Paper ID #19621Promoting Career Reflection among Freshman BME StudentsDr. Emma K. Frow, Arizona State University Emma Frow is an Assistant Professor at Arizona State University, with a joint appointment in the School of Biological & Health Systems Engineering and the School for the Future of Innovation in Society. She has graduate training in both the natural and social sciences, with a PhD in biochemistry and an MSc in science & technology studies. Emma is interested in the engineering imagination, particularly in the emerging field of synthetic biology. Over the past 7 years, her curricular and extracurricular
the University of Washington include introductory and honors courses in bioengi- neering, tissue and protein engineering lab courses, bioengineering ethics, leadership, and bioengineering capstone writing and design courses. She is committed to enhancing diversity and inclusivity in engineer- ing, and creating opportunities for undergraduate students to engage in K-12 educational outreach. Dr. Hendricks has over a decade of experience leading educational outreach and summer camp programs at both Duke University and the University of Washington. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2017 Work-in-Progress: Reflection Enhances Student Engagement and Team Service Project
describe the first offering of Introduction to Tissue CultureLaboratory Techniques. In this lab makeover, we significantly changed expectations, lab format,lecture content, lab protocols, and grading policies in order to engage novice students. Theinstructor observed striking improvements in overall student engagement, mastery of techniques,preparedness, and confidence in lab performance. These observations are supported by studentfeedback in written reflections, informal communication, and end-of-course student surveys.Briefly, the course learning objectives include: 1) Demonstrate ability to work safely with animal cells and mastery of aseptic technique 2) Perform laboratory techniques essential for establishing and maintaining cell lines
(Dym et al. 2005). At the start of the semester, students self-assemble into teams of 4-5,and each team chooses a lower-income country to explore. Over 14 weeks, teams use their chosencountry as a starting point to work through a cycle of biomedical device design, including broadscoping and needs assessment, problem definition, concept generation and iteration, CADprototyping, and design iteration based on peer, student instructor, and faculty feedback (see Table1). They also examine case studies of (successful and unsuccessful) biomedical device design,learn about healthcare innovation systems, and reflect on key challenges and best practices forbiomedical engineering design.Over 3 consecutive semesters, our students have developed a variety
module. The students are required to write a short reflection covering thefollowing three questions: What are the main points?, How is the material useful to you?, Whatmore information do you think should be included?.LaboratoryThe three-hour laboratory each week developes a diversity of hands-on skills covering the basicsof each discipline and associates the lecture and laboratory exercises toward the guided designproject, a physical prototype of a medical research device. Laboratory topics were developedthrough interactions with and input from our student advisory committee (BSAC), studentsurveys, industry including co-op and employer surveys and the external advisory board. Theskills that were utilized most frequently by students in their
cause and progression, clinical diagnosisand treatments, and patient decisions and experiences. The course aimed to complement thetechnical and professional skills our students receive in our hands-on focused curriculum thatprovides each student with applied exposure to various core areas of biomedical engineeringincluding mechanics, materials, instrumentation, transport, and medical device design. Thecourse was structured to have one introductory and two in-depth projects that provided studentswith opportunities to explore and integrate diseases, devices, and patient experiences, and topropose novel health care innovations. To gain insights as to the impact of the course on thestudents, a culminating reflective exercise was also required of
paper, we build on our previous work-in-progress4 describing the implementation of apeer review strategy integrated throughout the year-long capstone experience that allowsstudents to obtain formative feedback and build transferable communication skills and insights.Students completed a workshop series of scaffolded communication critique, small-groupformative peer review, and reflection. First, students were guided to collaborate as a class togenerate rubric for sections of the capstone report, as well as guidelines for constructive andeffective peer feedback. Next, students used these codes to provide feedback in small groups.When students submitted their revised draft, they included a cover letter describing theirreflection on peer feedback
, students may learn how to use laboratory equipmentand observe that the course theory is reflected in tangible systems. However, it isquestionable that the cookbook approach helps the students develop experimental skills, sincethey follow instructions systematically with the belief that these instructions lead to theexpected results. The instructions are never questioned by the students while experimentalistsare usually aware of the limitations of their experimental methods and are constantly strivingto develop better methods. When questioned about the instructions, students are oftenincapable of explaining why the instructions asked them to proceed in a certain way ratherthan in a different way. In addition, the traditional approach does not
size(0.2=small effect size, 0.5=medium effect size, 0.8=large effect size). For both pre- and post-course surveys, student respondents were separated from faculty respondents and analyzedaccordingly.Students. Compared to before the course, student scores after the course reflected substantialincreases in self-assessed knowledge in all areas of product commercialization (Figure 1). Theareas in which students made notable gains included overall product commercialization (p<0.0001,d=2.7), regulatory issues (p<0.0001, d=1.47), assessing the market landscape (p<0.0001, d=1.66),evaluating the business opportunity (p<0.0001, d=1.85), IP issues (p<0.001, d=1.27), andreimbursement issues (p<0.0001, d=1.87). In addition, students
Filename follows format: Deleting highlighted areas Single Spaced, 1” Margins, 12-point Times New Roman font 10 Proper placement of name or date locations Table of Contents reflects section names and page numbers No sponsor signature Spelling/grammar Appendix D: BME 451 EX 2 Competitive Landscape and Patent Review RubricCategory Points GradeQuality of Work 25Content All sections of the deliverable have been adequately
used by students for formative purposes. In fact,students in the formative assessment section were asked in class discussions to identify points ofconfusion when reviewing the exam solutions. Thus, formative assessments may themselvesinduce the testing effect.Alternatively, formative assessments may induce learning by causing students to recognize,evaluate, and react to the assessment or the course material [11]. That is, it is a reflectiveexercise. Detailed, but not superficial, reflection on learning has been associated with significantlearning gains [12]. The formative assessments were part of a broader educational strategy to enhance student thelearning experience of the student. For example, student feedback regarding
clinical perspectives. The summer program endedwith a final Scholar symposium of projects, reflections of the Scholar experiences and plans foracademic year projects. These selected needs provided the basis to enhance the existingcapstone design course (Engineering Clinic) during the academic year with new design projectsto be developed, discovered through the needs finding and needs specification process during thesummer immersion. This year-long cycle and the specific topics in the summer immersion andacademic semesters are summarized in Figure 1. Figure 1 – Biodesign through Clinical Immersion and Capstone Design course12The authors want to determine over the course of the past two years of the program the effect onScholar attainment of
objective is to formalizea methodical approach to needs assessment based on user-centered research. While in rotation in theclinical departments, student teams are matched with a clinical mentor who provides guidance andoversight. The clinical mentor in each of the hospital clinics oversees the students while in theirrespective rotation, addressing questions and providing clarification on procedures, norms, and generalcommentary regarding process. Mentors promote interaction between students, physicians, clinical staffand patients. The students are required to write twice weekly blog posts during their clinic rotations (readthe blog entries on the CIP website: These posts serve as both a recordand a reflection
) for the creativity scales todetermine if there were any significant changes pre- and post-REU by item. We saw significantchanges in two items on one of the creativity scales (Creative Identity): “In general, mycreativity is an important part of my self-image” (t=2.000, p=.046); “I am confident that I can becreative in my coursework” (t=2.121, p=.034).Research Question #2: How did participation in the CREATE REU impact student perceptionsof creativity and the research process?Student participants were asked to reflect on how learning about the creative process and itsrelationship with the scientific method had impacted their understanding of research. While 4 ofthe 11 students did not feel that the training impacted their understanding of
and do not necessarily reflect the views of the federal government.References[1] Oakes, W., Duffy, J., Jacobius, T., Linos, P., Lord, S., Schultz, W. W., & Smith, A. (2002). Service-learning inengineering. In Frontiers in Education, 2002. FIE 2002. 32nd Annual (Vol. 2, pp. F3A-F3A). IEEE.[2] Duffy, J., Tsang, E., & Lord, S. Service-learning in engineering: What why and how? ASEE Annual Conference 2000.[3] Eyler, J., & Giles Jr, D. E. (1999). Where's the Learning in Service-Learning? Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult EducationSeries.[4] Sax, L. J., Astin, A. W., & Avalos, J. (1999). Long-term effects of volunteerism during the undergraduate years. Thereview of higher education, 22(2), 187-202.[5] National Academy of Engineering
detail todevelop a model that accurately reflects why and how students have difficulty with problemsolving in biomedical engineering design and (2) determine correlations between knowledgeretention and metacognitive awareness with problem solving success.The following research questions will be addressed: 1. How are problem solving schemas developed and used by students in biomedical engineering? How do these schemas differ for high and low performing students? 2. How do students’ problem solving abilities change during and throughout STEM courses? 3. How are students’ misconceptions related to knowledge retention and their mistakes with connecting different parts in problem schemas? 4. How is a students’ metacognitive
Science and Biomedical Engineering Courses. 2016. 2. Betebenner D. Norm-‐and criterion-‐referenced student growth. Educ Meas Issues Pract. 2009;28(4):42–51. 3. Tam M. University impact on student growth: a quality measure? J High Educ Policy Manag. 2002;24(2):211–218. 4. Carberry A, Krause S, Ankeny C, Waters C. “Unmuddying” course content using muddiest point reflections. IEEE; 2013. p. 937–942. 5. Cohen GS, Blumberg P, Ryan NC, Sullivan PL. Do final grades reflect written qualitative evaluations of student performance? Teach Learn Med Int J. 1993;5(1):10–15. 6. Allen JD. Grades as
or reflections regarding competitiveness in thejob-market for recent graduates. Table 6 indicates the comments from respondents. Table 6. Comments regarding experience contributing to job-market competitiveness From my experience, there are many qualified candidates for a single position. On paper, most candidates will look the same. The difference comes when you are at an in-person interview and you must acknowledge something about yourself that makes you completely different from the other candidates; generally, this quality is not even related to work or academic experience. Should be able to frame a problem. No matter the position, being able to communicate well is critical, GPA can be used to thin a stack of resumes but I
problem-solving and the skills necessary to useprogramming to solve real-world problems. We believe that learning a second language helps toaccomplish this goal, as it demonstrates to students that the connection between programmingand problem-solving is not language dependent, but rather that it revolves around a core set ofskills. Additionally, students are exposed to the idea that they can apply these skills to newprogramming languages. As the final exam was undertaken in MATLAB, the students in AIDEgroups could not observe a direct link between the project and preparing for the final. Thisobservation may reflect perceptions on behalf of the students that the course is a “MATLAB”course, rather than a more general programming course. In the
assignments included solving example problems in class, answering conceptquestions to relate detailed mathematical problems to the big picture learning goal of the day,and reflection questions to promote self-assessment of learning. These assignments were oftenadministered using the online audience response tool QuestionPress (, a pre-/post-test was administered to assess learning of primary concepts of massconservation and momentum conservation applied to classic problems in biomedicalengineering.Analysis of class composition and self-perception of learningIn order to determine whether background or demographic factors contributed to their self-perceptions or outcomes, students completed a survey at the beginning of the