Paper ID #33197Using Board Spectrum Technological Projects to Introduce Diverse StudentPopulations to Biological & Agricultural EngineeringDr. Carol S. Stwalley, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE) Dr. Carol S. Stwalley, P.E. joined the Minority Engineering Program team in the fall of 2007 as Recruit- ment and Retention Analyst. She earned her Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, and Ph.D. from Agriculture and Biological Engineering at Purdue University. Dr. Stwalley has more than 20 years in di- versity work, with considerable background working with K-12 students from the Women in Engineering Programs at
information: 1) major targeting, 2) previous information about thehiring pool, and 3) recruiter experiences or extra information. Major targeting questionsencompassed answers about which, if any, major(s) companies specifically looked to hire or nothire at the career fair. These questions held basis in the fact that company profiles for the careerfair website included a list titled “Majors Hiring” [5]. Questions under ‘previous information’included answers about any information the recruiters had about the major or students beforevisiting the university. This information could come from the university itself, digitally orhardcopy, through word of mouth or from first hand experiences. The final category, recruiterexperiences, comprised a catch all of
Engineering, 2019. [Online]. Available:[10] Iowa State University, Agricultural and Biological System Engineering, 2019. [Online]. Available: engineering/ae-curricula/.[11] Texas A&M University, Biological and Agricultural Engineering, n.d. [Online]. Available:[12] B. Sharma, B. Steward, S. Ong, and F. Miguez, ‘'Evaluation of teaching approach and student learning in a multidisciplinary sustainable engineering course', Journal of cleaner production, vol. 142, pp. 4032-40, 2017.[13] M. Mumford, L
, andcommunicate their understanding of the topic to others.For each lab module, students were provided with one or two research or technical article(s)relevant to the topic of the given lab module. Students were asked to read the assigned paper(s)outside of class prior to each lab module. During the first lab session of each lab module, theywere tasked to develop a “consensus concept map” as a team using Cmap software (IHMC). Themain goals of the concept mapping were to allow students to identify what knowledge they doand do not have, actively look up the meanings of any unknown terms, communicate and discusswhat they have learned, and finally organize concepts in a meaningful way to represent the topicin a team setting. This approach was chosen to
desktop computer. We used low-cost (ca. 120USD) interactivetablets and styluses to enable annotation of the PowerPoint slides as we recorded each lecture orlecture segment. For programming- or spreadsheet-focused lectures, we used Microsoft Excel,VBA within Excel, MATLAB, or Simulink as appropriate, and could readily switch the videocapture between the programming environment and the relevant PowerPoints as needed. Ourpractice of splitting the lectures led to typical segment lengths of 5 – 15 minutes, and total videocontent per class period of 30 – 40 minutes.From a delivery standpoint, we initially used a flipped model in the Y3NM class. Lecture videoswere posted several days prior to class, and student were asked to watch the video(s) and often
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specific knowledge areas across university BAE programs, to identify similarities anddifferences. Likewise, the ranked knowledge areas in Table 3 can be used to inform surveys ofpotential employers of BAE graduates.Table 3. List of specific knowledge areas ranked according to the frequency (Freq) of occurrencefor learning outcomes. Fre Learning Specific Knowledge Area Rank q Outcome 1 Fluid mechanics 9 b l r s u z ac ae al Heat and mass transfer (not mass balance), thermal props
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notcomplete a humanitarian engineering project and compare those results to the existing data ofstudents who did experience such a project.AcknowledgementsThe authors are indebted to the Mid-Ohio Foodbank for their vision to create healthier, hunger-free communities. This work was supported by KEEN-ICE grant from the Kern FamilyFoundation. This work is also supported by Hatch project no. OHO01342 / accession no.1003938 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings,conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and donot necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.References[1] J. Roy, “Engineering by the Numbers,” ASEE Dept. of Institutional Research
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andtheir future improvement to promote and encourage the underrepresented groups towardsintegration with institutional development.References1. Arriba M., Lucas C.M., Goto K. & Labrador R.N. (2018) Engaging Filipinx Americans in Higher Education to Foster Student Success. JCSCORE 4, 1-37.2. Bowman N.A., Denson N. & Park J.J. (2016) Racial/cultural awareness workshops and post- college civic engagement: A propensity score matching approach. American Educational Research Journal 53, 1556-87.3. Cartile A., Marsden C. & Liscouët-Hanke S. (2019) Teaching and learning design engineering: What we can learn from co-curricular activities. Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association
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the middle school classroom, teaching math and science, and consulting with nonprofits, museums, and summer programs.Mr. Eric Steven Hall, North Carolina State University Eric S. Hall Education: • PhD (Student), Education, North Carolina State University (Expected Graduation: 2023) • M.C.E., (Master of Civil Engineering), North Carolina State University, 2011 • M.A., Business, Web- ster University, 1992 • B.A., Mathematics, Syracuse University, 1983 • B.S., Aerospace Engineering, Syracuse University, 1983 Areas of Expertise: Exposure Science; Air Pollution Monitoring; Mercury (Hg) Air Pollution Analysis; Environmental Justice; Environmental Public Health Tracking; Ultraviolet Radiation; Sustainability; Sta
-regulate bymaintaining a common in-class schedule and suggested due dates.There are, however, several potential issues related to a flexible deadline approach. The first isthe planning fallacy, where learners underestimate the time it takes to complete a task [3]. Ifflexible deadlines are in place, students may not undertake the requisite self-regulating strategiesin order to complete the assignments. Another potential issue with relaxed deadlines is thetendency for students to mass (cram) their work in very few study episodes just before thetasks(s) are due. Citing several works, Fulton et al. [3] note that distribution of practice (i.e.,more frequent deadlines) results in better performance across a wide range of tasks.In our experience
Organization, 2020. [Online]. Available:[2] M. P. A. Murphy, “COVID-19 and emergency eLearning: Consequences of the securitization of higher education for post-pandemic pedagogy,” Contemp. Secur. Policy, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 492–505, 2020, doi: 10.1080/13523260.2020.1761749.[3] A. M. Stern, M. S. Cetron, and H. Markel, “Closing The Schools: Lessons From The 1918–19 U.S. Influenza Pandemic,” Health Aff., vol. 28, no. Supplement 1, pp. w1066– w1078, Jan. 2009, doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.28.6.w1066.[4] D. A. Gill, A. Ladd, and J. Marszalek, “College students experiences with Hurricane Katrina: a comparison between students from Mississippi State University and three New
motivator forall BAE students, it needs to apply to a variety of interests. This could be done by adding in asecond aspect like designing a small on-site power plant, rather than only a refrigeration system.Hopefully, a power plant design would interest power & machinery agricultural engineers andpossibly ecological engineers.5. AcknowledgmentsThis work was supported by a KEEN- ICE grant from the Kern Family Foundation, and theauthors are indebted to the MidOhio Foodbank for their vision to create healthier, hunger-freecommunities.6. ReferencesAmbrose, S. A., M. W. Bridges, M. DiPietro, M. C. Lovett and M. K. Norman. 2010. How Learning Works: 7 Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching, Jossey-Bass Publ., San Francisco, CA.Bransford, J
engineering problem solving and design; engineering units;engineering report writing; oral report presentation; laboratory demonstration of biologicalengineering analysis.Students are able to take these courses in either order, though the vast majority takes BE 1250first. For a more in-depth look at the course sequence, consult Monroe et al. (2006) and Lima etal. (2001).ChangesDuring the past 25 years, a number of changes have occurred that have influenced thesecourses. These changes include an increase in student population and interest inbioengineering, ABET accreditation, and increasing collaboration among instructors. Each ofthese changes and the corresponding change in course(s) is discussed below.Changes in population and interests of
, 2013. [Online].Available: [Accessed 20 January 2019][2] D. Kumar and P. Kalita, “Reducing postharvest losses during storage of grain crops tostrengthen food security in developing countries,” Foods, vol. 6, no. 1, January 2017. [Online].Available: The National Center for Biotechnology Information,[Accessed 10 June 2018].[3] K. von Grebmer, J. Bernstein, F. Patterson, A. Sonntag, L. Klaus, J. Fahlbusch, Ol. Towey,C. Foley, S. Gitter, K. Ekstrom, H. Fritschel and L. Hammond, Global Hunger Index: ForcedMitigation and Hunger. Dublin/Bonn: GHI, October 2018.[4] Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, World Food and Agriculture -Statistical
formal and non-formal educational settings. His expertise includes systems thinking and design, op- erations research, statistical modeling, and simulation. He has taught several graduate and undergraduate courses in statistics, systems engineering, operations research, and business analytics. Dr. Guru has pre- viously served as the Director of Research Strategy at the Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science and Management at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. In addition to his academic experience, Dr. Guru is an expert in supercomputing; he has 10 years of experience in building and managing information technology solutions at University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Fermi National Lab, Talent Plus, and IBM.Ms
approach has led to the development and adoption of design strategies that measure learning and teaching efficacies across his service in various institutions of higher education. . A geophysicist by academic training, he began to design multimedia applications for teaching and learning in the late 1990’s, developing his first online course in 1996. Since then, he has helped a few hundred faculty from varied disciplines develop hybrid and online courses. He has also taught traditional, hybrid and online courses ranging in size from 28 to 250. He is also co-developer of a Digital Academy which was a finalist for the Innovation Award by the Professional and Organizational Development Network and an Innovation Award
the source(s) of information related to their familiarity with the terms and conceptspresented in part 1 The post survey was separated into three parts; the first part was identical tothe pre survey (Post knowledge survey part 1). The second (Post knowledge survey part 2) askedthe students to identify, using a Likert scale, how well specific Moodle activities and additionalresources helped them to better understand the concepts and topics presented. The third (Postknowledge survey part 3) also asked the students, using a Likert scale, to identify how helpfulthe simulation (decision-making) game was in reinforcing specific concepts and topics but alsoincluded an open-ended question in which the students could provide any additional commentsor
. 2013.[6] S. Singh, M.Singh, and S.C Kaushik. (2016) A review of optimization techniques for sizing of solar-wind hybrid energy systems. International Journal of Green Energy 13:15, pages 1564-1578.[7]. R.Dabhi, N. Bhatt and B. Pandit, 2013. Super absorbent polymers – An Innovative water-saving technique for optimizing crop yield. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering, and Technology. 2(10):5333-53401.[8]. N.Fidelia, and B.Chris, Environmentally friendly superabsorbent polymers for water conservation in agricultural lands. Journal of Soil Science Environmental Management., 2011, 2(7), 206–21[9]. Y.Adhitya, S.W.Prakosa, M.Köppen, J.S.Leu. (2019
first marker 17 10 1 4 8 1 17 Figure 2. Timeline of average player movements through the irrigation simulation in Agpocalypse 2050.3.2. Focus Group The goals of the focus group were to discover what types of discussions took place, andthe basic knowledge retention of the students. Students were asked if they discussed the gamewith someone else, their relationship with that person(s), the topic of the discussion, and whatabout the game caused them to discuss it with others. All four students discussed the game withat least one person. Four discussed with a parent/guardian and three discussed with at least onefriend. The following responses were given when asked what the topic of their