(Dym et al. 2005). At the start of the semester, students self-assemble into teams of 4-5,and each team chooses a lower-income country to explore. Over 14 weeks, teams use their chosencountry as a starting point to work through a cycle of biomedical device design, including broadscoping and needs assessment, problem definition, concept generation and iteration, CADprototyping, and design iteration based on peer, student instructor, and faculty feedback (see Table1). They also examine case studies of (successful and unsuccessful) biomedical device design,learn about healthcare innovation systems, and reflect on key challenges and best practices forbiomedical engineering design.Over 3 consecutive semesters, our students have developed a variety
their choice of major, begin developing their professionalidentity, and begin defining their professional goals. To assist students in developing theirprofessional identity and behavior, an immersive, first-year experience with shadowingcomponents was developed to renovate the Introduction to Bioengineering course at theUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This type of experience is designed to exposestudents to the professional environment with a didactic and self-reflective curriculum, therebysupporting students in their early professional development. The class was taken from a passiveseminar series that broadly covered the bioengineering field to one split into three career-centered foci, each with an overview and experience: i
module. The students are required to write a short reflection covering thefollowing three questions: What are the main points?, How is the material useful to you?, Whatmore information do you think should be included?.LaboratoryThe three-hour laboratory each week developes a diversity of hands-on skills covering the basicsof each discipline and associates the lecture and laboratory exercises toward the guided designproject, a physical prototype of a medical research device. Laboratory topics were developedthrough interactions with and input from our student advisory committee (BSAC), studentsurveys, industry including co-op and employer surveys and the external advisory board. Theskills that were utilized most frequently by students in their
students and utilizing a new approach to teaching design based on blended learningpedagogy, will be introduced. Evaluation of the course and approach from the studentperspective will then be presented. The article concludes with reflections on the course includinglessons learned and challenges faced. i. Teaching in Blended Learning Environments“Neither the purpose, the methods, nor the population for whom education is intended today,bear any resemblance to those on which formal education is historically based”1Over the past decade it has become widely accepted that the context, technology, and students oftoday are different from those of past generations and those differences must be accounted for incurrent teaching practices.2 The learning
activities, demonstrations, and labtours. This instructor model allowed continuity for the students while bringing in experts for thevarious modules.Program LogisticsThe one-week camp was held from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday on the UWcampus. Each day was divided into morning and afternoon sessions of approximately 2.5 hours.At the end of the day, the students reflected on what they learned and participated in small groupdiscussions. A brief schedule of the program is shown in Table 1.Throughout the camp, students were exposed to “college life” at UW. During the 1.5-hour lunchbreak, students and camp staff walked through campus to the student center and purchased lunchwith UW meal cards provided by the camp. Students were encouraged to
) for the creativity scales todetermine if there were any significant changes pre- and post-REU by item. We saw significantchanges in two items on one of the creativity scales (Creative Identity): “In general, mycreativity is an important part of my self-image” (t=2.000, p=.046); “I am confident that I can becreative in my coursework” (t=2.121, p=.034).Research Question #2: How did participation in the CREATE REU impact student perceptionsof creativity and the research process?Student participants were asked to reflect on how learning about the creative process and itsrelationship with the scientific method had impacted their understanding of research. While 4 ofthe 11 students did not feel that the training impacted their understanding of
and do not necessarily reflect the views of the federal government.References[1] Oakes, W., Duffy, J., Jacobius, T., Linos, P., Lord, S., Schultz, W. W., & Smith, A. (2002). Service-learning inengineering. In Frontiers in Education, 2002. FIE 2002. 32nd Annual (Vol. 2, pp. F3A-F3A). IEEE.[2] Duffy, J., Tsang, E., & Lord, S. Service-learning in engineering: What why and how? ASEE Annual Conference 2000.[3] Eyler, J., & Giles Jr, D. E. (1999). Where's the Learning in Service-Learning? Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult EducationSeries.[4] Sax, L. J., Astin, A. W., & Avalos, J. (1999). Long-term effects of volunteerism during the undergraduate years. Thereview of higher education, 22(2), 187-202.[5] National Academy of Engineering
mechanics to a mathematicaldescription. These kinesthetic/tactile activities can be directly connected to deeper thinking aboutthe how and why of the results.14,15 This type of activity reflects a fundamental aspect of theengineering modeling process where an engineer observes a physical phenomenon, e.g.mechanical behavior of a material, and develops ways to quantify the behavior to use in apredictive manner in the future. It is important to note that in this paper we use the termkinesthetic learning or hands-on activities to mean a physical activity that is meant to teach aconcept and develop a deeper understanding of the material, not just the performance of a skill orobservation of a phenomenon.The scope of this paper focuses on the conceptual
the problem. Research has shown that this technique prepares studentsfor future learning allowing them to learn more from subsequent lectures or reading. 4,17,18However, during the first implementation of this new curriculum, students were prompted togenerate ideas about the problem solution using from the following two questions: What do youknow that will help you solve this problem? What do you need to know to solve this problem?Surprising to us, students were giving answers in paragraph form rather than using morecommon problem solving approaches. This prompted the biomedical engineering domain experton the team to reflect on his own problem solving method for transport problems. From thisexplicit reflection, the domain expert made his own
me tremendously…”; 2008: “…played a vital role…”). Interestingly, the students inthe internal program appear to provide more emphasis on the significant impact of their facultymentors in their long-term academic plans and careers (2008: “…personal adviser to best helpme make career decisions.”; 2008: “conversations…about life in academia and about thechallenges associated with it”; 2011: “..a one of a kind professor, researcher, and mentor.”). The REU program selected students based on an expressed interest in research careers.However, the internal program did not have such goals, selecting students based primarily onprevious experience with faculty mentors. This was reflected in student comments (2009: “Iwanted to become a practicing