Shift, in Handbook of Research on Conceptual Change, S. Vosnidou, Editor 2008: Hilsdale, NJ.9 B.S. Bloom and D.R. Krathwohl, Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Handbook 1: Cognitive Domain. Addison-Wesley, New York, 1984.10 Krathwohl, D.R., A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy: An Overview. Theory Into Practice, 2002. 41(4): p. 212-218.11 Burgher, J.e.a., New Hands-On Fluid Mechanics Cartridges and Pedagogical Assessment. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2013.Appendix Interview ProtocolConcept Questions AskedFlow Regimes A) What are the main regimes of flow? B) Can
that, if the same survey is given each semesterto the same group of students over 6 semesters, the familiarity of the survey will alter the results– the students may tend to simply repeat their survey answers without great forethought to thequestions. By conducting the surveys during the first half of each academic year for thesophomores and juniors, students will not be taking back-to-back surveys over three years. Thisshould enable us to evaluate less-biased survey results..References 1. McCarthy, J.J. and Parker, R. S., “The Pillars of Chemical Engineering: A Block Scheduled Curriculum”, Chemical Engineering Education, 38 (4), 292–301, 2004. 2. Parker, R.S. and Shannon, S.L., “Pillars of ChE: Systems Eng. I. An Integrated Course
psychiatry. Medical Education 38:859-867.9. National Research Council, C.o.U.B.E.t.P.R.S.f.t.s.C.. 2003. Bio 2010: Transforming Undergraduate Education for Future Research Biologists. Washington D.C.: National Academy Press.10. National Science Foundation. 1997. Shaping the Future: New Expectations for Undergraduate Education, Report to the National Science Foundation. National Science Foundation, Division of Undergraduate Education, Advisory Committee. Page 22.1593.711. Mierson, S. 1998. A Problem-based learning course in physiology for undergraduate and graduate basic science students. American Journal of Physiology 275 (Adv
learning.Out of a total of 40 students in the course, 33 consented to provide their information for the studyand also completed both the pre- and post-course surveys (an 82.5% completion rate). Changesin the self-efficacy scores were evaluated relative to student gender, ethnicity, and ACTcomposite score. These data were obtained with student consent from the office of the Registrar.A total of 17 female and 16 male students were surveyed. Ethnicities were divided into threesub-categories: (1) White (any students with White as their only race, N = 21), (2) Asian (anystudents with Asian or Asian and White listed as their race(s), N = 7), and (3) UnderrepresentedMinorities (URM, any students listed as Hispanic, Native American, Black, or Pacific Islander
, 2012.[3] S. Freeman et al., "Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 111, no. 23, pp. 8410-8415, 2014.[4] M.-A. Winkelmes, M. Bernacki, J. Butler, M. Zochowski, J. Golanics, and K. H. Weavil, "A Teaching Intervention that Increases Underserved College Students' Success," AAC&U Peer Review, vol. Winter/Spring 2016, pp. 31-36, 2016.[5] V. Sathy and K. A. Hogan, "Want to Reach All of Your Students? Here’s How to Make Your Teaching More Inclusive," The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2019.[6] D. W. Knight, L. E. Carlson, and J. F. Sullivan, "Staying in engineering: Impact of a hands-on, team
): 325-337. 12 Mar 2009 <> 6. Yurttas, L. & Pchenitchnaia, L., (2008) “Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Curriculum Reform, Development and Assessment: A “Strings” Approach.” AIChE Annual Conference Centennial Proceedings, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 7. Yurttas, L., Christensen, J., Haney, J. S., El-Halwagi, M., Froyd, J. E., & Glover, C. (2007). “Enhancement of Chemical Engineering Introductory Curriculum through Service-Learning Implementation.” Paper presented at the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Retrieved December 5, 2008, from 8. http
surveys of the students who developed the problems, surveys of thestudents who solved the problems in the chemical engineering course, as well as the peer reviewof the problems by biochemical engineering faculty will be presented. This strategy for studentlearning could effectively be utilized with other application areas as a way to incorporate moreinterdisciplinary learning in the undergraduate curriculum.IntroductionSince the late 1990's there has been a drive to integrate more biological applications into theundergraduate chemical engineering (ChE) curriculum. The availability of employmentopportunities in the life sciences has grown steadily for ChE graduates, spurred by the expansionof bioprocessing to include both high margin fine
. 44(1): p. 53-63.14. Butler, M.B. and R.J. Zerr, The Use of Online Homework Systems to Enhance Out-of- Class Student Engagement. International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education, 2005. 12(2): p. 51-58.15. Erickson, J.A., A Call to Action: Transforming Grading Practices. Principal Leadership, 2011. 11(6): p. 42-46.16. Alexander, S., Making the Most Effective Use of Homework. Mathematics Teaching, 2002(178): p. 36-38.17. Austin, J.D., Do Comments on Mathematics Homework Affect Student Achievement? 1976, School Science and Mathematics.18. Brookhart, S.M., Feedback That Fits. Educational Leadership, 2007. 65(4): p. 54-59.19. Casselman, B.L. and C.H. Atwood, Improving General Chemistry Course
the students when they were presented again this senior designcourse. Utilizing such materials not only reinforces these principles and skills but also providesstudents with a bigger picture of their major & curriculum and connects their earlier courses withthis, one of their last required core courses.It has been suggested in the literature that providing the students with more control over theirproject (e.g., brainstorming the project topic(s) or defining their goals) is a best practice, both togenerate and encourage student motivation and enthusiasm about the project as well as toimprove student perceptions of the course as a whole [8], [9]. Nevertheless, for this single-semester course, it is essential to have clearly defined projects
focus area. This should lead to the problem(s) that will be addressed inthe presentation. The specific objectives of the work usually are stated in the Introduction.Remember to define any special terminology such as acronyms that will be used.3e. Review of Prior Studies SectionNearly all technical presentations build upon prior studies. Prior studies can be summarized as achronological review of relevant papers, theses, patents, etc., or presented in a table summarizingthe principal contributions. Alternatively, papers can be cited via footnotes, which are helpfulwhen space is limited. Provide a critique at the end of the review of prior studies in which youcritically assess the state-of-the-art. An effective critique should provide strong
Brigham Young University. His research interests include thermophysical properties, phase equilibria, and environmental engineering. He received his B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from Brigham Young University in 1981 and his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Rice University in 1985.Randy Lewis, Brigham Young University Randy S. Lewis is Professor of Chemical Engineering at Brigham Young University and an Adjunct Professor of Chemical Engineering at Oklahoma State University. He received his BS and PhD degrees in Chemical Engineering from Brigham Young University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, respectively. His research interests include biomaterials development and the
adatabase,, and evaluatted by the deepartment Undergraduat U te Committeee. The num mericalassessmeents by both the faculty anda the studeents are placced in a tablee to facilitatee the evaluattion.Table 1 depicts d this sheet s for the course assesssment for F Fall 2007. TThe first part of the semesterevaluatioon is to identtify any commpetencies with an averagge rating of less than 3 ((good). Reassons ow ratings arre discussed and any corrrective actioons are deterrmined. Secoond, thefor the loUndergraaduate Comm mittee reads and discusses any comm ments returnned on Part 1 of
assistant at the College of Engineering at Michigan State University. She is the coordinator of two component projects of a National Science Foundation grant focusing on retention issues and engaging early engineering students, and also serves as an academic advisor. McDonough earned a bachelor’s degree in sociology from William Smith College and a master’s degree in Public Administration from the University of Southern California. McDonough is currently a third year doctoral student in the Higher, Adult and Lifelong Education program at Michigan State. Her areas of interest include educational theory, student development and engineering education.S. Patrick Walton, Michigan State University S. Patrick Walton is an
, and the electronics component interface anddisplay, respectively. We further acknowledge companion support from the World Bank for ini-tial graduate student support for PhD students involved in the study.References1. TIDEE. Integrated Design Engineering Assessment and Learning System. 2011 [cited; Available from: Sageev, P. and C. Romanowski, A message from recent engineering graduates in the workplace: Results of a survey on technical communication skills. Journal of Engineering Education, 2001. 90: p. 685-693.3. Sheppard, S., et al., What is engineering practice? InternationalJournal of Engineering Education, 2006. 22(3): p. 429-438.4. Johnson, M., et al., Use of the
Conference and Exposition, June 2009, Austin,TX.13 R. Welch and M. McGinnis, “Assessment of ABET 3 a-k in an Open-Ended Capstone?” Proceedings ofthe ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2010, Louisville, KY.14 N. Al-Massoud, P. Baumann, and A. Gates, “Development and Implementation of an IntegratedOutcomes-Based Assessment Plan for a New Engineering Program,” Proceedings of the ASEE AnnualConference and Exposition, June 2009, Austin, TX.15 K. Ossman, “An Assessment and Data Collection Process for Evaluating Student Progress on A-K ABETEducational Outcomes,” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2010,Louisville, KY.16 Y. Al Kalaani and S. Bernadin, “An Outcomes-Driven Approach for Assessment: A
22.371.12 43. Right click on transport of diluted species, and select add selected.44. Click on the flag, select domain 1, and click on the plus sign .45. In the model builder, click on the plus next to transport of diluted species.46. Right click on transport of diluted species, select convection and diffusion, highlight the domain (domain number 1 is the entire rectangle), select velocity field spf1/fp1, and enter a diffusion coefficient of 1 x 10-6 m2/s.47. Right click on transport of diluted species, select inflow, and enter 41 mol/m3. Zoom in, select boundary 2, and click on the plus sign.48. Right click on transport of diluted species, select concentration, and enter 0 mol/m3. Zoom in, select boundaries 1 and 4, and click
competencies. Second, it provides feedback to our program on specificcompetencies and areas where our students may be weak. This feedback provides motivation forcurricular and/or pedagogical modifications needed to address the problem(s). Third, the examemphasizes the importance of the Level-3 competencies to our students and faculty. Students arekeenly aware that retention of knowledge and skills in the core areas is a requirement forgraduation in addition to simply completing required course work. Faculty awareness of theneed to help students learn fundamental concepts is also heightened.Table 2 shows the 18 Level-3 competencies assessed by the exam. As previously stated, the firstnumber of the competency corresponds to a Program Outcome. As shown
enrollment in anEngineering Freshman Learning Community is 14/20 (70%), compared to an actual EFLCenrollment rate of 61%. The electronic survey covered Supplemental Instruction and Peer-LedTeam Learning for General Chemistry I, Pre-Calculus and Calculus I. Enrollment data (Table I)indicate that about 2/3 of Fall quarter freshmen should be enrolled in either Pre-Calculus orCalculus I, and at most 1/20 should be without a Fall math class. On the survey, 1/22respondents stated that (s)he did not take math in Fall, which is consistent with enrollment data.An additional 3/22 students did not identify a math instructor; two of those answered noquestions beyond those about the EFLC, suggesting that they simply stopped participating in thesurvey. It is thus
followingeducational objectives: 1. Design experiments to optimize the performance of a CVD reactor. o Identify key reactor inputs and determine relationship between input levels and achieved thin film uniformity. Select Select the Choose an response/ independent appropriate dependent variables/ experimental variable(s) factors design Draw Analyze the Perform the conclusions/ data using experiment inferences appropriate (collect data
have access to. Through research and comparison to dialysis for larger flow ratesand systems, students can again approximate a potential solution to conductivity on the bench- andpilot-scale. Other methods with more common use in real-world applications, like membrane-based separation, are also viable if students choose to pursue that approach within the permittedbudget.Week Three and FourDuring the third and fourth week of laboratory experimentation, each group is expected to conducta trial run with their model river and designed treatment system. In the trial, an appropriate amountof pollution (depending on the size of their river basin and contents) is poured in at the pre-selectedlocation(s) into the river, at which point the remediation
visualization, performed research in computer graphics for the U. S. Army Ballistics Research Lab, and consulted for a number of companies in the Memphis and Philadelphia areas. Dr. Kroos is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and a member of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). He served as Vice President of ASME in 2001 and served a three year term on the Council for Member Affairs. Dr. Kroos is the co-author a new engineering textbook on thermodynamics, titled Ther- modynamics for Engineers, published by Cengage Learning. The book becomes available in February 2014.Dr. Justinus Agus Budi Satrio, Villanova University