opportunity has emerged in building brand new liberalarts, science, and engineering programs at Fulbright University Vietnam, a new institution inVietnam. Founding faculty members have engaged in a “co-design year” to prototype and iterateall aspects of this new university together with students and staff. In this paper, we reflect on theco-design year and present the main considerations that have driven the design of theundergraduate program.IntroductionThere has been increasing awareness to “re-engineer” engineering education as society grappleswith increasingly complex, ill-structured, and adaptive problems, such as water scarcity, globalpandemics, climate change, poverty, and the loss of biodiversity, which technology alone cannotsolve. These
LearningIntroductionThis paper describes a case-based, mixed-methods study of how K-12 teachers support andscaffold student learning in a Problem-based Learning (PBL) engineering lesson. The studyexamined how K-12 engineering teachers planned to support student learning using scaffolding,how they implemented scaffolds during PBL engineering activities, and how they reflected upontheir PBL engineering lesson implementation.PBL in engineering educationEngineering practice and other design-focused fields involve solving complex problems, often incollaborative teams. Generally, these engineering problems do not have a single solution andrequire multifaceted skillsets from many domains. However, engineering students often findthemselves unprepared to manage messy
industrial engineering and engineering education have helped him develop innovative ways to deliver engineering curriculum for freshman engineers and talented high school students interested in engineering. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Extended Exam Wrappers: A Comparison of Approaches in a Learning Strategies CourseAbstractThis Complete Evidence-Based Practice paper explores the use of exam wrappers in alearning strategies course designed for first-year engineering students in the General EngineeringLearning Community (GELC) at Clemson University. Exam wrappers are most commonly usedas tools to facilitate the process of self-evaluation as students reflect on
programwith career professionals (mentors) and undergraduate college students (ambassadors). Duringprogram activities youth from underrepresented groups are paired with a mentor employed in aSTEM-related agriculture field. Cultivate ACCESS ambassadors are University of Nebraska-Lincoln students who study a STEM-related major. Mentors and ambassadors are recruited fromdiverse backgrounds that reflect the demographics of high school scholars. Scholars receivementoring from an adult and a peer who physically looks like them and can share personalstories of overcoming obstacles and facing adversity that youth may have encountered.Participation in mentoring experiences aids students in gaining scientific knowledge and engagesthem in career exploration and
reflect on how ethics instruction can be modified to incorporate imaginationconcepts. Examples of modifications to an ethics curriculum that is currently in use for thesenior-level engineering class, Design of Steel Structures, in the Department of Civil andEnvironmental Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Amherst in the United States arepresented to initiate discussion.We invite educators to engage with the questions of moral reasoning and reflect on the role ofimaginal capacity in designing and developing pedagogies. Treating imagination in connectionwith fantasy and images of the impossible downplays the significance of its importance inreasoning and understanding, as illustrated by the scholars whose works we briefly review in
. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Aspirations: Overcoming barriers to success and developing character through pre- and post-secondary school partnershipsAbstractThe goal of this study is to improve understanding of how participation in learning and teachingpartnerships between elementary classrooms facing high barriers to success and collegeclassrooms can: 1) influence the knowledge of, interest in, and aspirations toward post-secondaryeducation in populations less likely to explore college; 2) impact college students’ sense of civicknowledge, civic learning, civic reflection, and civic efficacy. Qualitative evaluation methodsdesigned by Lafayette College’s Landis Center for Community Engagement in
totheir academic success. A new Student Assessment of Learning Gains (SALG) is beingdeveloped for the coming year for the mentors. Past mentor assessments have been provided inend of semester presentations and reflections. The SALG will supplement and not replace thepresentation and reflection.CE-MENT Program Components and OperationAt its inception in the first year of the grant, the peer mentor program had seven mentors. Overthe past two-plus years, the program has grown significantly. Currently, there are 25 activementors, many of whom were former mentees. The program is operating on a volunteer basisand credit is not provided to the mentees, so there is a wide range in level of involvement bymentees. On average, this year the mentees had 2
” group, led by the secondauthor. The group provided a forum for brainstorming ideas and the course provided a platformfor testing these strategies. Four recommendations evolved from this effort: 1.) Education onteam function and bias in team dynamics is helpful. 2.) Teamwork skills and strategies forcollaboration and conflict resolution need to be taught. 3.) Mentoring and engaging withstudents is an important aspect of the process and can be enhanced to better serve women. 4.)Reflection and self-assessment exercises can be integrated to build self-efficacy and confidencein students. Assessment was done using data collected from mid-term evaluations, peerevaluations, self-assessment exercises, input from industry judges, and teaching evaluations
Paper ID #31581Determinants of initial training for engineering educatorsDr. Elizabeth Pluskwik, Minnesota State University, Mankato Elizabeth leads the Engineering Management and Statistics competencies at Iron Range Engineering, an ABET-accredited project-based engineering education program of Minnesota State University, Mankato. She enjoys helping student engineers develop entrepreneurial mindsets through project-based and expe- riential learning. Her research interests include improving engineering education through faculty devel- opment, game-based learning, and reflection. Elizabeth was a Certified Public
exit interviews(blue shaded cells). Table 2- Artifacts reflecting sustainability mindset categorized by present or future orientation. Location of Artifacts Artifacts Household Present Future Two Entry Household 2 1 0 4 Interviews Household 4 0 1 Four Interim 2 Household 2 0 2 Interviews or Focus Groups 10 Household 4 7 3 Household 2 0 0 Two Exit Interviews 5
designs fail the test; groups testing iterate and continue testing, trying to improve their designs. Day 7: What can we learn by looking across all our design attempts? Reflection Groups reflect on their design attempts; teacher facilitates a whole class discussion comparing across designs. Day 8: How do engineers share their ideas through speaking and writing? Design Groups share their designs and design process with other students and members of the conference school and greater community. DESIGN BRIEF Goal: Design, build, test, and iterate on a retaining structure that keeps sand away from the model train tracks, allows the sand to support the weight of a model building, and stays up when
engineering from Belgrade University, and both M.S.M.E. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Washington.Dr. Jennifer A Turns, University of Washington Jennifer Turns is a Professor in the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering at the Univer- sity of Washington. She is interested in all aspects of engineering education, including how to support engineering students in reflecting on experience, how to help engineering educators make effective teach- ing decisions, and the application of ideas from complexity science to the challenges of engineering education. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Engineering with Engineers: Fostering Engineering Identity
learned how to sketch basic process flowsheets, made bath bombs (soap fizzies) [9, 11],measured their lung capacity after blowing bubbles from soap solutions, calculated their carbonfootprint and were asked to reflect on a cow’s breath as well as an industrial plant and theenvironmental effects of energy use for bioplastic manufacturing.Given the relevance and scope of the plastics crisis, we spent the majority of the class exploringhow plastics contribute to waste and what strategies exist to alleviate this problem. Studentslearned how bioplastics are made from renewable biomass such as vegetable fats, oils, corn-starch,milk and other bio resources. They explored biodegradability and what components in cornstarchand milk could make effective
deployment of 15+ courses used at over 10 universities. In addition he leads the technical content for the Electrical and Computer Engineer capstone projects course at OSU. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Longitudinal Study to Develop and Evaluate the Impacts of a“Transformational” Undergraduate ECE Design Program: Study Results and Best Practices ReportAcknowledgement: The authors are grateful for support provided by the National ScienceFoundation grant DUE 1347817. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of theNational Science Foundation
emission free power generation. Dr Cosoroaba’s current research interest is engineering education with focus on mastery learning, the effect of social networks in the classroom on student learning and efficient implementation of active learning. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Helping Students Write it Right: Instilling Good Report Writing Habits in a Linear Circuit Lab Course I. IntroductionWriting is often not on the top of student’s priority list when it comes to their laboratoryexperience. This is reflected in the quality of the lab reports they submit. While grading andproviding feedback to students on these reports, the instructor often gets
for her efforts in encouraging students to develop an entrepreneurial mindset. Amy has contributed to the development of a new hands-on multidisciplinary introduction to engineering course and a unique introduction to engineering MOOC. She is interested in curricular and co-curricular experiences that broaden students’ perspectives and enhance student learning, and values students’ use of Digital Portfolios to reflect on and showcase their accomplishments. Amy earned her Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering from Arizona State University (ASU), and is currently pursuing her PhD in Engineering Education Systems and Design.Ms. Jill L. Roter, Arizona State University Jill Roter is a senior instructional design
often team-based and develops based on peer, colleague, and client feedback.attempted to address in this study. This is a validation study of an open-ended questionnaire, theViews about the Nature of Engineering Knowledge (VNOEK) Questionnaire, which was Elements of this framework reflect other NOE descriptions in the literature [9] [14] and it is alsodesigned to gather K-16 teachers’ views about the NOEK. The questionnaire was created as part supportive of those other articulations. However, it is not identical, and we needed an instrumentof
on the initial results. Readers are encouraged to review the work-in-progress paper for a discussion of prior work including literature review, survey development, and discussionof initial results.Interventions: Design & Implementation:The interventions were chosen and designed specifically to encourage students to connect with other studentsin their classes, engage in self-reflective processes, and utilize available institutional resources. Theresearchers designed simple interventions to maximize the potential impact on students while minimizing thetime required to administer the interventions. As is true with most engineering curriculum, course content isfocused on course outcomes and, as such, there is often little unstructured time
and graduate students through their engagement in laboratories,discussion sections, and mentoring activities. It is essential to train graduate students in effectivepedagogy, including teaching methods that promote student-centered learning, reflective teachingpractices, and engagement of a broad diversity of students. This investment in graduate studenttraining pays dividends in an enhanced learning environment for students now and in the future asgraduate students go on to careers that often include teaching and mentoring as core skillsets.This paper details an instructional improvement project targeting a pedagogy course for first-yeargraduate students in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at a large, public, research
other words, the experience of relationality and ethical concern are ontologically priorto defining engineering’s role in a given moment. Returning to one of our recent publications [1],I would argue that we first feel and experience what is going on before we can reflectively thinkabout such experience. We feel and experience relationships with all that we encounter in a givenevent, and we are affected by those encounters. Responsibilities, obligations, and valuations arisetherefrom. In being affected by the multiplicity within an encounter, there is significant potentialfor conflict and difficulties associated with assigning/identifying value(s). Once the experienceoccurs, we objectify it, mine it for information, and seek to address it
lower empathetic designtendency scores? This study was conducted in a junior-level design course of 76 BME students.We collected and analyzed three data sources: students’ self-reflection reports about theirreframing processes, empathic design tendency scores, and interviews with selected teams andinstructors. The results demonstrated that more than half of the students perceived the connectionbetween empathy and their reframing decisions and that they usually had one reframing momentin the stages of problem definition and concept identification. Also, the findings suggested thetriggers for their reframing moments, information sources guiding their reframing processes,changes made through reframing, and influences of reframing decisions on team
experience of the new doctoral students and postdoctoralresearchers. Given the high attrition rates in graduate education, the retreat was also designed tofoster retention by integrating attributes of the Workforce Sustainability model.The retreat was framed around four objectives: (1) build community, (2) communicate groupnorms and expectations, (3) develop individual strategic plans, (4) and introduce research skills.The retreat encouraged individual and collective reflection on goals, deliverables, andexpectations. The experience was guided by the notion of beginning with the end in mind and, inthis case, meant aligning individual professional development plans with that individual’s long-term career goals and vision of the research group. The
Paper ID #29292Using Creative Writing as a Tool for Learning Professional Developmentin Materials Science and EngineeringDr. Sabrina Starr Jedlicka, Lehigh University American c Society for Engineering Education, 2020Using Creative Writing as a Tool for Learning Professional Development in Materials Science & EngineeringAbstractCourses in professional development can be a catch-all to address student skill building in areassuch as technical writing, communication, career path reflection, and ethics. While each of theseskills is important to student development, the
to create such opportunities, Dr. Zastavker’s re- cent work involves questions pertaining to students’ motivational attitudes and their learning journeys in a variety of educational environments. One of the founding faculty at Olin College, Dr. Zastavker has been engaged in development and implementation of project-based experiences in fields ranging from science to engineering and design to social sciences (e.g., Critical Reflective Writing; Teaching and Learning in Undergraduate Science and Engineering, etc.) All of these activities share a common goal of creat- ing curricular and pedagogical structures as well as academic cultures that facilitate students’ interests, motivation, and desire to persist in
(the final course) can be found in Table 1, reflecting averages across all semestersthat these courses have been offered. Relative to students taking other courses in the College ofEngineering, a higher percentage of Applied Computing students are female andunderrepresented minorities (Engineering: 19% female, 22% URM) [10]. The most popularmajor among Applied Computing students is Psychology, followed by Economics and lesscommon majors such as Sociology, Behavioral Science, Communication Studies, and Business.Additionally, the majority of Applied Computing students have limited or no programmingexperience prior to enrolling in the minor. Via an informal survey given at the beginning ofENGR 120, 68.4% of students report no programming
. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Reflecting on #EngineersShowUp: Outcomes and Lessons from Organizing a Campaign among Engineering EducatorsAbstractIn an open dialogue format, participants and organizers of #EngineersShowUp report on theorganizing work, actions, discourse, and reflections emerging from an NSF-funded week ofaction campaign that occurred from February 23rd - 29th, 2020. Participants helping to organizeand take part included students, faculty, administrators, postdoctoral researchers and othersconnected to the world of engineering education. The intention of this week of action (directlyfollowing E-Week) was three fold. First, we aimed to test approaches from social movementsand assess
. Proper element selection can make a modelsolve quickly and with a higher degree of accuracy. Improper element selection can affectthe solution time and final results. This paper also outlines the FEA result reportingrequirements and suggests methods used to develop meaningful post processed plots tobest visualize results.The assessment results from a student self-reflection survey of the industry relevantrequirements of the FEA course support the intended course competencies and studentoutcomes. The student responses to the open ended question for the “biggest takeawayfrom the course” show that the highest frequency of response is that FEA is important,there are important steps, and that FEA is an incredible, effective, and helpful tool
, and the focus on a participatorydesign approach, which involves the end-users in every stage of the engineering design process.In other words, projects are co-designed for people with disabilities, by people with disabilities.Each of the first two offerings of the two-quarter HuskyADAPT accessible design course had anenrollment of approximately 20-25 undergraduate and graduate students, and at least 65% ofstudents were engineering majors. In addition to design journals and weekly reflections,assignments include team presentations in class and a poster at the end-of-quarter inclusivedesign showcase, where needs experts and the public also attend.The projects we select for the accessible design course (1) can be completed in two 10-weekquarters
Introduction module, students first learned about the National Academy of EngineeringGrand Challenges for Engineering. As part of discussion groups, they were asked to prioritize thechallenges and identify those that most interested them. Most students were previously unawareof these challenges. In reflecting what was learned in this module, one student stated: I learned the responsibility of engineering. With all the rewarding aspects of engineering comes responsibility. The grand challenges emphasized the responsibility engineers have to society. If engineers have the tools to create, they should use them to create good. This is important to acknowledge so that engineering can remain ethical and just.Students were then
interventions and b) standing on a set of sustainability-thinkingskills. Data on these two outcomes of interest are gathered through the use of end ofsemester surveys as well as written reflection activities included in student projects.Student survey results are analyzed with descriptive statistics and thematic analysis foropen-ended items. Written reflections are scored with institute-developed rubrics tied toeach system-thinking skill, depending on the nature of a given reflection prompt.Initial results from thematic analysis of open-ended student survey items suggest thatafter experiencing the sustainability intervention, students exhibit an initial understandingof the three key components of sustainability: social, economic, and