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2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Abhaya Datye; Marina Miletic; Jamie Gomez; Eva Chi; Sang M. Han; Catherine Hubka; Yan Chen; Vanessa Svihla; Sung Kang; Heather Canavan
empower them to solve these problems [2- 7]. This paper presents the structure, sequence, and requirements of these team-based design projects as they form a spine across required chemical engineering courses. Participants are undergraduate students studying chemical engineering in the Southwest United States. Variety and Sequence of Design Challenges Design Challenges in the first year course (CBE 101: Introduction to Chemical Engineering and Biological Engineering) have involved a blend of student presentations (pitches), research, writing, and lab work framed within three projects of varying scope and application:1. Students complete an entrepreneurship- and research-based project where they pitch
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Marina Miletic; Vanessa Svihla; Eva Chi; Jamie Gomez; Abhaya Datye; Pil Kang; Yan Chen; Sang Han
undergraduate seniorswithin the department. We determined the types of badges to offer based on feedback from studentsurveys, a senior student focus group, and our External Advisory Board. These groups helped usidentify the badges which would be the most valued and meaningful for both students andemployers. We have offered students the opportunity to earn badges for Outstanding Team Membersince Spring 2018 and Outstanding Mentorship since Fall 2019. Two new badges, Outstanding OralPresentation and Outstanding Writing, will be awarded January 2020. These badges are usuallyearned in the Fall semester to allow students to showcase these competencies on their resume orgraduate school application. Management and Earning of Badges
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Krista Nicklaus; Daniel Puperi; Patricia Clayton
three areas in which I believe graduate students will benefit most: developing coursematerials, in-classroom experience, and receiving feedback. For developing course materials, Ifound meeting with my faculty mentor before the semester began to discuss the syllabus and courseevolution was helpful for seeing how past experience can be used to continuously improve a course.Meetings with our supervising professor and graduate student peers were opportunities to brainstormand refine my ideas for in-class activities. Also as a result of our meetings and reflective writing, Iwas able to ensure that each activity could be mapped to the learning objectives. For example, thein-class worksheet for my instrumentation lecture was a tool for students to
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Cynthia Fry; Zachary Steudel
1 Code Hardening: Development of a Reverse Software Engineering Project Cynthia C. Fry, Zachary Steudel Department of Computer Science Baylor University AbstractIn CSI 2334, “Introduction to Computer Systems,” we introduce a group project to the studentswhose purpose is to simulate a team project on the job. Group projects are used very frequently toprovide a similar learning environment which capitalizes on the benefits of peer-to-peer instruction,or cooperative learning. In this group project, students
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Cynthia Fry; Gennie Mansi; Kevin Kulda
presented with a challenge. A piece of executable code has been found on an older server, and you must determine what the code is designed to do. In CSI 2334, “Introduction to Computer Systems (Computer Systems)”, we introduce to the students a group project simulating such an event. Group projects are used frequently to provide similar learning environments that capitalize on the benefits of peer-to-peer instruction and cooperative learning. The challenge is presented, the students are put on teams, and then the work begins. This paper will document the process taken by the student teams to: • Determine how to view a binary file. • Determine what tools are available for use. • Work with the tools and the executable file to
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Amir Karimi; Randall Manteufel
environment, establish goals, plan tasks,and meet objectives” requires a more complex assessment process. First, the new definition of“Team” requires that a team should consist of more than one person working toward a commongoal and should include individuals of diverse backgrounds, skills, or perspectives. Therefore,programs must demonstrate that the definition of Team requirements are met. SO5 requires thatmembers of a team must be able to create a collaborative and inclusive environment. Severalmethods for measuring attainment of this ability have been used by programs:10 “a. Videotaping a team meeting and evaluating the team performance using a rubric. b. Students write descriptions of their contributions and their team members
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Chadia Affane Aji; M. Javed Khan
to ensure that the students watch the videos prior to coming to class, and second, toidentify any conceptual challenges being faced by the students. The in-class activities consisted ofproblem-solving sessions that were based on the concept of the pre-class videos. These problems weredesigned to have a real-life application flavor. The problem-solving sessions were also collaborativeto promote peer learning. In-class quizzes were also administered as a formative assessment tool.Other active-learning opportunities included Jeopardy-style games to engage students. Students werealso asked to share and explain their solution to the word problem on the white board. So, studentshad the opportunity to enhance their communication skills. Exams on