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National Center for Women in Information Technology (NCWIT) and, in that role, advises computer science and engineering departments on diversifying their undergraduate student population. She remains an active researcher, including studying academic policies, gender and ethnicity issues, transfers, and matriculation models with MIDFIELD as well as student veterans in engi- neering. Her evaluation work includes evaluating teamwork models, broadening participation initiatives, and S-STEM and LSAMP programs.Dr. Susan M Lord, University of San Diego Susan M. Lord received a B.S. from Cornell University in Materials Science and Electrical Engineering (EE) and the M.S. and Ph.D. in EE from Stanford University. She is
technical, professional, and personallearning outcomes can result, regardless of whether the activity is embedded within courses asservice-learning or conducted by students for pay or as volunteer activities.AcknowledgementsThis material is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant#1158863. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References[1] Jeffers, A.T., A.G. Safferman, S.I. Safferman. 2004. Understanding K-12 Engineering Outreach Programs. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 130 (2), 95-108.[2] Yowell, J.L., M.S. Zarske, D. Knight
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understand students’engineering identity development.” Thus, we feel this validated instrument is a strong fit for ourongoing study. In addition to Godwin’s identity instrument, the students were asked a series ofquestions in key theme areas, including the decision to enter engineering, prior mentoringexperiences and educational experiences. Topics queried are as follows: 1. To what extent did the following factors influence your decision to major in engineering: Parent(s), Sibling, Other relative, Friends, Guidance counselor, Extra-curricular activities, Career interests, Teachers, Potential future earnings, Other. In this case the responses were on a 5-point Likert scale from “Very important” = 1 to “Not at all important” = 5. 2
them. Retrieving data using the Arduino kit was relatively simple;however, data retrieval during resistor capacitor discharge was more challenging as students oftenhad to add more resistors to increase the time constant of the voltage drop. It was educational todetermine the selection of resistors required to collect the desired number of data points over atime period. The difficulty was in analyzing the data using Excel and compiling the handcalculations. The grades for the labs were a broad range from 50 to 96 with averages in the low tomid 80’s and standard deviation of 7 to 11. Data analysis and write up were where most pointswere lost. For the final project, the students started a
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program the P8X32A and is available under the GNU license atno cost from Google. The touch sensing operates at +3.3V DC with no potential of harm. TheP8X32A has a built in VGA driver that can display about 25 columns by 24 rows in eight colors.Including the vgatext.h driver and using the dprint(vga, ”text here”); statement allows forcharacters to be displayed on the VGA screen. The video resolution is similar to the CommodoreVIC20, an 80’s computer. Replacing standard text with inverted or highlighted text, can be usedfor visual feedback to the user indicating cursor location. Switching between the two rapidlycould be used to indicate error or selection as well. The screen is cleared when no user is presentand has a welcome screen when a user