Page 13.14.3assessment tool that would have value to the community as well as the academicpartner. In doing so, it will focus upon the tools that are of value to the teacherand overall service learning program more than the students and it will also seekout the types of questions and answers that serve the clients’ needs.Literature Review: Service Learning as PedagogyService Learning charts a relatively new avenue in pedagogical research. It hasonly seen a surge in research activity since the 1990’s 3, so it suffers from ashortage of literature steeped in the discipline. Even leaner is the amount ofmaterial that addresses client satisfaction or community partner assessmentstrategies related to service learning projects.It is best to begin with
). Cost analysis of inadequate interoperability in the US capital facilities industry. Johnson, S. (1998). What’s in a representation, why do we care, and what does it mean? Examining the Evidence from Psychology. In Automation in Construction. 8 (1): 15-24.7 Birx, G. BIM Evokes Revolutionary Changes to Architecture Practice at Ayers/Saint/Gross. In AIA Architect. (2005). Khamlani, L. (2004). The IFC Building Model: A Look Under the Hood. AECbytes Feature (March 30, 2004). Hagan, S, Graves, T, Matta, C., and Kam, C. (2005). Building
students’ emotional andpsychological pattern in service learning. In order to increase effectiveness of service learningoutcomes, faculty members must understand specific cognitive process. Contributing designsolutions of the built environment is a valuable goal for both students and the community.Bibliography1. Ash, S., Clayton, P. and Atkinson, M. (Spring, 2005). Integrating Reflection and Assessment to Capture and Page 13.299.11Improve Student Learning . Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning. Volume 11. No.2. 102
hundred years after the signing of the Declaration ofIndependence. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was founded with the expresspurpose of protecting human health and to safeguard the natural environment8. However, as theEPA was soon to realize, the environmental damage of nearly two centuries would be hard tomanage.The American environmentalism movement has been plagued by ebbs and flows, withmomentum for change predominately in the 60-70’s and 90-00’s9,10. Like all social reform, theseefforts have been subject to popular support and political action. Modern environmentalism hasbegun to embrace the concepts of green and sustainable development. However, in order to besuccessful engineers, architects, and building contractors must modify
Environment and Development, Oxford: Oxford University Press.4. Hamilton, S. and Meyer, F. (2007), “Inspiring Students-The Key to Learning for the Future”, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2007 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, Honolulu.6. Bowman, M. (2002), “Personalizing the Goals of Undergraduate Research”, Journal of College Science Teaching, Vol. 32 Issue 2, p120.7. Shades of Green (2006), Report of the Green Building Alliance.8. Beckman, E. et al. (2007), “Combining Educational Studies, Research and International Experiences in
Estimation and Project Planning with Revit” (Images courtesyof students S. S. Mikhail, H. Yoon, and D. Cho). Page 13.589.15Figure 11. Student Project - “Ram-Revit Link v. 2.0.” (Images courtesy of student A. McGraw).As can be seen by the topics covered and the sample images, the students did some impressivework for an entry level class. In reviewing the work done between the two semesters several ofthe topics covered where very similar. However, the instructors feel that the quality and depth ofwork produced was better for the second, fall 2007 semester. The authors feel that two changesled principally to this improvement.The first issue was group size
, Chicago, June 2006.2. Austin, S, Design Chains: A Handbook for Integrated Collaborative Design, Telford – Thomas Limited, March 2002 Page 13.325.9
wasgiven a permanent home on campus. Originally constructed in 1918 as the Gymnasiumand Armory for the university, this two story building was renovated in the mid-1970’s toaccommodate the School of Architecture. During the renovation a third floor runningFigure 3: An early rendering of the original Armory by it's architect, Professor Redlichtrack was in-filled to convert the two-story building into a full three stories to be used asstudio space for the architecture students. While this new facility was far better thananything the school had been home to previously, the facilities were still greatly lackingin size and scope. Since moving into the facility in 1977, each NAAB and ABETaccreditation visit has resulted in notification to the school of
. Conf. Modern Industrial Training, Xian, pp. 274-279, 1994.9. Harvey, L., Moon, S., Geall, V. ` Graduates Work: organizational change and student's attributes.` Centre forResearch into Quality, University of Central England in Birmingham, UK, (April 1997).10. Mole, T. ` Mind the Gap: An Education and Training Framework for Chartered Building Surveyors`. The RoyalInstitution of Chartered Surveyors, London, (March 1997).11. Moohan, J. ` Procedures and Guidelines for Course Accreditation, Supplementary Advisory Notes:Postgraduate Programs. ` Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, London, UK, (1993).Gouranga C. Banik, Ph.D., P.E.Gouranga C. Banik is a Professor of Construction Management Department at Southern Polytechnic StateUniversity in
problem as described above, students were expected to implement theintegrated design method, in which quantitative evaluation of initial solutions should inform anddirect subsequent design development(s). Quantitative evaluation of the environmentalperformance of the design schemes was based on the results of rigorous (and simplified)engineering methods. Calculations of both the passive heating and passive cooling systems wererequired. Figure 2 shows the calculation procedure to design the passive solar heating systems.Figure 3 shows the calculation procedure to design the natural ventilation systems.4.3 Design Development LoopIn this phase, each group developed its own conceptual design in the light of a simultaneousevaluation of its