showed all sorts of professional practices and technology that are relevantto surveying today.” There was a sense that, as one student put it, they were “still able tosomewhat properly experience everything.”End-of-semester course evaluations reflected a slight change in student perception with regardsto the most valuable learning experiences of the class. When asked “what assignmentcontributed most to my learning”, 56 percent of students responding in the Fall 2019 semesteridentified the lab/lab assignments as contributing most. This is a marked increase from Fall of2018 (which used the traditional format), when only 43 percent of students responding identifiedthe lab as contributing most to their learning.Practice effect on Summative Quiz
loading beam, configuration of support frame, erection of wall, and instrumentation; • Testing: conducting a cyclic loading protocol to collect data on wall strength and deflection as well as identify damage progression and final failure mechanism; • Analysis of data: evaluation of experimental results compared to NDS predictions for strength and deflection as well as reflection on anticipated versus observed behavior.To elaborate on the last point of data analysis, students computed wall shear strength via twoapproaches: (i) 2015 NDS Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic (SDPWS) [10]Section which accounts for sheathing material, thickness and fastener penetration, type,size, edge spacing and
%) 108 (76.1%) Other 1 (0.7%) 0 (0.0%) 2 (1.4%) Freshman 6 (4.0%) 4 (3.0%) 2 (1.4%) Sophomore 17 (11.3%) 14 (10.4%) 7 (4.9%) Class Standing Junior 91 (60.7%) 68 (50.7%) 72 (50.7%) Senior 35 (23.3%) 48 (35.8%) 49 (34.5%) Graduate 1 (0.7%) 0 (0.0%) 12 (8.5%) Online Classes Yes 111 (74.0%) 96 (71.6%) 125 (88.0%) in Past? No 39 (26.0%) 38 (28.4%) 17 (12.0%)3. ResultsData were analyzed in four parts, reflecting the type of perceptions that were explored. Inaddition to a visual inspection, a Chi-squared test for trends in proportions was
sloping downward away from theridges without forming a bowl shape (Figure 4). Once the landscape is created, students areasked questions regarding the contour lines shown in the sandbox, reflecting on what the spacingof contours reveals about slopes. Students then use their hands to create shadows over thesandbox, which simulates rain and subsequent overland flow on the sand, which is observedrelative to the sandbox slope as well as the defined ridgeline. With the simulated water flowingin opposite directions away from the ridgeline, students visualize the concept of a watershedboundary. A discussion on the timing of water moving through the landscape ensues, withstudents asked to comment on what characteristics impact how long it takes water to
practices in remote and online teaching. We then describe our institutionalteaching model, which is built upon best practices in traditional classroom instruction. Next, wecompare and contrast these models of instruction as we describe how we adapted our workshop,based on traditional classroom instruction, for remote instruction. We close with feedback fromparticipants on the effectiveness of the workshop.Much like moving classes online, moving the workshop online was a challenge, but it wasrewarding. It opened our eyes to new ways of doing things and allowed us to reflect on teachingmore broadly rather than the specific techniques we have honed in the classroom. There are somechanges we will happily abandon when we can meet in person — such as
transfer group(n=3), so while it appears that this group may struggle more with lab report writing, these datacannot support this conclusively. Potential explanations abound when such small sample sizesare used. Instructor emphasis on the format and details for an early lab report can ensure this labreport is better than a later report when the emphasis may be more on the technical content andwriting conventions may not be encouraged as explicitly. Individual student experience isimportant when interpreting results from small sample sizes and points to mixed methods andother tools to ensure that strong conclusions can be made. It is recognized that later assignments,while intended to reflect the students’ best work may also be submitted at a
and expressed their willingness to make modifications when discussingthe feedback with their instructors. These context rich conversations are important to buildrapport and trust.Students were asked to provide comments to their peers and this written feedback reflected thenumerical score they received if they were doing well or could be doing something better. Someconstructive comments were: • Update the team on overall progress by keeping track of each individual’s tasks. • Have a set plan for each workday with goals and a direction for us to work towards.Some comments to reinforce positive leadership behavior included: • Improved communication between the group and listening to advice. • Very good leader - served the team
experience.Surveying in the early years of the United States reflected this fact; although there were somesurveying education programs in the country in the early 19th century (at Union College andWest Point), the primary on-ramp to a career in surveying was in the field. The desire by settlersto survey vast expanses of land west of Ohio after the Northwest Ordinance of 1785 meant on-the-job training for aspiring surveyors was plentiful [3].The demand for surveyors continued to explode as white settlers moved westward and Congresscarved out with the stroke of a pen the regular geometric state shapes that make up the Americanmap. When U.S. colleges and universities started experiencing more widespread enrollment inthe late 19th century and early 20th century
methodology section of this report.While students surveyed appear to be relatively in agreeance on the value of Project-BasedLearning, the survey results on learning in a COVID-persistent environment were somewhat lesscohesive. Results from the COVID-focused section of the survey are presented in Figure 5below. As with the Project-Based Learning portion of the survey, the numbers along the verticalaxis of the graph reflect the corresponding question number as listed in the methodology sectionof this report. Figure 4: Student Responses to Project-Based Learning Survey
then highlighted. Thisinformation grounds the research questions that were explored in this study.BackgroundWithin civil engineering, there is debate over the extent that a master’s degree or similar formalpost-baccalaureate education is necessary for professional practice. Reflective of this debate arechanges in ASCE’s Policy Statement 465 and the Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge(CEBOK) over time [4,5,6], as well as changes in the National Council of Examiners forEngineering and Surveying (NCEES) model law. The current version of Policy 465 states:“ASCE believes that the most effective means of fulfilling the formal educational requirementsof the CEBOK is by completing a baccalaureate degree in civil engineering from an ABET-accredited
]. In this capstone study, results show success when students applied thebasics notions of the BIM Execution Planning Guide [29] in setting up the team’s infrastructure.A reflective exercise of students first exploring the process generation then asking for faculty toreview the plans was more beneficial to their overall planning than providing immediate lecture-type instruction. Two key steps that all teams needed to develop and execute are listed below.Only file repository will be discussed in this paper as it is impacted by the team functionalitywhereas software workflows are primarily focused on technical usage of engineering software toget results from one platform to another. Defining the software workflows they plan to follow
Model [4], [5] andcompleting his learning style inventory survey. The results of the survey provide each studentwith rating on a scale of 1 to 11 regarding their preference for sensory versus intuitive, visualversus verbal, active versus reflective, and sequential versus global learning situations. Usingslides from the ASCE ExCEEd Teaching Workshop [6], the instructor explains what the learningstyle dimensions mean and provides insights as to how students can use this information to assistin their own learning. The survey sheets are collected, the data are assembled and the compositeresults for the entire course are shown at a later date. COVID format: This was one of two activities in the course that were conducted entirelyvirtually