Paper ID #31808Full Paper: Herbie: A Platform for Robotics Research withUndergraduate Students, Campus Engagement through Social Media, andBuilding Interest in STEMMs. Angelique BonillaMr. Daniel Charles Jones, California Polytechnic State UniversityAmanda KryslDr. John S Seng, Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo John Seng is a professor in the computer science department at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Herbie: A Platform for Robotics Research with
students who completed the assessmentsindividually. Additionally, we would like to focus on the impact of peer learning on the take-home test. What are the experiences of students who worked collaboratively on the take-hometest? How likely are students to seek help on this assessment? And where are they getting thissupport? By examining these questions and offering opportunities for students to share theirreasoning for opting in or out of the take-home tests, we will have a broader understanding oftheir decision-making and explore connections between critical thinking and collaboration.Bibliography 1. Baghdadchi, S., & Nemerever, Z., & Hadjipieris, P. A., & Serslev, S. G., & Sandoval, C. L. Creating Environments for Critical
(b) Exam 2 Figure 10 Averages scores from exams Figure 11 Averages scores from Exam 1 and 2 by Question TypeConclusionThe ability to visualize in structural engineering is crucial. From analyzing section cuts anddetails to correlating various 2D views of 3D structures and components, to the ability to connectcross-sectional properties to member behavior, these skills help students build an understandingof design methods and engineering intuition.In the past several years of the instructor’s experience student weakness in sketching andvisualization in structural steel design has been obvious. In a recent offering of the course, anassignment was implemented after particularly poor
lendtowards basic electronic design. An analog circuit is designed to produce a given voltage orcurrent output. Digital circuits are circuits that utilize logic, relying on 0’s and 1’s (off’s andon’s) rather than specific analog levels. A microcontroller is the brain of an embedded systemand can be programmed with code to perform a particular function. The combination of analog,digital, and microcontroller devices create an embedded system. For engineering students,learning both these subjects are beneficial due to the integrative nature of circuits in manyengineering applications.A typical introductory digital circuit device is the Arduino Uno. An Arduino utilizes amicrocontroller to implement digital circuit applications. To immediately begin
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