skills,both oral and written,[2, 4] and need to be fluent across platforms and in different contexts,including data representation and visual communication.[12]The movement towards more effective teaching of communication skills to engineers hasresulted in opportunity for collaboration with communication experts[9, 13] and the launching ofWriting Across the Curriculum (WAC) or Writing in the Disciplines (WID) programs.[10, 14,15] Interdisciplinary collaborations have occurred in many forms, including creation of stand-alone courses,[16] embedding of communication experts as consultants in engineeringcourses,[17] and training of student technical writing peer tutors to aid in courses.[18]In addition, student learning of communication skills is
and his B.S. in chemical engineering with honors from the University of California at Berkeley. Dr. Han has over 25 years of experience in electronic and pho- tonic materials engineering and fabrication. His current research topics include (1) writable/rewritable quantum structures by stress patterning; (2) low-cost, crack-tolerant, advanced metallization for solar cell durability; (3) thin film processing and nanoscale surface corrugation for enhanced light trapping for pho- tovoltaic devices; and (4) microsphere-based manufacturable coatings for radiative cooling. He has close to 70 publications in peer-reviewed journals and over 200 invited/contributed papers at academic insti- tutions, national laboratories
biology courses (introductory biology and anatomy andphysiology) which again demonstrates slight differences between the two types of courses. Table 2. Categories used for analysis of student advice comments Category Sub-category Description Example This included tips that related specifically to "Focus on the set up and Course Specific the content or setup of a class such as:Study Tips writing out the mass and Study Tip labeling diagrams, using models
at a level acrossthe college or above level, but they will also include students from your units/majors.What do these groups do? What are their goals? Often the students don’t know. They just jointhe group to be with their peers and see what will happen. While a well established group mightbe self-sustaining, most of these groups do need an advisor to help guide them.[4] Generically,the advisors job is to guide them to meet the goals of the group (e.g., to learn about theprofession of chemical engineering, to honor strong academic performance and perform serviceback to the community, or to provide a place for different cultural or affinity students to be withtheir peers). However, it is often the advisor that directly or indirectly has a
working from home, including the difficultywith separating the work and the home environment. They mentioned having more distractions athome, such as the student who said, “I’m sitting at my dining room table trying to do this work,and I’m trying to meet with these people, and there’s like people doing dishes in the other room.My brother would be playing the electric guitar for the one hour in the week that I need to bemeeting with my boss.” Other students felt that lack of social interaction with peers and not beingaround other undergraduates doing similar research work was a disadvantage.However, overall, despite these challenges, students primarily thought that the remote environmentworked well for them.Description of mentor strategies used in
introduction to work done by professional chemicalengineers, the resources available to help them be successful at KU, the curricular requirementsand expectations of chemical engineering students, and possible career opportunities; 2) anintroduction to engineering ethics, basic safety considerations, teamwork, and technical writing;and 3) an introduction to basic material and energy balances and fluid flow. This course was theonly chemical engineering course the students took during the freshman year. While teaching the first semester sophomore Material and Energy Balance course between2009 and 2012, students often remarked that the freshman class was boring and that they still didnot understand what chemical engineers did. Based on this feedback
. An introduction to process simulationsoftware (ASPEN Plus, Aspen Technology Inc.) is also included, making the course ratherunique among those computation-based courses offered by our peer institutions.The primary mathematical modeling and analysis software package used in CMCE is MATLAB(MathWorks, Inc.), which is provided to all students at no cost via a University-funded sitelicense. The mid-semester MEB modules which focus on time-dependent mass and energybalances coincide with the introduction of methods for the numeric solution of ODEs in theCMCE course. In CMCE, such examples are examined following discussions of the temporalODE systems which arise from chemical reaction kinetics, such as those encountered by studentsin general
online collaborative tools,including the Google file-sharing suite. These tools are used for all members to contribute ideas: “When we research improvements to the battery, or want to tune a certain variable, every person has to write something down in the Google doc…” “...we can have everything in one place like and it’s all shared with us.”The use of these sharted tools for developing and annotating presentations, and making plans,were implemented before the onset of the pandemic, and have continued as important tools tosupport collaborative work remotely.Limitations A limitation the researchers observed in conducting the virtual interviews was thatparticipants typically discussed their experience
phrases that captured these themes.For each participant, we met and shared our individual notes and theme interpretations anddiscussed any similarities and discrepancies. Then, we took turns writing an initial rough summaryof each of the participants’ main themes. We then reviewed the other researchers’ summaries toalign our approach to the summary writing. After we had done this for all transcripts, we then tookturns with writing more thorough descriptions of experiences for each of the participants whichwe again reviewed and revised based on each other’s feedback. At times, we also discussed ourinterpretations with an additional member of our larger team. The following is the refinedsummaries and descriptions from our in-depth review of the
). At present, she has one peer-reviewed publication and has presented her work at three international con- ferences. Her computational skills include Ansys Fluent, GAMS, MATLAB, and Polymath. Her hobbies and interests are singing, cooking, and painting.Dr. Kirti M. Yenkie, Rowan University Dr. Kirti M. Yenkie is an Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering at Rowan University with 10+ years of experience working in the Process Systems Engineering (PSE) area with applications focusing on Sustainability and Environmental Resource Management. She is leading the Sustainable Design and Systems Medicine Lab (, which has capabilities to work with major programming and simulation tools. She holds a