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Conference Session
Structural Education Topics in Architectural Engineering
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gouranga Banik, Tennessee State University
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publications in the area of civil engineering and construction management. He presented some of his research in several well-known and peer reviewed conferences like ASEE, ASCE, ASC, WEFTEC and CIB, and published articles in those conference proceedings. He presented his research all over the world including the United States, Canada, Greece, Italy, Brazil and the Philippines. Page 24.978.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014 Perceptions Regarding Cheating among CM and AEC StudentsIntroductionFrom the existing research, it is understood that that academic cheating has
Conference Session
Construction Education Topics in Architectural Engineering
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yutaka Sho, Syracuse University
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, a photographer and a poet respectively, originally created to give voices to inner cityimmigrant students in upstate New York. While drawing and writing may intimidate students,the ease of pressing the button on the camera and composing grammar-free text liberated them.Rwandan students’ work shows their homes, families and domestic objects; students embracedand reflected on the nature of their living spaces, and how they negotiated the ideal developmentmodel with the West. The exercise was followed by theory readings mostly from the West aboutspatial relationships such as corridors to rooms, details to whole, and private and public. 7Western architectural theory, although ignorant of Rwandan realities, helped frame ourdiscussions about what
Conference Session
Construction Education Topics in Architectural Engineering
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ahmed Cherif Megri, North Carolina A&T State University
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the troubleshooting is a“reactive” problem solving (Baker & Dugger, 1986). The design involves more innovation,where the troubleshooting involves the recognition that technology encompasses (Baker &Dugger, 1986).More recently, Design is defined by Nielsen (2003), “A Problem is basically impression of atension or a contrast between two conditions: Condition of Desires and Actual Condition”. Thesuccessful design of an item transforms a condition of “Desire” (or need) into one of “Actuality”.These definitions are supported by Jonassen (2004) when he writes “First, a problem is anunknown entity in some context”, and “Second, finding or solving for the unknown must havesome social, cultural or intellectual value”. He then adds one vital
Conference Session
Architectural Design Topics in Architectural Engineering
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ahmed Cherif Megri, North Carolina A&T State University
Tagged Divisions
: those in the upper 75 percentile, those in the 50 – 75 percentile and those below the 50 percentile populations. Thus the assessment results compiled are based on course performances and grades, exams, projects, presentations of students, and writings as required in some courses. Furthermore, each course specifically addresses the learning outcomes and relation between the course and the Program outcomes, the methods used for the evaluation of students’ performance and the relevance of the course materials to the Program outcomes following the standards adopted for the assessment process.  Students will be provided with the course descriptions including learning objectives and outcomes