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Displaying all 18 results
Conference Session
Inventive Opportunities for Research and Exposure
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Pamela McLeod, ReNUWIt at Stanford University; Junko Munakata Marr, Colorado School of Mines; Richard G. Luthy, Stanford University
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Environmental Engineering
. Applications were considered complete if they included an application form,personal statement, unofficial transcript(s), and at least one letter of recommendation.Applicant review occurred in two phases: initial screening and PI/mentor review. During theinitial screening, personal statements and recommendation letters were read by the screeningcommittee and scored via a shared rubric. The screening committee was comprised of the REUProgram Director and graduate students and postdoctoral researchers within ReNUWIt. Effortswere made to ensure that each application was read by the REU Program Director and at leastone other individual on the committee. At the end of the initial screening, each application wasbinned as “Yes,” “Maybe,” or “No.”Following the
Conference Session
A Focus on Sustainability
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Inez Hua, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Monica E. Cardella, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
Recovery Dismantle & Remanufactur OEM e Reuse Retail/Service Provider Maintain/ Prolong User s Collection End of Life Landfill Incineration (with or without energy recovery)Figure 1
Conference Session
Innovative Approaches to Improving Student Learning
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Alison Cupples, Michigan State University
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
175 students (2019) 40 20 0 Appl Eng S Chem Eng Civil Eng Env Eng Math Other MajorFigure 1. The composition (by year and major) of the class in the control year (2015) comparedto the study year (2019).Video TutorialsDuring the summer of 2019, eighteen video tutorials (8-12 minutes long each) were generated bythe author using audio recording with Microsoft PowerPoint. The PowerPoint slides includedtyped text with animations, typed equations, annotations generated with a stylus pen anddiagrams from the textbook or from
Conference Session
A Focus on Sustainability
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Azadeh Bolhari P.E., Angelo State University; Daniel Ivan Castaneda, James Madison University; Kenneth Stewart, Angelo State University
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Environmental Engineering
funded by the National Science Foundation Award # 1744006. The authors aregrateful to the help provided by the following research students at Angelo State University: JesseLee, Maria Ochoa, Austin Poole, Nicholas Manrique and Timmons (TJ) Spies.References[1] ODPM, 2004. The Egan Review: skills for sustainable communities. London: Office of theDeputy Prime Minister.[2] AlWaer, H., R. Bickerton, and R. D. Kirk. 2014. Examining the Components Required forAssessing the Sustainability of Communities in the UK. J Archit Plann Res. 31 (1): 1–26.[3] Male, S. A. 2010. Generic Engineering Competencies: A Review and Modelling Approach.Education Research and Perspectives, 37(1), 25-51.[4] Ritchie, H., Sheppard, A., Croft, N., Peel, D. 2017. Planning
Conference Session
Innovative Approaches to Improving Student Learning
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Matthew James Scarborough, University of Vermont; Katherine D. McMahon, University of Wisconsin, Madison
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Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
to switching sources. 2. AN EXAMPLE OF A LEAD COMPLEX: PLATTERNITE. Lead pipes are made of Pb0. This form of solid lead is readily oxidized to many lead compounds, including plattnerite (PbO2(s)). When lead pipe is stored above ground, a layer of PbO 2(s) can form before the pipe is installed. When exposed to water, PbO 2(s) can be reduced to Pb2+ which is soluble in water. (a) Write the redox half reaction for the reduction of PbO 2(s) to Pb2+. (b) Write the redox half reaction for the oxidation of H 2O to O2. (c) Write the overall chemical reaction for the conversion of PbO 2(s) to Pb2+ in the presence of H2O. 3. PREVENTING LEAD LEACHING WITH ORTHOPHOSPHATE. Orthophosphate can (and should
Conference Session
Best in 5 Minutes: Demonstrating Interactive Teaching Activities
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Scott A Civjan P.E., University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering
many tours need tobe scheduled for the class. Determine whether safety equipment needs to be provided by theinstructor or is available at the site. Typically it must be provided, and alumni and companiesassociated with the department are often willing to make donations toward these student learningopportunities. Also confirm whether there are any weather restrictions on the site tour. In generalthe author has found that they can occur in almost any weather so long as some decking is inplace to shelter the tour.After this meeting, plan a short follow up meeting to schedule the tour(s) and talk through whatyour expectations are. Find out any restrictions and talk through what will be shown on the tour.Determine whether the tour will be co-led or
Conference Session
Innovative Approaches to Improving Student Learning
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Cara J. Poor, University of Portland; Heather Dillon, University of Portland; Jeffrey Matthew Welch, University of Portland; Nicole C. Ralston, University of Portland
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Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
for this work was provided by the Kern Engineering Education Network (KEEN) aspart of a grant to the University of Portland.References1. Hyde, R.A., and Karney, B.W. (2001). Environmental Education Research: Implications for Engineering Education. Journal of Engineering Education 90(2): 267-275.2. Rugarcia, A., Felder, R.M., Woods, D.R., and Stice, J.E. (2000). The Future of Engineering Education I. Vision for a New Century. Chemical Engineering Education 34(1): 16-25.3. Felder, R.M., Woods, D.R., Stice, J.E., and Rugarcia, A. (2000). The Future of Engineering Education II. Teaching Methods That Work. Chemical Engineering Education 34(1): 26-39.4. Grasso, D., Callahan, K.M., and Doucett, S. (2004). Defining
Conference Session
Emphasizing Communication and the Humanities in Environmental Engineering
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sarah K. Bauer, Rowan University
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Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
andunderstanding of the broader context of various environmental engineering work, this study willcontinue in subsequent semesters and will include comment sections for students to provideexamples when responding to various survey statements. Additionally, in future semesters,direct measurement assessment methods (i.e., problem-solving challenges and open-endedassessment questions) will be added to this study.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) underIUSE/PFE:RED Grant No. 1623053. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of NSF.References[1] C. S. Pedersen, “The U.N. Sustainable
Conference Session
Emphasizing Communication and the Humanities in Environmental Engineering
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Caleb James McCollum, United States Military Academy; Andrew Ross Pfluger, United States Military Academy; Michael A. Butkus, United States Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
communication courses: Students are required to take Exposition and Argumentation (English 1120) during the freshman year. Students are also required to take one of four communication-related courses: Engineering Communications and Computations Missouri University of (CIV ENG 2003), Writing and Research (English 1160), Technical Writing Science and Technology (English 3560), or Principles of Speech (SP&M S 1185).
Conference Session
Emphasizing Communication and the Humanities in Environmental Engineering
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Roman Taraban, Texas Tech University; David Robledo, Texas Tech University; Francesco V. Donato, Texas Tech University; Ryan C. Campbell, Texas Tech University; Jeong-Hee Kim, Texas Tech University; Danny D. Reible, Texas Tech University; Chongzheng Na, Texas Tech University
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
predictions for4 1/Art 1 (i.e., row 1, columns 2-5, shaded in blue), suggest that three students (S3, S4, S9)carried forward (repeated) significant content from Art 1 (Week 1) into subsequent essays. Asimilar pattern appears for S7, whose essays were nearly all classified as Week 3, suggesting thatthere was very little change in what this student was reporting across the homework essays.Basically, the algorithm could not detect significant shifts in the content of that student’s essays.Table 1. Confusion Matrix for Naïve Bayes Predictions for the Week Students ComposedArt and Narrative Essays. Students are shown as S#, e.g., S1. ACTUAL
Conference Session
Inventive Opportunities for Research and Exposure
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Inez Hua, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Loring Nies, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Lindsey B. Payne, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
Semester(s) Taught (*to be taught) 1 Direct Potabilization Spring 2016, Spring 2017 2 Recover Value from Solid Waste Spring 2016, Spring 2017, Spring 2018 3 Discovering Green Chemistry Spring 2016 4 The Internet of Sustainability Fall 2016, Fall 2017 5 Data Analytics for Energy Fall 2016, Spring 2018 6 Modeling Complexity Fall 2016, Fall 2017, Spring 2019* 7 Deconstructing a Garbage Gyre Spring 2017 8 Environmental Impact in Automotive Systems
Conference Session
Best in 5 Minutes: Demonstrating Interactive Teaching Activities
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Michael A. Butkus, United States Military Academy; Anand Deju Shetty, United States Military Academy; Benjamin Michael Wallen P.E., United States Military Academy; Nathaniel Sheehan, United States Military Academy; Andrew Ross Pfluger, United States Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering
isotherms of phenol andchlorophenols onto granular activated carbon: Part I. Two-parameter models and equationsallowing determination of thermodynamic parameters. J. Haz Mat., 147, 381-394.Hutchins, R.A. (1974) New Method Simplifies Design of Activated Carbon Systems. Chem.Engr., 80, 133-138.Langmuir, I. (1918) The adsorption of gases on plane surfaces of glass, mica, and platinum, J.Am. Chem. Soc., 40, 1361-1402.Pfluger, A., D.M. Roux, and M.A. Butkus. (2012) “A Hands-On Experience in Air PollutionEngineering Courses: Implementing an Effective Indoor Air Pollution Project,” Proceedings ofthe 2012 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, American Society forEngineering Education, San Antonia, TX.Senthilkumaar, S., Kalaamani, P
Conference Session
Best in 5 Minutes: Demonstrating Interactive Teaching Activities
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Timothy Aaron Wood, The Citadel
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering
. Discovery Press, 2019.[2] L. W. Anderson et al., A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Abridged Edition, 1 edition. New York: Pearson, 2000.[3] D. Sayers, The Lost Tools of Learning, 1 edition. Fig, 2011.[4] C. S. Dweck, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, Reprint, Updated edition. New York: Ballantine Books, 2007.[5] J. Dunnicliff and D. U. Deere, Eds., Judgment in Geotechnical Engineering: The Professional Legacy of Ralph B. Peck, 1 edition. New York: Wiley-Interscience, 1984.
Conference Session
Innovative Development for Various Faculty Lines
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Shannon L. Isovitsch Parks P.E., University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering, Faculty Development Division
discussion on the significance of the service activity.The completed portfolio is submitted not only to the Peer Review Committee but also to ExternalReferee(s). For contract renewal, at least one External Referee will be determined by the candidate aswell as the division chairperson. In cases of tenure, the candidate will recommend three ExternalReferees and the division chairperson will select an additional three External Referees. The yearfollowing the portfolio submission the faculty member is observed in the classroom by at least threetenured faculty from the division (any field of engineering or computer science).SupportThe small branch campus has offered a positive experience, particularly in providing a supportivedepartmental culture where
Conference Session
Best in 5 Minutes: Demonstrating Interactive Teaching Activities
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Anthony Battistini, Angelo State University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering
centerline of the bolts as well as increasing the longitudinal spacing from bolt to bolt. Teaching Point #3: Explain that AISC has minimum requirements for these distances to help minimize the impact of shear tearout failures, but engineers still need to calculate this limit state. Compare the geometry of the tearout strength member to the more typically spaced bearing strength member to show how small edge distances lead to tearout. Tell students these construction limits will be covered in the upcoming lesson(s) on bolt limit states.Now have the student volunteer place a thumb inside each of the edge bolt holes in the bearingstrength member and put the member into some tension- enough to cause some deformation
Conference Session
Innovative Development for Various Faculty Lines
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jes Barron, U.S. Military Academy; Andrew Ross Pfluger, U.S. Military Academy; Kathryn K Pegues, United States Military Academy; Thomas Bazemore
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering, Faculty Development Division
Point)’s unique faculty composition consists of professionalmilitary faculty, permanent military faculty, and civilian faculty is known as the “blend ofexcellence”. The majority of West Point faculty (~55%) are military officers serving for a two-to-three-year period. These military faculty are professional faculty members serving in acapacity similar to adjunct faculty or non-tenured teaching faculty at other universities. Eachtype of faculty member brings unique skills and talents to the faculty team that contribute to theoverall development of West Point’s undergraduates who serve as military officers upongraduation. In spring 2019, West Point faculty members were asked to share their thoughts andperspectives on the faculty development of
Conference Session
A Focus on Sustainability
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Anand Raj, University of Texas at El Paso; Peter Golding, University of Texas at El Paso; Diane Elisa Golding, University of Texas at El Paso; Scott A. Starks, University of Texas at El Paso; Luis Rene Contreras Sapien, University of Texas at El Paso; Suzan Aranda Luna, University of Texas at El Paso
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Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
Learning, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 44–53, 2001.[6] login. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 30-Jan-2020].[7] Economic Modeling Specialists Intl., “Demonstrating the Economic Value of The Universityof Texas at El Paso,” January, 2015.[8] B. M. Hudson, “Regional Economic Effects Of Higher Education,” vol. 8, pp. 181–194,1974.[9] “Accounting and Financial Reporting,” UTEP. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 30-Jan-2020].[10] J. Sproul, “Meeting Water Needs at Rio Bosque Wetlands Park : Strategies Involving ElPaso Water Utilities”, 2011.[11] S. H. Watts, J. Sproul, and E. Hamlyn, “A Biological
Conference Session
Best in 5 Minutes: Demonstrating Interactive Teaching Activities
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Benjamin Michael Wallen P.E., United States Military Academy; Michael A. Butkus, United States Military Academy; Nathaniel P. Sheehan, United States Military Academy; Andrew Ng, United States Military Academy; Andrew Ross Pfluger, United States Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering
,” Canadian Engineering Education Association Conference, 2016.[9] M. Collura and W. Harding, “AC 2012-5004: Material and energy balances taught in a multidisciplinary course,” American Society for Engineering Education, 2012.[10] M.L. Davis and D.A. Cornwell. Introduction to Environmental Engineering. 5th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2013.[11] M. F. Mavilidi, M. Ruiter, M. Schmidt, A. D. Okely, S. Loyens, P. Chandler, and F. Paas, “A narrative review of school-based physical activity for enhancing cognition and learning: the importance of relevancy and integration,” Frontiers in Psychology. vol. 9, 2018, pp. 1-17.[12] G. B. Alvord. Building and maintaining West Point. West Point (NY): U.S. Army