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Displaying results 61 - 90 of 206 in total
Conference Session
Integrative Projects in Aerospace Engineering
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sanjay Jayaram, St. Louis University
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muchfaster than other subsystems. It should also be noted that all the subsystems were designed basedon the CubeSat design constraints and BillikenSat 1’s mission constraints. All the subsystemswent through rigorous design process (namely systems requirement, conceptual design, detaileddesign and final design). This paper gives the description of these subsystems at the Final DesignPhase. Faculty Advisor: Sanjay Jayaram Student Program Manager: Abraham Grindle (AE) Mechanical Structure and Analysis: Power Distribution: Abraham Grindle
Conference Session
Teaching Methodology & Assessment 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Zachary Nolan Sunberg, University of Colorado Boulder; Kathryn Anne Wingate, University of Colorado Boulder; Lara Buri, University of Colorado, Boulder
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package [12]. JuMP and the Julia language allowed for very straightforward dataprocessing, and problem setup. Once the appropriate 𝑐𝑐, 𝑠𝑠, 𝑠𝑠, 𝑟𝑟, and 𝑟𝑟 constants are created basedon the survey data, the problem above can be expressed using the following JuMP code:opt = Model()@variable(opt, x[1:n_groups, 1:n_projects], Bin)@objective(opt, Min, sum(c.*x))for i in 1:n_groups @constraint(opt, sum(x[i, :]) == 1) # constraint (3)endfor j in 1:n_projects @constraint(opt, s̲ <= s'*x[:,j] <= 𝑠𝑠̅) # constraint (4) @constraint(opt, r*x[:,j] .>= ̲r[:, j]) # constraint (5)endThe Gurobi solver was able to find optimal
Conference Session
Learning in a Socially-Distanced Environment
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Waterloo Tsutsui, Purdue University; Eric J. Williamson, Purdue University; Kenneth Park, Purdue University; Michael David Sangid, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Analysis of structural stability using Figure 7 column buckling 6 Fatigue Analysis of fatigue failure using rotating- Figure 8 bending specimens and exploration of safe- life design using S-N curve.Virtual Lab DescriptionFigure 3 depicts the screenshot of VL 1, Stress Analysis of I-Beams. The I-beam structure is afour-point bending virtual specimen. In this VL exercise, the users start the VL experiment bymoving the head of the press downward using either the Jog Slow or Jog Fast button to the left ofthe screen. The users can choose the speed of the head movement by using the speed adjustmentknob just above the
Conference Session
Solid and Structural Mechanics in Aerospace Engineering
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Waterloo Tsutsui, Purdue University - West Lafayette; Michael C. Loui, Purdue University - West Lafayette
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Performance with Workshop Groups," Journal of Science Education and Technology, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 347-365, 2002.4 S. C. Hockings, K. J. DeAngelis and R. F. Frey, "Peer-Led Team Learning in General Chemistry: Implementation and Evaluation," Journal of Chemical Education, vol. 85, no. 7, pp. 990-996, 2008.5 S. Brown and C. Poor, "In-Class Peer Tutoring: A Model for Engineering Instruction," International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 1111-1119, 2010.6 T. J. Webster and K. C. Dee, "Supplemental Instruction Integrated Into an Introductory Engineering Course," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 87, no. 4, pp. 377-383, 1998.7 R. Jacquez, V. G. Gude, A. Hanson, M. Auzenne and S. Williamson
Conference Session
Laboratory Courses and Programming in the Aerospace Curriculum
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kathryn Anne Wingate, University of Colorado at Boulder; Aaron W. Johnson, University of Colorado Boulder; Lyndsay Rose Ruane; Dennis Akos
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genes and bimodal grades. ​ACM Inroads,​ 1(3), 16–17. 2. Patitsas E., Berlin, J., Craig, M. & Easterbrook, S. (2020). Evidence That Computer Science Grades Are Not Bimodal. ​Communications of the ACM,​ 63(1), 91-98. 3. Robins, A. V. (2010). Learning edge momentum: A new account of outcomes in CS1. ​Computer Science Education,​ 20, 37–71. 4. Robins, A. V. (2019). Novice Programmers and Introductory Programming. In S. A. Fincher & A. V. Robins (Eds.), ​Cambridge Handbook of Computing Education Research​ (pp. 327–376). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 5. Margolis, J., Estrella, R., Goode, J., Jellison-Holme, J., & Nao, K. (2008). ​Stuck in the Shallow End: Education, Race, and Computing
Conference Session
Aerospace Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kenneth W. Van Treuren, Baylor University
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Paper ID #21590Applying Active Learning to an Introductory Aeronautics ClassDr. Kenneth W. Van Treuren, Baylor University Ken Van Treuren is an Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering at Baylor University. He received his B. S. in Aeronautical Engineering from the USAF Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado and his M. S. in Engineering from Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey. After serving as USAF pilot in KC-135 and KC-10 aircraft, he completed his DPhil in Engineering Sciences at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom and returned to the USAF Academy to teach heat transfer and propulsion systems
Conference Session
Aerospace Division Technical Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dominic M. Halsmer P.E., Oral Roberts University; John A. Voth, Oral Roberts University; Connor A. McCain, Oral Roberts University; Jordan David Reutter, Oral Roberts University; Nathaniel Shay Frailey; Matthew Samuelson; David Ahrens, Oral Roberts University
Tagged Divisions
actuators.This engineering analysis of the simulator will function to increase exposure to principles ofaircraft design to both technical and non-technical students alike. The simulator is tailor-made toaccompany our university's Aircraft Design course. By pairing the our simulator with the courseengineering students will be able to learn about aircraft design, create their custom airplane usingX-Plane 11’s plane maker software, and then experience flying it on our simulator. Thisimmediate, immersive feedback enriches the students' knowledge of aircraft design and increasesinterest in the topic. Additionally, the portable design of the simulator enables the system toserve as an exciting advertisement to pre-college students considering the world of
Conference Session
Aerospace Engineering Education
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amelia Greig, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Alex Powaser, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Douglas Howe, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Will Alan McGehee, California Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
theprinciples of electrostatic propulsion, a different device known as an electrospray thruster may beused instead. Electrospray thrusters are significantly simpler to make and, although the operationis somewhat different to gridded ion and Hall thrusters, the basic principles of electrostaticpropulsion can be accurately demonstrated with the electrospray system.Electrospray thrusters are not a new technology, being first developed in the 1960’s [1]. Initiallythey were not popular due to low thrust levels and high voltages required. The emergence ofmicro- and nano- satellite technologies has seen a resurgence in interest in electrospray systemsas there are more avenues for their use and improvements in technology have dropped therequired voltages [2,3
Conference Session
Aerospace Technical Session
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Scott Post, Bradley University; Shankar Seetharaman, Bradley University; Sree Abimannan, Bradley University
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. Benson, T., 1997, Interactive Educational Tool for Classical Airfoil Theory. AIAA-1997-849.6. Hepperle, M., 2008, JavaFoil, Allison, J., Bidaiah, S., Colwell, D., DeFranco, R., Findley, M., Hall, E., Miller, B., and Kemper, B., Universityof Colorado Design/Build/Fly 2008 - 2009: A Guide to Designing a Stable Flying Wing Aircraft. AIAA.8. Boyer, L., and Peck, C. AC 2009-1346: AIAA Design, Build, Fly Project Highlights. ASEE 2009.9. Arena, A., Experience with the Student Design/Build/Fly Contest at Oklahoma State University. 6th AIAAAviation Technology, Integration and Operations Conference. AIAA 2006-783310. Broughton, A. An Approach to Integration of Academic Studies with Practical Applications
Conference Session
Aerospace Division Technical Session 2
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Martin James Brennan, University of Texas, Austin; Adam Wayne Nokes, The University of Texas at Austin; Wallace T. Fowler P.E., University of Texas, Austin
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achieved during the GAM. The incoming and outgoing hyperbolic asymptotes aredisplayed radiating from the planet and reinforce the ease of interpretation by the student. Figure 1: Gravity Assist Maneuver Example2Figure 1, above, shows a sample GAM plot using planet centered coordinates. In the program, allgravity assists are assumed to be powered, and if an unpowered gravity assist is better, theoptimization reduces the ΔV magnitude to a negligible value.2 In the figure, the incoming andoutgoing hyperbolic trajectories are shown in black and blue, respectively, with a red poweredΔV direction vector. In this example case, the ΔV direction vector is displayed, but its magnitudeis negligibly small (< 1 m/s). Further
Conference Session
Personnel Development & Retention
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Devayan D. Bir, Loras College
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mid-nineties. In contrast, AE enrollment grew till 1988 and then sharply declined. The reason forthis disparity is that while engineering went through downsizing and mergers, 1980’s was adynamic time for aerospace engineering [8]. Truly the eighties were an exciting time for AEindustry where the U.S. increased its funding in the sector to almost excessive [9]. Followingthis period of excessive spending, the sector faced huge downsizing due to the slash infunding and recession. To put it in perspective, the AE sector slashed half a million jobs from1989 to 1995 [9]. Undergraduate enrollment in AE followed similar trends to that of itsindustry. Fletcher (1998) warned that the sharp decline in enrollment in AE will have seriousconsequences on
Conference Session
Aerospace Technical Session 2
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
M. Christopher Cotting, United States Air Force Test Pilot School
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environment anunderstanding level of learning is expected. As students progress to performing project work, orcollecting flight test data in a student only event an application level of learning is expected. Forboth practical and written final exams a correlation level of learning is expected.Finding the proper level of student engagementMost students at USAF TPS are atypical for a university environment. Entrance to the school ishighly selective, and as such most students already possess at least one post graduate degree, haveadvanced study skills, are extremely competitive and motivated, are usually in their late 20’s orearly 30’s, and all have shown significant military career progression potential. Student pilots areconsidered experts in their
Conference Session
STEM Education Tied to Aerospace Engineering
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hansel Burley, Texas Tech University; Casey Michael Williams, Texas Tech University; Terrance Denard Youngblood, Texas Tech University; Ibrahim H. Yeter, Texas Tech University
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scientists. Retrieved from Chen, X. (2009). Students who study science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in postsecondary education. Washington, D.C. U.S. Department of Education, NCES 2009=161, National Center for Education Statistics.9. Craig, M. A., & Richeson, J. A. (2014). On the precipice of a “Majority-Minority” America perceived status threat from the racial demographic shift affects white Americans’ political ideology. Psychological science, 0956797614527113.10. Creswell, J. (2015). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating, quantitative and qualitative research (5th ed.). Boston: Pearson.11. Hagedorn, L. S., & Purnamasari
Conference Session
Aerospace Division Technical Session 2
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
William Michael Butler, Lockheed Martin
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Conference Session
Topics Related to Assessments and Outcomes
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Frederick, Mechanical and Aeropace Engineering; Rebekah Frederick, Homewood Academy for Girls
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education necessary to The current need and use of these weapons on theunderstand the impact of engineering battlefield was discussed and societal and politicalsolutions in a global, economic, implication of improving their accuracy.environmental, and societal context.Bibliography1 Frederick, R.A., Jr., Takada, P., and Cook, L., "Prototype for a Multi-National Propulsion System Design Course,"AIAA Paper 2000-3894, 36th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, July 16-19, 2000.2 Frederick, R.A., Jr., Pawlak, M-S, Utley, D.R., Corsetti, C.D., Wells, B.E., and Landrum, D.B., “InternationalProduct Teams for Aerospace Systems Design,” AIAA Paper 2002-4337, July 2002.3
Conference Session
Aerospace Division Technical Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Aaron Budd, The Citadel; Jason Howison, The Citadel
Tagged Divisions
maximum resolution (2825 x 2124), which is sufficient for theexpected velocities near 0.2 m/s. The maximum recording speed of this camera is 1200 fps at336 x 96 resolution. This speed would allow for much greater flow speeds, but the clarity of theimages are sacrificed at higher frame rates. The higher frame rate images also containexceptionally more noise. Unfortunately, the Casio EX-F1 is no longer available for newpurchase in the United States, but plenty of similar cameras exist. For example, Ryerson andSchwenk [7] used the Casio EX-FH25, which has since been replaced by the EX-FH100. Thesecameras are cheaper than the EX-F1 and would work just as well in the present system. Since thehigh speed function is not high enough resolution for PIV
Conference Session
Aerospace First-Year Project-Based Learning
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alok K. Verma, Old Dominion University
Tagged Divisions
of Chief State Offices, 2005, vol. 10 issue 3. 4. T. Boe, The next step for educators and the technology industry: Investing in teachers. Educational Technology, 1989, 29(3), 39-44. 5. Bureau of Labor Statistics 6. C. Czerniak, .& M. Schriver, An examination of preservice science teachers' beliefs and behaviors as related to self-efficacy. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 1994, Volume 5, Number 3, 77-86. 7. N. Fisher, K. Gerdes., T. Logue, L. Smith & I Zimmerman, Improving students' knowledge and attitudes of science through use of hands-on activities. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 436 352).1998 8. J. Harvey, & S. Purnell, S
Conference Session
Aerospace Technical Session
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mehdi Shadaram, University of Texas, San Antonio; Thomas B. Morrow, University of Texas, San Antonio; C. Mauli Agrawal, University of Texas, San Antonio
Tagged Divisions
Practices Conference, Austin, TX February 2009.2. M. Shadaram, T. Morrow, and M. Agrawal, “Just in Time Math Project,” First Annual Meeting National Engineering Mathematics Consortium, Austin, TX, June 2009.3. M. Shadaram, “A Repeatable and Reproducible Approach for Improving Retention and Graduation Rates of Underrepresented Minorities and Women in EE,” TETC Best Practices Conference, Dallas, TX, February 2008.4. J. M. Tenor, S. L. Yu, C. L. Waight, K. S. Zerda, and T. L. Sha, “The Relations of Ethnicity to Female Engineering Students' Educational Experiences and College and Career Plans in an Ethnically Diverse Learning Environment,” Journal of Engineering Education, October 2008.5. C. H. Conliffe, “Formula for Action: ME3=Minority
Conference Session
Teaching Methodology & Assessment 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Connor Ott, University of Colorado Boulder; Kathryn Anne Wingate, University of Colorado Boulder; Aaron W. Johnson, University of Colorado Boulder
Tagged Divisions
format is especially helpful for students near the cutofffor a passing grade whose initial midterm performance may be discouraging to the point ofwithdrawal.References[1] M. A. Eppler, C. Carsen-Plentl, and B. L. Harju, “Achievement Goals, Failure Attributions, and Academic Performance in Nontraditional and Traditional College Students,” J. Soc. Behav. Pers., vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 353–372, 2000.[2] E. S. Elliot and C. S. Dweck, “Goals: An Approach to Motivation and Achievement,” J. Pers. Soc. Psychol., vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 5–12, 1988, doi: 10.1080/02109395.1989.10821105.[3] C. Midgley et al., “Manual for the Patterns of Adaptive Learning Sciences (PALS),” Pals, pp. 734–763, 2000.[4] C. S. Dweck and E. L. Leggett, “A
Conference Session
Efficient Authenticity: Modeling, Labs, Real-World Applications in Aerospace
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Muhammad Omar Memon, University of Dayton; Dathan Erdahl Ph.D., University of Dayton Research Institute; Saad Riffat Qureshi, University of Dayton
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. D., and B. Stein. The Ideal Problem Solver. New York: Freeman, 1983.Brent, R., & Felder. R. M. (2014). Want your students to think creatively and critically? How about teaching them? Chemical Engineering Education, 48(2), 113-114.Daly, S. R., Mosyjowski, E. A., & Siefert, C. M. (2014). Teaching creativity in engineering courses. Journal of Engineering Education, 103 (3), 417-449., J. F., Green, M. A. (2017). Use of a Full-motion Flight Simulator for Teaching Aircraft Performance and Dynamics, 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 9-13 January 2017, Grapevine, Texas.Diaz, A. Freeing the Creative Spirit. San Francisco: Harper Collins, 1992.Napolitano, M. R., Aircraft Dynamics
Conference Session
Innovations in Aero Curriculum and Program Level Administration
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Devayan Debashis Bir, Iowa State University; Benjamin Ahn, Iowa State University
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of evidence- based practices in online learning: A meta-analysis and review of online learning studies. US Department of Education.2. Ruey, S. (2010). A case study of constructivist instructional strategies for adult online learning. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41(5), 706-720.3. Maor, D., & Fraser, B. J. (2005). An online questionnaire for evaluating students' and teachers' perceptions of constructivist multimedia learning environments. Research in Science Education, 35(2), 221-244.4. Rovai, A. P. (2004). A constructivist approach to online college learning. The internet and higher Education, 7(2), 79-93.5. Palincsar, A. S. (1998). Social constructivist perspectives on teaching and learning. Annual review of
Conference Session
UAV and other Team Projects in Aerospace Engineering
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Calvin Russell Walker, Mississippi State University
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airframe had a design weight of 35 pounds and a wing loading of W/S= 2.92 pounds per square foot, the wing area of the wing was 12 square feet. The aspect ratio wasAR = 6.75. This aspect ratio yields nearly an elliptical lift distribution, which is the most efficientlift distribution that can be attained. The wingspan was determined to be 108 inches. Theconfiguration was a conventional tractor type, Figure 3.2. Figure 3.2 The students know the primary ISR mission requires some type of imaging device plus itspower and control source. Because of issues with the first design of residue affecting the cameradome, which is under the fuselage, the next design featured a twin-boom, pusher configuration
Conference Session
Aerospace Technical Session 3
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hüseyin Sarper, Old Dominion University; Linda Vahala, Old Dominion University
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and ejection delay (3). The rocket was observed to be still climbing briefly before beginning its descend, but after the ejection charge. It is reasonable to assume that the remaining time (1.23 seconds) was due to that brief observation. There were 19 other team launches using A8-3 engine. Not all results were as close as the ones reported from this student team report.AVION FLIGHT 25 :Rocket: Avion Engine: B6-4 The model weight: 28.46 g (heavier than most due to optionalspray paint used). Total weight including engine (Wo) = 46.75 grams ,propellant weight (Wp) =6.24 grams Impulse (I) = 5.00 N-s , Thrust Duration (Δt) = 0.8 sec. 1. Average Weight to Burnout (Wb) a. b. Converted to Pounds: 2. Thrust
Conference Session
Flight and Control Simulators for Virtual Learning
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
A. Ram Kim, Iowa State University; Benjamin Ahn, Iowa State University of Science and Technology; Matthew Erik Nelson, Iowa State University
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, and K. A. Smith, "Cooperative Learning Returns To College What Evidence Is There That It Works?," Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 26-35, 1998/07/01 1998, doi: 10.1080/00091389809602629.[5] K. L. Ruhl, C. A. Hughes, and P. J. Schloss, "Using the Pause Procedure to Enhance Lecture Recall," Teacher Education and Special Education, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 14-18, 1987/01/01 1987, doi: 10.1177/088840648701000103.[6] S. Keshmiri, A. Blevins, and A. R. Kim, "Active Learning and Student Engagement in Flight Dynamics and Control Classes," 2018: 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.[7] M. Prince and R. Felder, "The Many Faces of Inductive Teaching and Learning," Journal
Conference Session
Laboratory Courses and Programming in the Aerospace Curriculum
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Mary E. Johnson Ph.D., Purdue Polytechnic Institute; Tracy L. Yother, Purdue University - Purdue Polytechnic Lafayette
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95% confidence interval for the true mean being between 0.66 hours and 1.65 hours. Summary for hours M ean 1.1568 S tD ev 1.1157 V ariance 1.2448 S kew ness 2.26237 Kurtosis 6.27783
Conference Session
Laboratory Courses and Programming in the Aerospace Curriculum
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Adeel Khalid, Kennesaw State University
Tagged Divisions
proceedings and journal articles and others are still in progress [12-16]. It is expectedthat some of these projects will result in securing further external funding. When students areinvolved in conducting a research study, they also participate in writing the findings in the paperand therefore get a chance to become authors of scholarly research publications. 6. Student PerspectivesSeveral students that work on various projects in the lab were asked questions about the usabilityof the lab. Following are some of the questions and their responses. a) What are the benefits / dis-benefits of having the AERO lab on campus? “Providing a space for students to meet and have access to computer capable of CAD, a spacefor more advanced machine(s) to be
Conference Session
Advanced Aerospace Student Projects
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Horacio Andrés Trucco; Martina Y. Trucco, Hewlett-Packard Labs
Tagged Divisions
place on 9 November1961 with the SUMPA (Southampton University´s Man Powered Aircraft). Perhaps the best-known achievements of human-powered flights were crossing the English Channel (35.8 km) byBryan Allen pedaling the Gossamer Albatross on June 12, 1979, and later on April 23, 1988Kanellos Kanellopoulos established a distance record pedaling the Daedalus 88 from Crete toSantorini (119 km). Implementation of the herein suggested inflatable structure would reducethe weight of these competition aircrafts. The Gossamer Albatross weighed 32 kilograms and theDaedalus 88 weighed 31 kilograms.Currently the UK Royal Aeronautical Society organizes two human-powered flight competitionswith prizes of £50,000 and £100,000, see reference [12]. The first
Conference Session
Aerospace Curriculum and Collaborations
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Valana L. Wells, Arizona State University; Jenefer Husman, Arizona State University; Praveen Shankar, Arizona State University; Wen-Ting Chung, Arizona State University
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, 2007.[11] Bandura, A., “Guide for constructing self-efficacy scales,” in F. Pajares and T. Urdan (ed.), Adolescence andeducation, Vol. 5, pp. 307-337. Greenwich, CT: Information Age.[12] Pintrich, P. R., Smith, D., Garcia, T. and Mckeachie, W., “Reliability and Predictive Validity of the MotivatedStrategies for Learning Questionnaire (Mslq)”, Educational and Psychological Measurement, Vol. 53, No. 3, 1993.[13] Yasar, S., Discourse in freshman engineering teams: The relationship between verbal persuasions, self-efficacyand achievement. (Ph.D. dissertation), 2008.[14] Yasar, S., Robinson-Kurpius, S., Baker, D., Roberts, C. and Krause, S., “An intervention to address genderissues in a course on design, engineering and technology for science
Conference Session
Aerospace Curriculum and Collaborations
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sanjay Jayaram, Saint Louis University, Parks College of Engineering, Aviation, and Technology; Michael Swartwout, Saint Louis University
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CubeSats to be morethan limited-functioning “ BeepSats” . In addition to NSF CubeSat missions, the other eightwill ride on ESA ’s first V ega flight; their results will be very indicative of the potentialscientific benefits of university-class CubeSats, and CubeSats in general.References1 Gruntman, M, Brodsky. R, Erwin. D, Kunc. J, “Workforce Development for Space Industry”, AIAA Space 2003Conference and Exposition, AIAA-2003-6309, Sep. 23-25, 2003.2 Gruntman. M, “The Time for Academic Departments in Astronautical Engineering”, AIAA SPACE 2007Conference & Exposition, AIAA 2007-6042, 18 - 20 September 2007.3 Guerra L.A., Fowler. W, “Space Systems Engineering for Aerospace Undergraduates”, 46th AIAA AerospaceSciences Meeting and Exhibit, AIAA
Conference Session
Space Systems Design
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel Rooney, Saint Louis University; Mathew Roseman, Saint Louis University; Charles Shotridge, Saint Louis University; Jeffrey Aschenbrenner, Saint Louis University; Sanjay Jayaram, Saint Louis University
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, thus contributing to the future workforce development. Finally, theproject has provided enough feedback as a sound starting point for the next picosatelliteproject at Saint Louis University, where the students utilize all the experience gainedfrom the PASSat project.References1. The Future of University Space Research, USRA, 2006.2. Hands-on Training for Tomorrow’s Space Researchers, USRA, 2007.3. The Space Workforce: A Shared Dependency, USRA, 2008.4. NASA: The Vision for Space Exploration, NASA, 2004.5. Space Studies Board: Building a Better NASA Workforce: Meeting theWorkforce Needs for National Vision for Space Exploration, National AcademicPress, 2007.6. S. Jayaram, Billikensat 1 – Saint Louis University’s First Cubesat, ASEEConference