understanding of the topic to others.For each lab module, students were provided with one or two research or technical article(s)relevant to the topic of the given lab module. Students were asked to read the assigned paper(s)outside of class prior to each lab module. During the first lab session of each lab module, theywere tasked to develop a “consensus concept map” as a team using Cmap software (IHMC). Themain goals of the concept mapping were to allow students to identify what knowledge they doand do not have, actively look up the meanings of any unknown terms, communicate and discusswhat they have learned, and finally organize concepts in a meaningful way to represent the topicin a team setting. This approach was chosen to
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notcomplete a humanitarian engineering project and compare those results to the existing data ofstudents who did experience such a project.AcknowledgementsThe authors are indebted to the Mid-Ohio Foodbank for their vision to create healthier, hunger-free communities. This work was supported by KEEN-ICE grant from the Kern FamilyFoundation. This work is also supported by Hatch project no. OHO01342 / accession no.1003938 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings,conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and donot necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.References[1] J. Roy, “Engineering by the Numbers,” ASEE Dept. of Institutional Research
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first marker 17 10 1 4 8 1 17 Figure 2. Timeline of average player movements through the irrigation simulation in Agpocalypse 2050.3.2. Focus Group The goals of the focus group were to discover what types of discussions took place, andthe basic knowledge retention of the students. Students were asked if they discussed the gamewith someone else, their relationship with that person(s), the topic of the discussion, and whatabout the game caused them to discuss it with others. All four students discussed the game withat least one person. Four discussed with a parent/guardian and three discussed with at least onefriend. The following responses were given when asked what the topic of their