Education, 43, 2, 2000.6. Verleger. M., Diefes-Dux, H., Rickus, J., Schaffer, S., “Drag the Green Ion - An Interactive Online Quantitative Cellular Biology Learning Module”, 2005 ASEE National Conference Proceedings, Portland, OR., 2005.7. Verleger. M., Diefes-Dux, H., Rickus, J., Schaffer, S., “An Online Bioengineering Learning Module: Phylogenetic Relationships”, 2005 ASEE IL/IN Sectional Conference Proceedings, DeKalb, IL., 2005.8. Verleger, M., Diefes-Dux, H.A., Rickus, J., and Schaffer, S., “An Online Bioengineering Learning Module: Gene Regulation”, 2005 Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference Proceedings, Indianapolis, IN., 2005.9. The Oracle of Bacon at Virginia. Retrieved January 5, 2006 from http
on gender using crosstabfrequencies, prevalence ratios, and the T-test to determine whether non-parametric scores in bothgenders differ. By understanding gender differences in attitudes and interests in biological engi-pggtkpi."yg"ecp"cfftguu"kuuwgu"kp"vjg"Ýgnf"vq"kortqxg"dqvj"tgetwkvogpv"cpf"tgvgpvkqp0Surprisingly few differences were found in the data based on gender. Based on several measures,females were equally prepared for biological and agricultural engineering when compared withmales. However, differences were found in “hands-on” preparation and family background.IntroductionSince the early 1990’s the “pipeline theory” has been accepted as the dominant conceptualframework to describe the relationship between education and occupation
(problem-based, tool-based, cases) Pedagogical goals Targeted course Targeted student audience, Prerequisite(s) Lecture notes (e.g. slides). Reading materials for the instructor (e.g. list of references) set of exercises and/or projects Instructor solution manual for the provided exercises Evaluation of module for potential curriculum impact assessment rubricsFaculty Training
of Engineering,Washington D.C.; 2008.(5) Johnson, A. T., “Biology for Engineers.” CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.; 2011.(6) Tozeren, A. and S. W. Beyers. “New Biology for Engineers and Computer Scientists,” Pearson PrenticeHall, New Jersey; 2004. Page 22.290.7(7) Vaccari, D. A., P. F. Strom, J. E. Alleman. “Environmental Biology for Engineers and Scientists,”Wiley, New Jersey; 2006.(8) Waite, G. N., L. R. Waite, W. X. Balcavage, M. B. Worrell. “Applied Cell and Molecular Biology forEngineers,” McGraw Hill, New York; 2007.(9) ”Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs: Effective for Evaluations During the 2011-2012Accreditation Cycle,” ABET
: Page 11.506.10 No. StatesS Inform = − k B ∑ State =1 pi log 2 pi No. States where pi = nodei / ∑ State =1 nodei No .States (3)S Boltz = ∑ State =1 k B Ln(1/ pi ) 1Note that log 2 pi and Ln were forced to zero if pi = 0. pi Shannon and Boltzmann entropy values at the entrance
Page 11.1072.2restructuring. We will describe our efforts as they apply to the field of biological engineering ingeneral, the department’s overall curriculum, and specific educational / instructional activities.BackgroundDuring the early 1990’s enrollment was decreasing in agricultural related engineering programsaround the United States. Utah State University was no exception, with a total AgriculturalEngineering undergraduate enrollment approaching ten students. In response to the decline inenrollment and to address the emergence of the biological engineering degree programs aroundthe country the Biological Engineering degree program was created in 1993. Since then, it hasbeen the fastest growing undergraduate engineering discipline on
argue from differentpositions is needed to diagnose the environment and propose the best solution17.Decision-making problems usually require that problem solvers select a solution from a set ofalternative solutions2. Traditional conceptions of decision making posit a set of alternativecriteria that decision makers work through in order to identify the optimal solution. Thosecriteria may be provided to the problem solver(s), or the solver(s) may have to identify the mostrelevant criteria. Everyday life is replete with decision-making problems. Businesses also dailysolve many decision-making problems. Though these problems typically require selecting onesolution, the number of decision factors to be considered in deciding among those solutions as
measure these responses. Future studies should examine therecruitment policies of engineering students, in order to increase female and minorityrepresentation in the program. Also future studies can discuss if there are any differencesbetween the experiences of the international student versus domestic students in the engineeringfield. Additionally, analysis by gender can also be done to better understand specific experiencesof students in engineering majors. Page 22.288.13 References1 Zidney, A. L., Bennett, J. S., Shahid, A., & Bauer, K.W. (2002). Faculty perspective regarding theundergraduate
el g /1 in od Community centeredness el s /2 M pt od ce
assistant attending nearly everymeeting of the class, provided an interesting dynamic. Good software tools are essential for today’s students. The learning curve associatedwith any individual package is difficult. Excel is a platform that is widely used. Studentsshould learn a program such as MATLAB and have it used throughout the curriculum.The ECONET package herein builds off the MATLAB platform and thus is easy tograsp.References CitedAoki, I. 2001. Entropy and exergy principles in living systems. (IN Thermodynamics and ecological modeling, Ed. by S.E. Jorgensen), Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL.Cengel, Y.A. and M.A. Bowles. 2002. Thermodynamics: an engineering approach. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.Fath, B.D., S. E. Jørgensenb, B
, butseveral other options exist. To assure that students have sufficient and various kinds ofeducational opportunities to learn or develop desired outcomes, we engaged in curricular and co-curricular mapping.Part II: Determining timing, identifying cohort(s), and assigning responsibilities. This part of the Page 26.1290.3Assessment Plan focuses on how and when every Food Engineering Program faculty will beassessing desired outcomes, identifying appropriate times to assess students’ level of achievement of selected competencies. Assessing student learning over time known as formativeassessment provides valuable information about how well students are
. Petrikovics, I., Baskin, S.I., Cheng, T-C., Yin, R., Szilasi, M., Logue, B.A., Jaszberenyi, J.C., Wales, M.E., Wild, J.R., Way, J.L. Organophosphorus antidotal protection with bacterial enzymes immobilized within a nanocapsule, polyoxazoline-based dendritic polymer carrier system. 2005. Nanotoxicol. 00:1-9.6. The URL for UT Research Park is http//www.ut U. S News and World Report 2005 “ Best Hospital Survey”8. The URl to access information on the article is Page 12.322.7
Attributes of an Engineer, www. offices/ pwu/attributes/attributes.html.3) D. Chadha and G. Nicholls, Teaching Transferable Skills to Undergraduate Engineering Students: Recognizing the value of Embedded and Bolt-On Approaches, The International Journal of Engineering Education, 22(1): 116-122.4) M. Mentkowski et al., 2000, Learning That Lasts, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Inc.5) Myers, I.B., 1993. Introduction to Type, Fifth Edition, Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologist Press.6) S. Fallows and C. Steven, 2000. Integrating Key Skills in Higher Education, Kogan Page Publishers, London. Page 11.617.9Peer rating
-MARC) NIH Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement (NIH-RISE) NSF S-STEM projects in industrial engineering and computer scienceAt this point we are early in the process but several events have occurred. There has been a setof joint workshops to teach MATLAB to biologists but these workshops were also attended byengineering faculty and students. While biology students and faculty learned the modelingcapabilities of MATLAB, engineering students and faculty were exposed to the SIMBIOLOGYtoolbox..Recognizing that research into new biomaterials is a significant area of emphasis for modernmaterials research and therefore is an area worthy of study, the mechanical engineeringdepartment faculty has upgraded the course entitled Modern
/matlabcentral/linkexchange/links/2202-bse-4004-instrumentation-measurement-and-control-in-biological-systems).Schwartz, D. L., Lin, X., Brophy, S., and Bransford, J.D. 1999. “Toward the development of flexiblyadaptive instructional designs”. In Instructional Design Theories and Models, Vol. II, edited by C. M.Reigelut. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.Smith, K.A., Sheppard, S.D., and Johnson, D.W. 2005. “Pedagogies of Engagement- Classroom-BasedPractices”. Journal of Engineering Education 94:87–101.Wellman, J.V., Desrochers, D.M., and Lenihan, C.M. 2009. Trends in College Spending. The DeltaFoundation.