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Conference Session
ECCD - Technical Session 6 - Energy & Thermodynamics
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
John R. Reisel, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
textbook for the students tosolve and submit. After the assignments were collected, the instructor would grade two of the 50 Students Completing 45 40 35 30 Course 25 20 15 10 5 0 F S S F S F S F S F S F S F S F S F 10 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17
Conference Session
ECCD Technical Session 5: Energy and Wind and Design
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Maher Shehadi, Purdue Polytechnic Institute
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
                 (2)where I is the improvement factor, and the subscripts s and u stand for shaded and unshadedCOP, respectively.     Figure 1. Thermocouples wrapped on the refrigerant pipes across the condenser. Note the temperature of the pipe leaving the condenser was used; the one entering the condenser was measured for reference purposes only    Figure 2. Canopy used to shade the condenser For the simulated part of the study, data for a 3-TR unit were simulated from Carrier website[10] and the results were compared to the experimental
Conference Session
ECCD - Technical Session 1 - Energy & Electrical Engineering
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Abdullah Al Hadi, Texas A&M University-Kingsville; Rajab Challoo, Texas A&M University-Kingsville
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
V solid-state against a conventional low-frequency distribution transformer," 2014 IEEE Energy Convers Congress and Expo (ECCE), Pittsburgh, PA, 2014, pp. 4545-4552. doi: 10.1109/ECCE.2014.6954023.[3] C. Nan and R. Ayyanar, "Dual active bridge converter with PWM control for solid state transformer application," 2013 IEEEEnergy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Denver, CO, 2013, pp.4747-4753.doi: 10.1109/ECCE.2013.6647338.[4] L. Wang, D. Zhang, Y. Wang, B. Wu, and H. S. Athab, "Power and Voltage Balance Control of a Novel Three-Phase Solid-State Transformer Using Multilevel Cascaded H-Bridge Inverters for Microgrid Applications," in IEEE Transactions on PowerElectronics, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 3289-3301, April 2016. doi: 10.1109/TPEL
Conference Session
Green Energy Manufacturing and Sustainable Energy Management
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jung-Uk Lim, Liberty University; Kyung K. Bae, Liberty University; Hector E. Medina, Liberty University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation, Manufacturing
theAPVAWT capstone team has passed will be introduced to show how the engineering students ofthe team design and build the APVAWT system with the Liberty art students. 2.1 Decision Gate 1 – Stakeholder RequirementsThe 1st decision gate is to identify and confirm stakeholder requirements that guide the capstoneteam in understanding what is needed to be accomplished for the project and the class. Here,stakeholders represent all entities who are involved in this project: the capstone team, theclient(s), and the class instructor. Table 1 shows stakeholder requirements the team presentedand is required to fulfill. Table 1 – Stakeholder Requirements for Design and Construction of the APVAWT Task ID Name Description
Conference Session
ECCD - Technical Session 1 - Energy & Electrical Engineering
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Aman Luthra, University of Georgia; Tom Lawrence P.E., University of Georgia; John M. Mativo, University of Georgia
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
which corresponded to speed-limit changesbetween roads along the driven route. These sections are highlighted in Figure 2 by sudden dropsand spikes of the car velocity where a stoplight, stop sign, or turn was encountered. The recordedreadings were grouped 1-8, 9-18, 19-25, 26-34, 35-45, 46-66, 67-85, 86-103, 104-124, 125-130,131-133, 134-149, 150-158, 159-165, 166-173, and 174-183 to make up the sixteen sections. Figure 3: Car velocity (m/s) versus anemometer reading (m/s) In Figure 4, the average car velocities of the readings in each section, shown as bluemarkers, were calculated and plotted versus the average air velocity recorded in the anemometerof each section, shown as red markers. The plotted values are in
Conference Session
ECCD Technical Session 5: Energy and Wind and Design
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Joseph C. Rodriguez, United States Coast Guard Academy; Scott C. Pierce, United States Coast Guard Academy; Brennen McCulloch; George McBurney, United States Coast Guard Academy; Tooran Emami Ph. D., United States Coast Guard Academy
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
Paper ID #29290Hybrid Green Vessel DesignJoseph C Rodriguez, United States Coast Guard AcademyScott C. Pierce, U.S. Coast Guard AcademyBrennen McCullochMr. George McBurney, United States Coast Guard Academy Mechanical engineer at the United States Coast Guard AcademyDr. Tooran Emami, U.S. Coast Guard Academy Tooran Emami is an associate professor of Electrical Engineering at the U. S. Coast Guard Academy. She received M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Wichita State University in 2006 and 2009, respectively. Dr. Emami was an adjunct faculty member of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Conference Session
ECCD - Technical Session 6 - Energy & Thermodynamics
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Farshid Zabihian, California State University, Sacramento
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
4.37 4.57 Q 18 4.05 4.43 Q 19 4.84 4.43 Q 20 4.79 4.71 Q 21 4.16 4.43 Q 22 4.05 4.57 Average 4.4 4.5Q 1: I attended class regularly.Q 2: I prepared for class (e.g., assigned readings, online materials, etc.).Q 3: I completed the assigned work for the class.Q 4: I asked the instructor for help/guidance when I needed it.Q 5: The textbook(s) and other course resources enhanced my understanding of
Conference Session
ECCD Technical Session 3: Energy and Multidisciplinary
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Saeed D. Foroudastan, Middle Tennessee State University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
toparticipate at the national and international level.References[1] S. Foroudastan, “Mechanical engineering education: Not just about the math,” IMECE Conference Proceedings, November 2004.[2] National Academy of Engineers, “Make solar energy economical,” in Grand Challenges for Engineering, May 2011.[3] S. Foroudastan, Engineering Technology Department Exit Survey, MTSU, 2015.[4] S. Foroudastan, “Enhancing undergraduate performance through peer-led, team-learning (PL-TL),” ASEE Conference Proceedings, 2009.[5] S. Foroudastan, R. Klapper, and S. Hyde, “Intercollegiate design competitions and Middle Tennessee State University’s machine shop: Kindling
Conference Session
ECCD - Technical Session 6 - Energy & Thermodynamics
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Abhijit Nagchaudhuri, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
efficiency possible from the powercycle? 1 4 3 2 Figure 3a: T-S diagram for Rankine Cycle Figure 3b: Devices in Rankine Power CycleThe temperature entropy (T-S) diagram and the states at the inlet and outlet of the devices areshown in Figures 3a and 3b. For maximum efficiency it can be surmised the power plant willoperate under a Rankine cycle with an isentropic turbine and pump. Ignoring the kinetic and Figure 4a: State Panel (Given P = 2MPa and T=400oC determines all other properties)potential energy effects, the efficiency can be determined using Equation (1) with the enthalpiesat all the states: (ℎ1−ℎ2)−(ℎ4−ℎ3) 𝑛
Conference Session
ECCD Technical Session 4: Energy and Analysis
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Arash Kialashaki, California State University, Chico
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
course. In addition, most of the available scholarly work on EngineeringThermodynamics course focus on incorporating new teaching methods such as using videomedia [6], implementing experiential learning model [7], and developing MATLAB Functions[8] for improvement of student learning in the course. For instance, A. Karimi and R. Manteufelconducted and experiment by implementing Flipped Classroom Concept in their teaching of theThermodynamics course [9]. As another example, A. Smith and S. Brauer presented an alternateapproach to convey the conceptual content of the Thermodynamics course. They played anonline quiz game, called Kahoot!, to reinforce the content covered in the reading assignments[10].Author of the current paper believes in
Conference Session
ECCD - Technical Session 1 - Energy & Electrical Engineering
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Radian G. Belu, Southern University and A&M College; Lucian Ionel Cioca, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
=110_cong_bills&docid=f:h6enr.txt.pdf; Or, at M. Kezunovic, V. Vittal, S. Melitopoulos and T. Mount, “The big picture”, IEEE Power Energy Mag. Vol. 10(4), 2012, pp. 22-34.4. O. Zinaman, M. Miller, A. Adil, D. Arent et al., “Power Systems of the Future”, The Electricity Journal, Vol. 28(2), 2015, pp. 113-126. G. T. Heydt, S. S. Venkata, G. A. Gross, and P. W. Sauer, “Promoting the Power Engineering Profession through the IEEE Power Engineering Society”, IEEE Power Engineering Review, January 2000, pp. 17-21.5. P. Sauer, E. O’Neill, A. Pahwa, B. Malahowski, Y. Makarov, G. Rodriguez, R. Brush, J. Estey, I. Barras, “Model power engineering curriculum for the 21st century”, IEEE
Conference Session
ECCD Technical Session 3: Energy and Multidisciplinary
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Joana Marques Melo, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Cynthia Howard-Reed, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Catherine G.P. Berdanier, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) under Award No. P200A180031.Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are thoseof the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Energy or theU.S. Department of Education.The authors would like to thank Dr. James Freihaut for his advice during the development of thepresented Excel tool.References[1] V. Jones and J. H. Jo, “Ubiquitous learning environment: An adaptive teaching system using ubiquitous technology,” in Beyond the comfort zone: Proceedings of the 21st ASCILITE Conference, 2004, vol. 468, p. 474, [Online]. Available:[2] T. L
Conference Session
ECCD Technical Session 3: Energy and Multidisciplinary
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Radian G. Belu, Southern University and A&M College; Fred Lacy, Southern University and A&M College
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
Conference, June 14, 2014,Indianapolis, IN, USA. 3. Next Generation Science Standards,, accessed on 12/10/2014. 4. F. C. Berry, P. S. DiPiazza and S. L. Sauer, “The future of electrical and computer engineering education," IEEETransaction on Education, Vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 467-476, 2003. 5. G. Gross, G.T. Heydt, P. Sauer P. and V. Vittal, “Some reflections on the status and trends in power engineeringeducation, IERE Workshop: The next generation of power engineers and researchers”, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,10 Oct. 2003. 6. G. Joós, “Training Future Power Engineers”, IEEE Power and Energy, Jan./Feb. 2005, pp 38-47. 7. D. Ray, and F. Wayno, “Collaboration to Facilitate Research and Education in a
Conference Session
Green Energy Manufacturing and Sustainable Energy Management
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Richard Chiou, Drexel University; Toshika Fegade, Drexel University; Yu-Chieh (Jamie) Wu, Drexel University ; Tzu-Liang Bill Tseng, University of Texas at El Paso; Michael G. Mauk, Drexel University; Irina Nicoleta Ciobanescu Husanu, Drexel University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation, Manufacturing
. Eng. Educ. 2015, 23, 846–853.[9] Vergara, D., Rubio, M.P., and Lorenzo, M., “Multidisciplinary methodology for improving students’ spatialabilities in technical drawing,” Sci. J. Educ. Technol. 2015, 5, 1–8. 39.[10] Villagrasa, S., Fonseca, D., and Durán, J., “Teaching case: Applying gamification techniques and virtual realityfor learning building engineering 3D arts,” Proceedings of the Second International Conference on TechnologicalEcosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality, Salamanca, Spain, 1–3 October 2014; ACM: New York, NY, USA, pp.171–177.[11] Fletcher, C., Ritchie, J. M., and Lim, T., “Virtual machining and expert knowledge capture. Paper presented atDigital Engagement 2011, Newcastle, United Kingdom. Mujber, T. S., T. Szecsi, and
Conference Session
ECCD Technical Session 5: Energy and Wind and Design
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Reg Pecen, Sam Houston State University; Keith L. Coogler, Sam Houston State University; Faruk Yildiz, Sam Houston State University; Ulan Dakeev, Sam Houston State University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
the MRRT project. Finally undergraduate junior and senior students, Rachel Ross,Gerardo Rodriguez, Pathik Patel, Brandon Foster, and Zachary Schultheis in addition to one ofthe authors, Lance Sebesta, are greatly appreciated for their hard work and contribution to theproject.References[1] Kondracki, R., Collins C., Habbab, K. (2014). Solar Powered Charging Station. ProceedingsASEE 2014 Zone I Conference, April 3-5, 2014.[2] Qazi, S. (2017). Chapter 3 - Mobile Photovoltaic Systems for Disaster Relief and Remote Areas,Editor(s): Qazi, S., Standalone Photovoltaic (PV) Systems for Disaster Relief and Remote Areas, Elsevier,2017, pp. 83-112, ISBN 9780128030226,[3] W. R. Young (2008
Conference Session
ECCD - Technical Session 2 - Solar Energy
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Brittany Weber, Renewable Energy Society; Katelyn Renee Dunnagan , Renewable Energy Society ; Matthew Aldeman, Illinois State University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
components and ensuring all the specs were correct. Figure 5: Base design The final aspect of the design process was to create our own custom-fit solar moduletransportation unit in a second wagon. We came up with the idea to cut notches into plywoodpieces to create “fingers” that would support the individual modules and keep them separatedduring transportation. The pieces of plywood would be held in place by shelf support brackets.Then, to ensure the stability of the modules we would secure 2×4’s around the perimeter of theplywood. The end 2×4 was designed with a wing nut to be able to open and close the back endto remove and replace the modules for use. Pipe insulation sleeves would be used to cushion
Conference Session
ECCD - Technical Session 2 - Solar Energy
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Saeed Sean Monemi, California State Polytechnic University Pomona
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
Arduino could be looked into for minimizing powerlosses. The H-bridge could have its speed modified in relation to the events of external andenvironmental influences. For edcational studies, we recommend providing details about the economic analysis for theproject in order to obtain a much more profound understanding of how much the rate of return ofthe investment will be available to the owner. First step is to find the set-up cost, which is a one-time expense to include the initial cost of developing the solar panel unit(s); equipment used,shipping cost, and installation or any labor costs associated with the construction of the unit(s).There is also the consideration of annual operation and maintenance costs that need to be takeninto
Conference Session
ECCD Technical Session 4: Energy and Analysis
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Lisa Bosman, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Jennifer Brinker, Northeast Wisconsin Technical College; Kenneth Walz, Madison Area Technical College
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
and the City ofFreiburg im Breisgau for their help in facilitating the CREATE Germany program.6. References[1] L. Quitzow, W. Canzler, P. Grundmann, M. Leibenath, T. Moss, and T. Rave, "The German Energiewende–What's happening? Introducing the special issue," ed: Elsevier, 2016.[2] W. Fischer, J.-F. Hake, W. Kuckshinrichs, T. Schröder, and S. Venghaus, "German energy policy and the way to sustainability: Five controversial issues in the debate on the “Energiewende”," Energy, vol. 115, pp. 1580-1591, 2016.[3] L. Gailing and A. Röhring, "Germany’s Energiewende and the spatial reconfiguration of an energy system," in Conceptualizing Germany’s Energy Transition, ed: Springer, 2016, pp. 11-20.[4
Conference Session
ECCD Technical Session 4: Energy and Analysis
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Hitesh D. Vora, Oklahoma State University; Pragya Niraula, Oklahoma State University; Amrit Sunil Chugani, Oklahoma State University; Nilesh Anil Baraskar, Oklahoma State University; Anusha Sunil Saraf, Oklahoma State University; Michael L. McCombs, Oklahoma State University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
Conference Session
ECCD Technical Session 4: Energy and Analysis
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Hayrettin B. Karayaka, Western Carolina University; Chip W. Ferguson, Western Carolina University; Amber C. Thompson, Western Carolina University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
; Ferguson, C. W. (2019) Project Based Learning Program for Nuclear Workforce Development Phase I: Outreach, Recruiting, and Selection. ASEE General Conference, Conference Proceedings, Tampa, FL.2. Sutton, H. (2017). Reframe your advising pathways to maximize adult completion. Recruiting & Retaining Adult Learners, 19(4), 1–53. Eastman, M. G., Christman, J., Zion, G. H., & Yerrick, R. (2017). To educate engineers or to engineer educators?: Exploring access to engineering careers. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 54(7), 884-9134. Shadding, C. R., Whittington, D., Wallace, L. E., Wandu, W. S., & Wilson, R. K. (2016). Cost-effective recruitment strategies that attract underrepresented minority
Conference Session
ECCD Technical Session 3: Energy and Multidisciplinary
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Claudia Torres Garibay, Oregon Institute of Technology; Jessica Kerby, Oregon Institute of Technology; Andrew Powers Minigan, Right Question Institute
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
the unique contribution of the QFT to student achievement and learning.8. References[1] “Fostering doctoral students’ ability to improve their research question formulation skills and advance impactful research,” Adv. Eng. Educ. (in review)[2] D. Rothstein and L. Santana, Make just one change: Teach students to ask their own questions. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press, 2011.[3] D. Rothstein, L. Santana, and A. P. Minigan, “Making questions flow,” Educ. Leadersh., vol. 73, no. 1, pp. 10–75, 2015.[4] A. P. Minigan, S. Westbrook, D. Rothstein, and L. Santana, “Stimulating and sustaining inquiry with students’ questions,” Soc. Educ., vol. 81, pp. 268–272, 2017.[5] H. J. LeBlanc, K. Nepal, and G. S. Mowry
Conference Session
ECCD - Technical Session 2 - Solar Energy
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kenneth A. Walz, Madison Area Technical College; Joel B. Shoemaker, Madison Area Technical College; Steven Michael Ansorge, Madison Area Technical College; Adam Gusse, Sunvest Solar, Inc; Nicholas J. Hylla, Midwest Renewable Energy Association
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
ahead to design a solar system for educational access.Educational access will likely require design considerations and expenses beyond that of aconventional commercial solar installation. Educational access may also require additionaltechnical experts or sub-contractors to work on the design and installation of the system.Engagement of the school’s facility managers and faculty members early in the process isessential. Dialogue between these parties and the solar developer can maximize the educationalbenefits of a solar installation.Potential Educational AudiencesWhen designing solar PV systems for educational use, the first step is to consider who theintended educational audience(s) might be. A possible list of educational activities
Conference Session
ECCD Technical Session 5: Energy and Wind and Design
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Michael F. MacCarthy, Mercer University; Michelle E. Graham, Mercer University; Gabriel Xavier Ramirez, Mercer University; Alviez Aziz Chagan, Mercer University; Kyla T. Semmendinger, Cornell University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
developed to further the adoption of energy-saving options in middle- to low-income communities. Example activities for project output 5 (ongoing as of Spring 2020) include:implementing formative research study activities, including interviews and survey(s); development ofmessage maps for specific target audiences (e.g. homeowners, small contractors, etc.); anddevelopment of social marketing promotional materials. Students in Mercer University’s GreenEngineering course are introduced to social marketing and messaging maps, studying numerous casestudies related to the environment, and participating in the development of this project output.Figure 3: an example Message Map developed to promote household energy efficiencyand low-cost solar PV systems