Paper ID #43911Take this Job and Love It: Identity-Conscious Self-Reflection as a Tool toSupport Individualized Career Exploration for Graduating Biomedical EngineeringStudentsDr. Uri Feldman, Wentworth Institute of Technology Uri Feldman is an Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering in the School of Engineering at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston. He received a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Media Lab, a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, and an M.S. in Electrical Engineering from University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. As a
experience. To assess student perceptions of thenew curriculum intervention, reflections were collected and qualitatively analyzed resulting in 3overarching themes, including creativity in user-centered design, time management, andcommunication/collaboration. These themes demonstrate that students felt they acquired orexpanded skills that are considered vital in a work environment. Therefore, applying this projectexperience on a larger scale can alleviate some of the unpreparedness that engineering studentsfeel as they leave school and enter the workforce. The intervention details will be provided toencourage other engineering instructors to implement similar real-world learning strategies in thehigher education classroom.IntroductionMany
maycapture and analyze one of their own physiological signals. Flash-labs are designed to takebetween 20-30 minutes in class, with about 60 minutes of follow up work to be completedoutside of class. Students execute the activities, then report on and discuss their findings withtheir classmates in small groups and through reports and reflective posts in their DSP-Portfolio.DSP-PortfolioOriginally, after completing each Flash-lab, students submitted their findings and observations asassignments onto the learning management system (LMS). However, this was limiting becauseonly the instructor got to review the assignments. To further enhance in-class collaboration andengagement, in the spring of 2022, DSP-portfolios were added for students to share their
,” Commun. Teach., vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 116–129, Oct. 2008, doi: 10.1080/17404620802382680.[10] J. Gilmore, M. A. Maher, D. F. Feldon, and B. Timmerman, “Exploration of factors related to the development of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics graduate teaching assistants’ teaching orientations,” Stud. High. Educ., vol. 39, no. 10, pp. 1910–1928, Nov. 2014, doi: 10.1080/03075079.2013.806459.[11] M. Di Benedetti, S. Plumb, and S. B. M. Beck, “Effective use of peer teaching and self-reflection for the pedagogical training of graduate teaching assistants in engineering,” Eur. J. Eng. Educ., pp. 1–16, Apr. 2022, doi: 10.1080/03043797.2022.2054313.[12] J. Agarwal, G. Bucks, and T. J. Murphy, “A Literature
to performtwo interviews with stakeholders or individuals integral to the business. The experienceculminated with a project that required students to create a solution related to disabilitypolicy, workforce management, health/behavioral safety, or technology in the company. Inthe classroom, students were assigned complementary readings on the design process,completed weekly reflections on their learning experiences and weekly readings, anddiscussed the project, the progress, and the resources they required from either faculty orindustry mentors.Being a pilot program, a few challenges were identified. The challenges include framing anadequate assessment framework and balancing the synergy between the work studentsperform inside and outside
supporting STEM faculty on STEM education research projects.Dr. Sharon Miller, Purdue University Sharon Miller, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Practice in the Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering at Purdue University. She received a BS degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Purdue University and MS and PhD degrees in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Michigan. Her educational efforts focus on biomedical engineering discipline-based educational research, including design self-efficacy, project-based learning, critical reflection in ethics, and high-impact practices. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024Work in Progress: A Multi-level Undergraduate Curricular
’ learning capability throughindividual development and peer engagement. The course design allows students to activelyparticipate in learning as a “resident” living in a “neighborhood”. Besides the traditionalindividual work, various group activities are performed inside one group and among multiplegroups, or the “households”. Students feel more obligated to better performance and high-qualitylearning outcomes. Another focal point of this study is the assessment of student learning underthe proposed course frame, where tailored tutorials and guidance are vital. Although supportfrom the teaching team is essential in this “neighborhood”, we still want to put students in thecenter as the leader of their study. The ongoing data collection reflects the
only presented in English [7] and inaccurate assessment results that may artificiallylower GPAs [7], these factors generate a potential hardship and disadvantage in any STEM internshipapplication process.In attempts to remove these barriers, the traditional cover letter and resume application format were substitutedwith visual application requirements designed to reflect a candidates’ enthusiasm for STEM topics and aninsight into persistence and problem-solving abilities. Additionally, the PROPEL team created 1-2 min. videoswith host labs that relate the lab focus and the summer internship project. Applicants were asked to write a brief,250-word essay reflecting on a personal or academic challenge. This enabled the PROPEL applicationcommittee
of a shortanswer question in which students succinctly describe their post-graduation plans, a freeresponse question which asks students to reflect on their personal strategic focus as a member ofthe BME community, and a copy of their professional résumé at the time they were enrolled inthe course.To date, we have collected over 1000 individual student assignments between both courses andare currently in the process of pairing them so the same students can be tracked across the twotime points. In addition to the students’ assignments, we are also collecting information about thefirst position students attained post-graduation, if available, from public sources such asLinkedIn or the alumni directory. Once data from all three time points is
class is being offered for the first time in the Spring 2024 semester, initial data on theeffectiveness of the proposed teaching methods is still being collected. This data will includeperformance on representative exam questions for key biomechanical concepts, lab reports fromin class hands on experiments, discussion questions from journal articles read and discussed inclass, final presentations on journal articles of the students’ choosing and student evaluations givenby the university. This year’s class consists of only two students, so further data will need to becollected on next year’s class, which is expected to increase to 4 to 6 students. However, this year’sdata will be used to inform the initial round of reflection and changes in the
understand howBME students develop an entrepreneurial mindset (EM). These studies explore curricular EMinterventions designed to encourage development of EM skills such as curiosity about the coursetopics [22], reflective thinking [16], and designing for a certain customer base [17], [42]. In Kinget al.'s study [40], BME students participated in capstone design projects where they worked inteams to design prototypes based on existing patent applications of industry professionals. Thesestudents were able to learn about the engineering design process as well as the business side ofintellectual property development such as patents, customer discovery, budgeting, andcommunication of results [40].In several studies on EM development within a BME context
to feelings of success, and the qualities of mentorship thataffected STEM identity.The research of Dou and Cian (2022) quantitatively determined the significant contribution ofhome support in self-recognition as a STEM person and in the development of a STEM identityin URM undergraduates [5]. In this study, the qualitative analysis of interviews from three highschool student interns, two parents and two faculty mentors reflect what is seen at theundergraduate level - authentic science lab experiences result in an increase in STEM identityand interest. The positive influence of direct faculty mentorship in a research experience alsomirrors what is seen in UREs. Two unique themes emerged from this study – the importance ofthe parent
specificknowledge on the project's topic, reflected in increasingly technical descriptions in each of thepresentations. We have taken the metric of the number of articles as an indicator of students' pursuitof new knowledge. In describing the solutions, students included diagrams, concepts, methods,and results in their presentations, which demonstrates their engagement with the articles.Defined RequirementsOne of the most important findings of this study was the analysis of requirements. Only one groupmaintained the number of requirements, indicating that iterative design is necessary to developbetter solutions to problems. In the first iteration, three groups provided more detailedrequirements, either by adding or dividing those initially proposed in the
university undergraduate BME programs and the job market,” IEEE Pulse, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 42–45, 2015, doi: 10.1109/MPUL.2014.2386575.[4] J. Berglund, “The real world: BME graduates reflect on whether universities are providing adequate preparation for a career in industry,” IEEE Pulse, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 46–49, 2015, doi: 10.1109/MPUL.2014.2386631.[5] C. P. Rivera, A. Huang-Saad, C. S. E. Jamison, and A. Wang, “Preparing Early-career Biomedical Undergraduates Through Investigations of Stakeholder Needs: A Qualitative Analysis,” presented at the 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, Jun. 2020. Accessed: Feb. 08, 2024. [Online]. Available: career
’ responses are presented below.Concept Representation: This theme discusses how learners perceived the VR labs to havedisplayed learning concepts they were designed for. Some of the participants commented thatthe VR labs displayed the intended learning concepts in a way that made them mentallyrelatable. Their perception of the VR for the lab reflected perceptions about the utility valueand tool efficacy of the VR labs. More than half of the participants thought the VR labs gavea good visual representation of abstract concepts introduced during classroom lectures. Forexample, a student commented as follows: “This was important in showing what a real cell culture would look like ………. better than having read a textbook.”This