. Raghavan serves as a Professor and Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies at Embry Rid- dle Aeronautical University. Her research interests are in the areas of Mechanics of aerospace structures and materials. She joined UCF in Fall 2008 after completing her doctoral studies at Purdue University, Indiana, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics in the area of Structures & Materials. She obtained her M.S., Aeronautical Engineering in Structures at ISAE-SUPAERO, Toulouse, France where she also worked with Messier Bugatti in Velizy, Paris (S-92 wheels and brakes testing). Prior to this, she com- pleted her B.Eng in Mechanical Engineering at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. She has 7 years of
classrooms enhances studentfoundational knowledge, hands-on capabilities, and overall engineering design aptitude.Integrating hands-on activities into massive open online courses (MOOCs) could increasestudent access to more real-life learning opportunities. This paper reports on instructor(s)experiences while developing and implementing an introductory rocketry course with bothonline and hands-on components intended for high school and early collegiate students.IntroductionFrom 2016 to 2021, the space industry grew by an estimated 18.4% [1] with nearly half of thegrowth occurring in 2021. The demand for work in the space and defense industry is high. Yet,many young students still do not see a place for themselves in the industry, especially
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to reveal gender disparities and a lack of policy usage (i.e., paidtime off), yet existing research tends to focus on faculty and not doctoral students [84]. Ouranalysis did not uncover any results or findings that could be directly associated with work-lifebalance climate for doctoral engineering students.Discussion Our review demonstrates that 1) when there are studies of climate, constructs were notdefined, ill-defined, or derived from literature outside of organizational science, 2) participantclimate perceptions were often captured in studies of phenomena other than climate and 3)while engineering study results and findings often indicated the presence of organizationalclimate(s), engineering education researchers did not
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