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- Approaches to Emerging Topics
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- 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
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Jennifer Craig, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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professional is based onobserving and understanding common behaviors and activities and seeing ourselvesactually creating work within those patterns.Perhaps the rhetorical challenge for an engineering student in a design course comes intwo parts. Assuming that s/he can reach the point of assembling rational design choices,s/he then must understand the quantitative (and perhaps qualitative) criteria in order tomake a final design choice. The first part of the challenge may be assembling theevidence for this choice and being able to argue for it. But the second and less easilydiscerned challenge is knowing which methods of proof are valid and which may not bequite as persuasive. “Claims are seen to be grounded through the process of argument---relating
- Conference Session
- Approaches to Emerging Topics
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- 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Lawrence Boyer, St. Louis University; Dane Johnston, St. Louis University; Wesley Karmazin, St. Louis University
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™ uses this theory over the entirety of an aircraft. By sectionalizing the fuselage, wings,tail, control surfaces, and other independent surfaces, individual forces are then calculated in realtime into a resultant force that is worked into a function of velocity to give an accurate real timeflight model.According to the creators, the software calculates its flight model using BEMT in the followingorder:a) Element Break-DownX-Plane™ breaks the wing(s), horizontal stabilizer, vertical stabilizer(s), and propeller(s) (ifequipped) down into a finite number of elements.b) Velocity DeterminationThe aircraft linear and angular velocities, along with the longitudinal, lateral, and vertical armsof each element are considered to find the velocity vector
- Conference Session
- Rethinking Aerospace Curricula and Learning
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- 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Narayanan Komerath, Georgia Institute of Technology
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the paucity of computing resources in the undergraduatecurriculum, we emphasized derivation of simplified analytical solutions, and extensive problem-solving using paper and pencil to assimilate analysis methods. Space studies were spread acrossdepartments of engineering science, mechanics, thermal sciences and physics. This fit well withthe demands of graduate curricula and research programs.Table 1 shows the compression in the fluid dynamics/ aerodynamics portion of the curriculumsince the mid 1980s. The second column indicates the number of hours allotted to this subjectarea, with Q denoting Quarter and S Semester. Column 3 compares the number of equivalentsemester hours. The last column is subjective, indicating the breadth of the content
- Conference Session
- Integrative Projects in Aerospace Engineering
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- 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
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Sanjay Jayaram, St. Louis University
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muchfaster than other subsystems. It should also be noted that all the subsystems were designed basedon the CubeSat design constraints and BillikenSat 1’s mission constraints. All the subsystemswent through rigorous design process (namely systems requirement, conceptual design, detaileddesign and final design). This paper gives the description of these subsystems at the Final DesignPhase. Faculty Advisor: Sanjay Jayaram Student Program Manager: Abraham Grindle (AE) Mechanical Structure and Analysis: Power Distribution: Abraham Grindle
- Conference Session
- Best Practices and Structuring for Aerospace Curricula
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- 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Ismail Orabi, University of New Haven; Corinne Lenk, Smith College
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Containerless Melts in Space,” In “Opportunities for Academic Research in a Low-Gravity Environment”, edited by George A. Hazelrigg and Joseph M. Reynolds, Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics Volume 108., p. 165-192. 4. Wanis et al [1998]: Wanis, S., Akovenko, J., Cofer, T.,Ames, R.G., Komerath, N.M., “Acoustic Shaping in Microgravity”. AIAA Paper 98-1065, 36, Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 1998. 5. Smith, M.J., Komerath, N.M., “Learning More From Classtime: Technology Enhancement in the Classroom, “.ASEE 2000 National Meeting, Session 1602, June 2000Name Anonymous End of Course Evaluation- Spring05 Question 1 Multiple Choice
- Conference Session
- Rethinking Aerospace Curricula and Learning
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- 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Thomas Hannigan, Mississippi State University; Carrie Olsen, Mississippi State University; David Bridges, Mississippi State University; Keith Koenig, Mississippi State University
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Southeast, and the U. S. We believe that the addition of the astronautics optionwill increase the potential for our graduates to find positions after graduation. As discussedabove, there has been a renewed emphasis in the U.S. on space exploration, and companies whoare developing the technologies necessary for new space exploration will need engineers trainedin astronautics. There is also continued growth in the area of space utilization fortelecommunications, imaging, weather forecasting, and other fields, and the companies andmanufacturers involved in these areas, such as the design and construction of earth satellites,need engineers trained in astronautics. Stennis Space Center, is the primary engine test facilityfor NASA, and the increase in
- Conference Session
- Integrative Projects in Aerospace Engineering
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- 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Abhijit Nagchaudhuri, University of Maryland-Eastern Shore; Madhumi Mitra, University of Maryland-Eastern Shore; Carolyn Brooks, University of Maryland-Eastern Shore; Tracie Earl, University of Maryland-Eastern Shore; Gabriel Ladd, University of Maryland-Eastern Shore; Geoffrey Bland, NASA Goddard Space Flignt Center's Wallops Flight Facility
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, B., 1998, What is Precision Agriculture? Available Online at http://www.directionsmag.com/article.php?article_id347. Sullivan, J., Weller, S., Gunz, M., Leasure, M., Ross, C., and Brost, J., “Small UAV’s for Agricultural Applications”, AUVSI, Unmanned Science Newsletter – 2005-10. Available Online : http://www.auvsi.org/unmanned science/newsletter/attachments/9/SULLIVAN.PDF8. Wolf, P.R., and Dewitt, B. A., Elements of Photogrammetry with Applications in GIS McGraw Hill Publishers, 3rd Edition, 20009. Matlab Mapping Toolbox, http://www.mathworks.com10. ARCGIS 9.0 , http://www.esri.com11. Robotic Helicopter, http://www.rotomotion.com12. Color Infrared Digital Camera, http://www.terraverdetech.com13. Kolb
- Conference Session
- Integrative Projects in Aerospace Engineering
- Collection
- 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Joel Weinstein, Northeastern University; Randy August, Northeastern University; Len Dow, Northeastern University; Jerome Tapper, Northeastern University; Francis Di Bella, Northeastern University
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can also be used by the S.E.T. staff for several other courses.Similar inter-active exhibits are also likely to draw the attention of students and help them discern thebenefits of a Northeastern University education.PROBLEM STATEMENT:Design an integrated catapult and data acquisition system that can be operated safely by a high schoolstudent and that will record and save the measured and predicted distances that an object has been thrown.The object must be less than ½ pound.A similar interactive exhibits can also be proposed by the student and a prototype or model designed, builtand tested11. PET CARRIER/STORAGE COMPARTMENT SYSTEM FOR S.U.V.BACKGROUND:The market for SUV.‘s is still growing despite the increase in fuel costs. One of the
- Conference Session
- Learning to Design Aerospace Systems
- Collection
- 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Thomas Liu, University of Michigan; Christopher Deline, University of Michigan; Rafael Ramos, University of Michigan; Steven Sandoval, University of Michigan; Ashley Smetana, University of Michigan; Brian Gilchrist, University of Michigan; Peter Washabaugh, University of Michigan; Nilton Renno, University of Michigan
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dedication—without them, none of this would havebeen possible.References[1] National Science Board, Science and Engineering Indicators 2004 (NSB 04-1, NSB 04-1A), Arlington, VA:National Science Foundation, 2004.[2] National Science Board, The Science and Engineering Workforce: Realizing America’s Potential (NSB 03-69), Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation, 2003.[3] O’Keefe, S., speech to the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University, 12April 2002.[4] Hart-Rudman U.S. Commission on National Security in the 21st Century, Road Map for National Security:Imperative for Change, 2001.[5] Bilén, S.G., Bernal, L.P., Gilchrist, B.E., and Gallimore, A.D., “The Student Space-Systems FabricationLaboratory