if it was me and my group that had kind of said, "When are we going to get a civil one? [. . .] and [the instructor] said, "Weren't you excited about the popsicle bridge?" [. . .] After reflecting about what that person I asked me, I thought, "Wow, I didn't really go as far as I should have if I really would have been passionate about structural or civil engineering as some of these people are about what they're doing."For Natalie, ultimately hitting these barriers related to interest and technical content promptedher to navigate out of her civil engineering program.Theme 3: Navigating intersecting stereotypes and compounding marginalizationThird, participants’ decisions to leave were also linked to
, analogies, justifying steps, explaining, paraphrasing,comparing, predicting, reflecting, monitoring one's understanding, inducing hypothesis, posingquestions, adding visuals). Finally, in the Interactive mode, multiple constructive dialogues occurbetween learning partners with each contributing meaningfully (taking different positions,requiring justification regarding statements, raising questions and answering them, explainingand elaborating on each other's comments). Michaelson [5] notes that instruction on criticalreading emphasizes the feelings, intuitions, and creative responses that students experience asthey read.The Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies Inventory (MARSI) [6] is a 30-iteminstrument for assessing the perceived use of
, Tampa, Jun. 2019.[2] Rupnow, R., Davis, K., Johnson, R., Kirchner, E., Sharma, J., Talukdar, S.R. “Service experiences of undergraduate engineers,” International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement, 6(1), Article 14, 2018.[3] J. Sonnenberg-Klein, Randal T. Abler, Edward J. Coyle, and Ha Hang Ai, “Multidisciplinary Vertically Integrated Teams: Social Network Analysis of Peer Evaluations for Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Program Teams,” 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, Jun. 2017.[4] Lane Perry, Lee Stoner, Max Schleser, Krystina R. Stoner, Daniel Wadsworth, Rachel Page, and Michael A. Tarrant. “Digital media as a reflective tool: creating
participants’ability to recall detailed information about their interaction and resource usage after the fact. Inaddition, although survey questions asked participants to identify time spent interacting witheach peer in their network, few students gave such detailed descriptions. Lack of detailedresponses limited development of the peer interaction networks. For those participants whochose to provide only their names on surveys (presumably for the purposes of receiving extracredit), their responses were removed from data. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONSixty-six of 118 (56%) students enrolled in the course participated in all surveys. Participantdemographics are shown in Table 1. Participant demographics reflect the larger
shows that an engineering degree prepares students for a range of careers. However,engineering undergraduate training has often focused on equipping students with the knowledge,abilities, and attitudes that will make them successful as engineers in industry rather than the broadpossibilities that an engineering degree offers. Reflecting this focus, a common topic inengineering education literature discusses ways to bridge the gap between industry andundergraduate training [1]. However, the qualities students develop—such as critical thinking,problem solving, and teamwork—are also valued by employers in general. Additionally, researchstudies in engineering education on students’ post-graduation pathways often frame students whodo not enter
eightworkspaces.piloting the technologyPreliminary analysis of student feedback and teaching team (faculty instructor and graduatestudent teaching assistants) reflections in regard to teaching aseptic technique indicates anopportunity to improve instructional methods. General themes that emerged from the analysisinclude negative emotions and students reported feeling “frustrated by the sometimes slow paceof the class” and “wanting more immediate feedback.” The teaching team members reportedfeeling “underutilized” and would often facilitate when a student could not hear or see theinstructor (the student did not feel comfortable speaking up in order to point out instructordeficit).The gamified first-person perspective was achieved purchasing a GoPro Hero 8 Black
“multidisciplinary perspective” to systems thinking – one that equips students not only toaddress technical problems but to communicate the value of ethical, persuasive decision-makingin the workplace [1]. Yet, as the Boeing report suggests, “major opportunities for reform existbut have yet to be exploited” [1]. Among these curricular reforms yet to be exploited is the move“from the stage of dumping ‘expert-recommended’ communication strategies to the stage oftailoring communication strategies to achieve clarity of understanding with different audiences”[1]. This call for curricular reform is also reflected in the most recent update to the AccreditationBoard for Engineering and Technology, Inc. (ABET) outcomes for engineering programs, whichrequires that
’ learning experience are detailed.Lastly, the course instructor and the research assistant discussed some of the improvements andunforeseen student behaviour. Note that the course instructor is a new engineering educator whowould like to share his course design, get feedback on the implemented course developments,and in general use this as an opportunity to self-reflect on the changes made to the course andhow they can be scaled for other offerings of the course in the future.IntroductionThis paper is about a numerical methods course in an engineering faculty at a Canadianuniversity. This is a common-core engineering course taken by primarily civil, mechanical, andgeomatics engineering students in either their second or third year. The topics in
-informeddecision.BackgroundThere exists a number of ethical decision-making models that borrow from multiple fields andtheoretical perspectives and seek to equip engineering students with a methodology foraddressing even very complex ethical dilemmas [1]–[3]. These models are important additions tothe ethics curriculum as they allow for movement beyond deontological approaches andincorporate ideas drawn from consequentialist ethical approaches (consideration of theconsequences of various actions) and virtue ethics (focus on reflecting whether one’s actions areconsistent with the type of virtuous person one might wish to be). Most of the decision-makingmodels developed for the field of engineering education to date are logically sequenced stepsdesigned to reduce stress
to which I have no idea what I'm doing like 95% of the time.”—Amy (fifth year graduate student)Attitudes towards ExpectationsTo add insight to this data, we also characterized the interview excerpts that discussed expectationsunder one of four categories, deemed “expectation attitudes:” Correct and Positive, Correct andNegative, Incorrect and Positive, and Incorrect and Negative. From the interviews, we determinedwhether their expectations of graduate school were proven correct or incorrect. It is important tonote that these labels do not define what is “right” about the expectation (e.g., the expectation ofgraduate school being coursework heavy, for example, which is generally not reflective of doctoralengineering culture, was not
, we have tracked retention of ourprogram’s students prior to and throughout our project progression to examine whether ourinterventions have affected student persistence. This paper reflects some of the currentconclusions drawn from this retention analysis.Data Analysis MethodsData presented here are of students enrolled in the program before and after the project began.We have analyzed and compared historic student demographics, course grades, academicprogression, retention, and graduation rates. We obtained student demographics, transcripts, andcourse grade information through the university’s enrollment management office. We alsocollected student demographics information via student survey within department-specificcourses. Enrollment
1 2% 1 3% Total 43 38DiscussionThe research question for this study was concerned with the breadth of students’ interest in theBME field as expressed through their proposed topics for a term paper. These interests are asnapshot in time that likely reflect not only actual interest but other mediating factors such astime in the semester, design of the assignment (e.g., references to devices in the wording ofassignment), guidance provided by the instructor on topic selection, ease of access to literatureon potential topics, current events, and personal experience. A few of these mediating factorswill be touched on in this discussion of the results.As can be seen
Botswana towards sustainable economicgrowth, global competitiveness, and improved quality of life (Atkinson & Mayo, 2010). On October 1st, 2016 Botswana formed the Ministry of Tertiary Education, Research,Science and Technology with the explicitly stated goal of transforming Botswana from aresource-based to a knowledge-based economy. The impetus for such an initiative was set forthin Botswana’s Vision 2036. Set forth in 2016, this new “vision” for Botswana was predicated onthe mapping of a transformative agenda that reflected the aspirations and goals of the nation. Forthis vision to come to fruition it was imperative that Botswana create a strategic plan to help withredefining their resource-based economy to that of a knowledge-based
program,curriculum, and course content alterations to assure the creation of technicians that will meet thedemands of this new work environment in the advanced technologies.Skilled technician preparation in the United States today is a broadband system that creates aworkforce with the expected characteristics specific to the technology to be serviced.Classically, these technicians are characterized by overarching labels (hydraulics, pneumatics,electronics, mechanics, computer technology) that reflect previous waves of new technologyflooding the workplace. These skill sets are still required of tomorrow’s technician with theaddition insertion of the “digital” age contributions (data knowledge and analysis, advanceddigital literacy, and to some
real-time polling software Poll Everywhere (2019) asked one quantitativeand one qualitative question regarding the qualifications reflected in the resume before them.FindingsA total of 36 students participated in this exercise. Students who received Candidate 1’s resume(first name on resume: “Julie”) were asked “You are the recruiter at a defense contractor seekingto fill an entry level structural engineering position. How likely are you to offer Candidate 1 aninterview?” Students were provided response options on a 5-point Likert-type scale, which wasdisplayed as a bar chart in real time for the class. As shown in Figure 1, no students indicated a“Very high likelihood” of offering Candidate 1 an interview and one student indicated a “Verylow
need for further analysis of the time frame that students spent during theacademic year and how much of their daily, weekly, and monthly is allocated for using sharedspaces. This information can be used for many different purposes, including the seminar or eventadvertisement, as well as providing additional supporting sources for educational purposes. 3Figure 1. The usage of the co-curricular spaces in campus climate among the underrepresentedgroupsFigure 2 is a detailed analysis of the co-curricular spaces within a time frame of daily, weekly, andmonthly uses. All the responses reflect the behavior of minority students towards using theavailable co-curricular areas. A comparison with the users
experiences in the department. Q1_7 My mentor provides me with guidance 3.2593 0.9842 0.6959 on attainable academic objectives. Q1_8 I have discussed the importance of 3.1111 0.9740 0.4739 developing a realistic view of my academic career with my mentor. Q1_9 My mentor asks me probing questions 2.6667 0.9608 0.5784 so that I can reflect on my academic career PROGRESS Q1_10 My mentor provides me with practical 3.4074 0.9711 0.5484 suggestions for improving my career performance. Q1_11 My meetings with my mentor are 2.9630 1.0554
the semester when there is more time and TAs are still stressing theimportance of collaboration. However, there were discussions that this is a more expert skill,because TAs who are new may not have the time or capacity to keep track of who is doing welland also reflect on it at the end of class.Figure 4: Guidelines of what to say and how to interact during whole class interventions.Figure 5: Guidelines of how to structure the end of class wrap up to emphasize collaboration. During both workshops there were many discussions about how these guidelines shouldbe shared with other TAs. Both TAs are graduating and will no longer be teaching these courses.A final decision was made to provide new TAs with a cheat sheet of guidelines for
the teacher. Teachers must shift from an evaluative to interpretiveperspective as they move away from guiding students to correct answers and towardemphasizing student exploration and engagement [15]. The teachers’ focus should targetencouragement of students’ reflections on their reasoning and interpretations of problemsituations [7]. Contrary to current practices of warning students when they take a wrong step intheir solution efforts, teachers need to encourage students to focus on their interpretation specificideas and their connections to the problem at hand [13].National standards documents have made clear that mathematics is an essential tool for scientificinquiry, and science is a critical context for developing mathematics competence
springboardfor student interest [4] and reflection. Research suggests that a well-designed field trip experiencemay in fact be remembered by students well after the experience took place [5]. In engineeringeducation, established research on the standards for preparation and professional development forteachers of engineering recommend that teachers improve their pedagogical content knowledge byengaging in STEM field trip partner programs with engineering mentors at local companies anduniversities [6].Program DetailsNortheastern University’s Center for STEM Education offers STEM Field Trip experiences for4th to 8th grade students throughout the collegiate academic year. The program launched over 10years ago in collaboration with a National Science
summer BEST program was in all senses a success. Teachers reportedvery positive feedback. In addition, bioengineering faculty reported strong support for theprogram to continue. This year we have begun preparing two manuscripts to describe and reportour progress in the BEST program. In addition, we have been reflecting on ways to deepen ourunderstanding of the program impact on teachers as well as their classrooms. As we consider arenewal application, we are defining ways to strengthen and analyze the program morerigorously.CONCLUSION Reflecting on the progress made through the end of year 4 of this grant support, we areconfident that the BEST program is having a positive impact on its participants. We continue torecognize the importance
acknowledged that he didn’tknow but a professional athlete may be an option.As Joseph engaged with different team members in 5 different engineering design challengesover the 10-day period his perceptions and self-efficacy began shifting. As seen in Figure 1,Joseph’s perceptions of engineering decreased in the traits initially identified. Joseph explainedthat his decreased perception was a result of a change in his perceived level of difficulty. DueJoseph becoming more confident in his abilities to engage in the skills of an engineer, by the endof camp, Joseph states “I can [become an engineer], but I just don’t want to waste time.” Thisstatement is a direct reflection of the mismatch in Joseph’s personal interests with his pre- andpost- perceptions
strictly representative of all students in a given degreepath (i.e. mechanical engineering). However, because enrollment in differential equations is anearly universal requirement for those in engineering paths, and because the sample capturedstudents enrolled in differential equations at a cross-section of time-points in their degreetrajectories, the results are felt to be a fair reflection of the level of software exposure for 8multiple degree paths as they enter differential equations specifically, and upper-division mathcourses more generally.It is not possible to characterize the prior and current software exposure of students who did
, can reflect their self-efficacy and may correlate to performance/competence with respect to their engineering identity.Attribution theory describes student perception of the cause of an outcome [4]. Attributions inacademia may include effort, knowledge, or ability and are strongly connected to emotions [4].Emotions generally influence daily choices. The way an individual reacts to the outcome of thesechoices may influence future behaviors. However, it is the student’s perception of attributionswhich emotionally influence motivation. Two students may attribute an outcome to the samecause, but view the characteristics of the cause very differently. We are particularly interested inhow these attributions may vary with strength of engineering
differences. Forexample, the understanding of mixed representation and usage of engineering standards foundwith the Next Generation Science Standards[7] was essential to validate, as well as, each teacher'spercentage of minority students in their classrooms. Each team grappled with identifyingspecificity level of criteria, ensuring that criteria reflected diversity and inclusion needs, ensuringindicators monitor learning actions and context, ensuring that indicators reflect learning that ismeaningful and engaged, creating objectives that any subject matter teacher can use, and creatingobjectives beyond the steps of the engineering design process. The different perspectivescontinue throughout the creation of the grade-level criteria, indicators
tool exposes students to the five steps of the designprocess: empathize, define, iterate, prototype, validate. In design-thinking based project courses,students participate in activities where they have the opportunity to 1) empathize with others, 2)try multiple ideas, 3) work with others, 4) receive constructive feedback, 5) reflect on what theyhave learned and 6) revise their solutions in order to improve their problem-solving approach.Each of these elements prioritizes adaptive skills over factual knowledge, and 2, 4, 5, and 6 inparticular relate to aspects of resilience.By learning a process that prioritizes listening, research, and learning through failure, students ofdesign thinking build leadership capacity by collecting proven tools
betweenunderrepresented minority (URM) and non-URM students with respect to engineering identity.Understanding these differences is important in developing programs that target a particulargroup. For example, one key programming component for URM students may be providing themwith opportunities to join organizations that reflect their cultural and ethnic identities. Toillustrate, Revelo interviewed 20 LatinX engineering students who attended the Society forHispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) conference [11]. The interviews indicated that studentsfelt they developed professional and leadership skills through their membership in SHPE, withworkshops and the conference itself playing a significant role in that development. Additionally,a key component for these
college. There was no statistically significantdifference in the responses by groups of female (40/74), male (29/74) or transgender/non-identified (5/74) student groups. This paper describes the design elements of the course andmodules and a data set that illustrates the design supports students’ use of multiple learningresources.IntroductionA course on electronic circuits is common in engineering programs. It is often a challenging onefor novices because it relies on the abstract ideas of electron motion, charge build-up reflected involtage, and time-dependent responses. While sensing, instrumentation, and measurement arecommon activities in engineering, introductory circuits courses often focus on concepts andanalytical approaches to circuit
engineering majors –Bioengineering, Computer Science, and Electrical Engineering. These three majors were selectedbased on the gender balance in each major – high (Bioengineering; 51.4% female), medium(Computer science; 27.5% female) and low (Electrical Engineering; 14.2% female) at the focalinstitution.Qualitative Interview DesignThe interview protocol included three main sections. In the first section, students were askedabout their major selection and influences on deciding on that major. For example, “In thinkingabout how you selected your major, who, if anyone, contributed to your choice? What courses, ifany, prepared you for your major?” Participants were also asked to reflect on factors orcharacteristics that are required for success in the
tool developed by Edmonson (1999) was consideredfor the next research stage to analyze the team as a whole entity (for insights on internalization);focusing on a research framework that will potentially be bi-modal for courses online and in-person will take precedence.Online team building will require modifications and presumably a different approach than in-person team building; hence this is a relevant area to be explored. To better understand therobustness of the “Psych Safe” modules, the purpose of the modules will be better aligned witharticulation of autonomy, competence and relatedness; which will be reflected in the qualitativesurvey questions. We also look forward to results from Spring 2020, that includes the controlgroup comparison