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Displaying all 18 results
Conference Session
Novel Classrooms
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christina Smith, Brown University; Ann Sitomer, Portland State University; Milo Koretsky, Oregon State University
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Chemical Engineering
, teaching planning meetings, reflective practice meetings, and involvement withcurriculum and assessment development. Biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics allincluded pedagogical development opportunities in seminars that were part of the core graduatecurriculum. In CBEE, GTAs were asked to attend bi-weekly meetings that focused on creating acommunity that reflected on problems of teaching practice in Studio and discussed alternativeways of approaching practice. These bi-weekly meetings were voluntary and organic in nature,such that topics differed week to week and generally were directed by issues the GTAs werecurrently facing.Table 1. Details of the major activities and progression for pedagogical development in CBEE Timeframe
Conference Session
Chemical Engineering Division Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Janie Brennan, Washington University in St. Louis
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Chemical Engineering
. Thedemonstration will also include pre- and post-demonstration reflection activities to help studentsface their misconceptions, a feature that has been demonstrated to be key for learning fromdemonstrations [1].The activities will be piloted for the first time during the Spring 2018 semester. In addition tothe previously mentioned reflection activities, improvements in student learning of key conceptswill be assessed indirectly by comparing achievement on relevant quiz and exam questions from2017 and 2018. These preliminary results will be presented at the 2018 ASEE AnnualConference, where the author hopes to receive feedback and ideas for improvement.Activity 1: McCabe-Thiele Quiz GameThe McCabe-Thiele method is a traditional graphical method for
Conference Session
ChemE Curriculum: Junior, Senior, and Graduate
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Margot A. Vigeant, Bucknell University; David L. Silverstein P.E., University of Kentucky; Kevin D. Dahm, Rowan University; Laura P. Ford, University of Tulsa; Jennifer Cole, Northwestern University; Lucas James Landherr, Northeastern University
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Chemical Engineering
scholarship, the Corcoran award for best article in the journal Chemical Engineering Education (twice), and the Martin award for best paper in the ChE Division at the ASEE Annual Meeting.Dr. Kevin D. Dahm, Rowan University Kevin Dahm is a Professor of Chemical Engineering at Rowan University. He earned his BS from Worces- ter Polytechnic Institute (92) and his PhD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (98). He has pub- lished two books, ”Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics” and ”Interpreting Diffuse Reflectance and Transmittance.” He has also published papers on effective use of simulation in engineer- ing, teaching design and engineering economics, and assessment of student learning.Dr. Laura P. Ford
Conference Session
Diversity and Global Experiences
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Randy S. Lewis, Brigham Young University; Terri Christiansen Bateman, Brigham Young University; Carol J. Ward, Brigham Young University
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Chemical Engineering
, students participate in a two-week tripwhere students interact with the community and implement the project, participate in culturalexperiences, and identify projects for the following year. Following the trip, additionaldocumentation similar to items noted above is required, as well as an executive summary, shortvideo, reflections paper, and survey.Previous publications related to the course have discussed training internationally responsibleengineers3, sustainability and impact4, integration of sociology and engineering using keyprinciples of human-centered design5, GEO course insights6, social connectivity betweenstudents and communities7, the documentation strategy2, and water filter implementation inSouthern Peru8. Some of these publications
Conference Session
Works-in-Progress Postcard Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Adam T Melvin, Louisiana State University; Lisa G. Bullard, North Carolina State University
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Chemical Engineering
videos, which are publiclyavailable, that include examples of both prohibited behavior and encouraged behavior forindividual assignments. All scenarios now reference examples in calculus, chemistry, and physicscourse to make them more widely applicable across a broader range of science and engineeringdisciplines. The authors offer suggestions on how to utilize the videos along with additionalacademic integrity-related resources, such as syllabus language, a reflection assignment, anassignment cover sheet, and a form prohibiting sharing course-related documents.1. IntroductionAcademic integrity issues are among the most stressful that faculty face, and the statistics onstudent cheating rates and attitudes about cheating are troubling [1][2][3
Conference Session
Works-in-Progress Postcard Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tracy L. Carter, Northeastern University; Samira M. Azarin, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Janie Brennan, Washington University in St. Louis; Elizabeth Hill, University of Minnesota Duluth; Amy J. Karlsson, University of Maryland - College Park
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
creatingchange in the education system. In 2011, after reviewing the literature on change in highereducation, Henderson et al. proposed a change model for “Facilitating Change in UndergraduateSTEM”. This model identified four strategies that facilitate change in safety education: 1.“Disseminating curriculum and pedagogy”, 2. “Developing reflective teachers”, 3. “Enactingpolicy”, and 4. “Developing shared vision” [14].Following the 2017 ASEE Chemical Engineering Summer School, the authors of this paperformed a collaboration with the shared vision of investigating safety education in UOlaboratories across their respective institutions. The authors’ universities are diverse in terms ofsize, public vs. private, and research focus, and are also
Conference Session
ChemE Curriculum: Junior, Senior, and Graduate
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Angela R Bielefeldt, University of Colorado, Boulder; Madeline Polmear, University of Colorado, Boulder; Chris Swan, Tufts University; Daniel Knight, University of Colorado, Boulder; Nathan E. Canney
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
numberof identified settings for ESI varied among the raters from two to six. In fact, at fourteeninstitutions where multiple chemical engineering faculty indicated the settings where theybelieved undergraduate students in their program learned about ESI, there were only twoinstitutions where there was complete agreement on the course types where ESI educationoccurred. Thus, individuals may have differing levels of knowledge on how students in theirprograms are educated on ESI. This may reflect a lack of coordination within programs onteaching ESI. The highest levels of agreement on the course settings for ESI education wereamong capstone design (86% institutions full agreement on ESI inclusion) and a full course onethics (86% institutions full
Conference Session
Diversity and Global Experiences
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jamie Gomez, University of New Mexico; Vanessa Svihla, University of New Mexico
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Chemical Engineering
value professional skills.Because there is somewhat limited research in chemical engineering education related to theformation of professional skills, we also incorporate research from engineering education andeducation research more broadly. Specifically, we sought to build on research showing thatdiverse teams tend to be more creative; this strengths-based view of diversity aligned to ourparticular context and our efforts—as part of an NSF REvolutionizing engineering and computerscience Departments (RED) project—to better support diverse student success. We thereforeconjectured that providing students with an opportunity to reflect on their own and theirteammates strengths, and then to critically assess their team’s collective gaps would
Conference Session
ChemE Curriculum: Freshman and Sophomore
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katherine Rae Tanner, Ohio State University; Rachel Louis Kajfez, Ohio State University; Krista M Kecskemety, Ohio State University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
chemical engineers is polymers. I think it would be interesting to design and work with different polymers in product design.”The student above demonstrates the trends in the responses that reflect a shift from a general ideaof what engineers could do to a specific idea. The responses have a trend of growing moreconcrete over the course of the surveys. A possible reason for this increase could be similar towhy the number of students mentioning options decreases. If students pay more attention to thedetails of their careers and begin to narrow down what they want to do, it is possible that theywould then have a better understanding and increased ability to discuss the specifics of their job.As students narrow down their interest in their
Conference Session
Works-in-Progress Postcard Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kimia Moozeh, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO; Deborah Tihanyi, University of Toronto; Jennifer Lyn Farmer, University of Toronto; Greg Evans, University of Toronto
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
Web-basedMultimediaPre-labs Figure1.Atheoreticalframeworkforthedevelopmentofweb-basedmultimediapre-labs.Content: explanation of related theoriesStudents require adequate time for interaction and reflection in order to enable meaningfullearning [21]. However, when executing an experiment, students have to carry out many taskswithin a set limited time, leaving no time for reflection [23], [31]. One method to overcome thislimitation is to prepare students conceptually through pre-labs before they attend the laboratory.Thus, pre-labs should focus on theory in addition to procedure by explaining the related theory,connecting theory to procedural steps, providing a rational for each step, and explaining what
Conference Session
Works-in-Progress Postcard Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joshua A Enszer, University of Delaware
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
. subject. Organization Concepts are not well Some integration of Well integrated connected with few branches, possibly connections with or no non-linear with a few loops. sophisticated branch connections. structure and loops. Correctness Naïve and contains Few inaccuracies in Reflects accurate misconceptions or concepts or links. understanding of inaccuracies. subject.Novak and Gowin [5] propose a more algorithmic hierarchical evaluation based on a mind
Conference Session
Novel Classrooms
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julie L. P. Jessop, University of Iowa; Anna L. Flaming, University of Iowa
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
framing the learning objectives as compelling questions and thenend class by making sure that everyone can articulate the answer – or at least the main takeaway.I’ve also seen instructors start class by checking in on what students know so far through a visualactivity like a concept map. At the end of class, students revise and add to the concept map,allowing them to see connections between material and to think reflectively about the learningthey have accomplished during the class session.37 One of my favorite resources for thisquestion is James Lang's book, Small Teaching, which emphasizes quick meaningful teachinginterventions, including activities that can be done in the first and last five minutes of class.38How do I determine what
Conference Session
Novel Classrooms
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jacob James Elmer, Villanova University; Andre Palmer, Ohio State University; Jessica O Winter P.E., Ohio State University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
approximately 50% of BioChEstudents work in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries.Figure 1 – Initial job placement of ChE/BioChE students in industry after graduation with a ChE. Survey conducted by AICHE in 2015; this chart only reflects industry job placement(48.9% of students) and does not include the 22.9% of students that enter graduate school. Since such a large fraction of BioChE students pursue jobs in biotech/pharma, it isimportant that we prepare our graduates for those fields by training them with a wide range ofmodern biotechniques. For example, many jobs in the biotech sector require engineers to culturebacterial or animal cells, manipulate DNA to synthesize new genes or sequence existing genes,and purify
Conference Session
ChemE Curriculum: Junior, Senior, and Graduate
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katharyn E. K. Nottis, Bucknell University; Margot A. Vigeant, Bucknell University; Michael J. Prince, Bucknell University; Amy Frances Golightly, Bucknell University; Carrine Megan Gadoury, Bucknell University
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Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
presented as a simulation. Both the computer simulations and physical experiments began with a description of aphysical situation and asked students to predict what would happen in that circumstance.Students then either used the computer simulations or engaged in physical experiments. Eachinvolved discrepant events, something participants holding certain misconceptions would nothave expected. Finally, learners were asked to answer a group of reflection questions that hadthem reconsider their original ideas and revise them based on what had occurred. Assessment Changes in conceptual understanding were assessed using the Heat and Energy ConceptInventory (HECI) [21], [22] and two of its sub-tests: Rate versus Amount (8 questions
Conference Session
Novel Classrooms
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ayman M. Alabdullatif, Oregon State University; Shane Paul Lorona, Oregon State University; Milo Koretsky, Oregon State University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
transfer [3]. We recommend that instructors frame the activity intheir classroom (e.g., examples, group problems, and homework) in ways that help studentsbetter connect their work to that of professional practice. Such framing can be included both inthe problem statement itself, and in how it is communicated to students.AcknowledgmentsThe authors gratefully acknowledge the support provided by the National Science Foundationthrough grant EEC 1519467. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of theNational Science Foundation.References: [1] M. D. Koretsky, D. Montfort, S. Nolen, M. Bothwell, S. Davis, and J. Sweeney. “Towards a stronger
Conference Session
Works-in-Progress Postcard Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brittany Lynn Butler; Daniel D. Anastasio, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Daniel D. Burkey, University of Connecticut; Matthew Cooper, North Carolina State University; Cheryl A Bodnar, Rowan University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
dilemmas developed in theEPSRI are based on case studies and investigations from process safety failures to provide arealistic context for the decision making process. An example of a dilemma will be discussed aspart of the presentation at the conference. Each author was responsible for creating twodilemmas. These dilemmas were then reviewed by all authors for clarity, grammar and spelling.The considerations provided are meant to reflect pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional decision making as described by Kohlberg’s Moral Development Theory.8 Thistheory represents the “transformations that occur in a person's form or structure of thought,” (pg.54) and occurs through six stages.8 The first two stages are considered pre-conventional
Conference Session
Hands-On Projects and Demos
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lucas James Landherr, Northeastern University; Courtney Pfluger, Northeastern University; Ryan A Koppes, Northeastern University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
activities (98 percent of 44 survey respondents), especially big equipment (over 80 percent).Students enjoyed the discovery experiments (more than 83 percent) but had mixed feedback ondealing with open-ended aspect of discovery experiments, with only half of students appreciatingthe open-ended structure. With respect to the open-ended design project, approximately 62 percentfelt comfortable with open-ended design.Shortly after 2010, in response to student feedback and instructor assessment of the courses, bothLab I and Lab II each became 2-credit hour courses to reflect the quantity and quality of workaccomplished. In the sixteen semesters over eight academic years following the full transition,various instructors have attempted to further improve
Conference Session
ChemE Curriculum: Junior, Senior, and Graduate
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Erick S. Vasquez, University of Dayton; Zachary J. West, University of Dayton; Matthew Dewitt, University of Dayton; Robert J. Wilkens, University of Dayton; Michael J. Elsass, University of Dayton
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Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
were completed byeveryone in the group. During both years, the results were kept confidential. However, theinstructors intervened as necessary when significant differences and problems were observed.The discussion on these results is presented in the next section.4. Results and Survey DiscussionFirst, the results of the numerical peer evaluations are presented when the instructor assignedteams. As each team leader led a presentation, several disagreements and conflicts within thegroups were shared with the instructors, and these results were reflected in the numerical peerevaluation. Figure 2 shows the results of the numerical surveys provided to the students duringthe Fall 2016 semester when teams were assigned based on individual academic