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Displaying all 3 results
Conference Session
Biological and Agricultural Engineering Education Technical Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chi N. Thai, University of Georgia; Yan-Fu Kuo, National Taiwan University; Ping-Lang Yen, National Taiwan University
Tagged Divisions
Biological & Agricultural
. 188 weeks) and d also for thee different teechnical trainnings alreaddy received bby UGA vs. N NTUstudeents. UGA students s werre mostly sen niors and alrready had takken courses on ElectricaalCircuuits and Senssors and Tran nsducers, bu ut they only hhad formal ssoftware traiining in MattLaband not n in C/C++ +. On the oth her hand, NT TU students were at the sophomore level and haadformaal training inn C/C++ pro ogramming, but b may not have yet takken courses iin ElectricallCircuuits or Sensoors and Transsducers. Furrthermore, a “contract teeaching” appproach was uusedfor UGA U studentss to allow thhem to choosse their own challenge leevels in the llast 2 projectts outof a total t
Conference Session
Biological and Agricultural Engineering Education Technical Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chehra Aboukinane; Daniel N. Moriasi, USDA-ARS; Ann L. Kenimer, Texas A&M University; Kim Dooley, Texas A&M University; James DUPE Linder, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Biological & Agricultural
Conference Session
Biological and Agricultural Engineering Education Technical Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ernest W. Tollner PE, University of Georgia; Qianqian Ma, University of Georgia; Caner Kazanci, University of Georgia
Tagged Divisions
Biological & Agricultural
not addressed theretention question. Retention is clearly an issue when one considers all the exit points of the various Page 23.925.15modeled curricula. Retention questions require additional work.We calculated the information entropy (S) and some other thermodynamic analogues using the followingformulas [25] in equations 4 – 7. The information entropy S is given by equation 4. (4)Pi is the probability of a particle having an exergy or information content of x relative to the totalinformation in the compartment as found using the post path analysis and equations 1, 2 or 3. Theprobability Ωi that a particle