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- Civil Engineering Division Poster Session
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- 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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James L. Hanson PE, California Polytechnic State University
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Civil Engineering
writing skills. Studentassessment of the teaching methodology is provided. Faculty observations of experiences aredescribed in the paper and suggestions are provided for effective use of this teachingmethodology.Introduction and BackgroundPeer review is common for all scientific publications as well as for engineering design work inprofessional practice. Integration of peer review to the curriculum has been reported for a varietyof implementation modes. Limited experiences in this regard have been reported for civilengineering coursework in relation to technical writing. Rationale for including peer review incoursework includes emphasizing the development of technical writing skills and promoting anactive and collaborative classroom environment
- Conference Session
- Innovative Assessment Techniques in Civil Engineering Courses
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- 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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Daniel Michael Dulaski P.E., Northeastern University
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Civil Engineering
most comprehensive – it lacked peerinput for team members. The students may experience something on a daily basis thatmay not be observed in a meeting – missed deadlines, lack of contributions – all elementsthat should be included when grades are issued.In order to address this challenge, the capstone advisor implemented a self-gradingrequirement. Twice a semester, at the mid-point and end, students have to grade theirwork as well as their peers. During this self-evaluation, no rubrics are provided; thestudent is responsible for not only detailing their contribution, but also supporting theirgrade selection with prose and examples of their work.In order to quantify the team-grading structure and determine its efficacy, as well asidentify
- Conference Session
- Innovative Teaching Techniques in the Classroom
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- 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
James L. Klosky P.E., U.S. Military Academy; Scott M. Katalenich, U.S. Military Academy; Berndt Spittka P.E., U.S. Military Academy; Seamus F. Freyne, Mississippi State University
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Civil Engineering
-class, student presentations are an effective way to inspire student engagement whilesimultaneously improving communication skills. As part of three different civil engineeringcourses including infrastructure, structures, and sustainability at West Point and MississippiState, the authors have introduced a student presentation concept dubbed “Two-Minute Follies.”This paper discusses and demonstrates with supporting data that Two-Minute Follies are simpleto execute, consume a small amount of time, and engage students more directly in their owneducation while at the same time building the student’s presentation confidence and style. Byengaging the student in a direct way that provides an opportunity to share with their peers, thestudent is
- Conference Session
- Innovative Pedagogy and Assessment in Civil Engineering Education
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- 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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Brock E. Barry PE, U.S. Military Academy
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Civil Engineering
rapport with my students, while initiallygood, became great during each term. I have had students who now, a year or two aftercompleting the course, still like to engage me in conversation about geo-poetry. The teachingportfolio essays, referenced previously, indicate that I was having fun and while I feltuncomfortable reading the poetry, I was notably very confident in the other aspects of myteaching. Perhaps the most significant measure of my post-poetry confidence is the frequencywith which I share this experience with my peers and indeed my interest in writing thisconference paper.A total of 35 students were enrolled in my two sections of the Spring 2012 administration ofCE371. Of those 35 students, 3 graduated from the Academy and 1 was no
- Conference Session
- Research Experience in Stormwater Management
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- 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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Vinod K. Lohani, Virginia Tech
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Civil Engineering
Virginia Tech.Oral Presentations: TrainingWeekly seminars also provided an opportunity to REU fellows to practice their oralcommunication skills. All REU fellows made: 1) a 5-min. presentation about their researchobjective at the end of 2nd week; 2) a 10-min. presentation (including research methods) at the endof week 6; 3) a 15-min. presentation (including results) at the end of week 9 to their peers and theauthor. After each round of presentation, REU fellows critiqued presentations of their peers andprovided written feedback to each other. Following quote from our assessment expert’ssummary11 validates the effectiveness of the communication aspect of our REU Site work:“The communication aspect of the program is seen as quite positive
- Conference Session
- Innovative Techniques in Structural Engineering Courses
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- 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Jeffrey A. Laman, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Mary Lynn Brannon, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
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Civil Engineering
devices to accomplish the desired learning isan important consideration that needs to be evaluated.The present study evaluates the effectiveness of pencasts for civil engineering students in astructural engineering focus. Pencast files can be archived for students in a number of formatson a variety of electronic platforms for viewing on a range of devices. The pencast filesdeveloped by the authors are most commonly distributed as a “talking PDF” that is essentially avideo of electronic paper pages capturing an instructor’s writing and voice.Students focusing in structural engineering typically enter a capstone with prerequisites ofstructural analysis, concrete structure design, steel structure design, and some experience withfoundation design
- Conference Session
- Innovative Teaching Techniques in the Classroom
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- 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Ronald W. Welch, The Citadel; Kevin C. Bower PE, The Citadel; Kaitlin Marley, The Citadel; Ally Kindel Martin, The Citadel
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Civil Engineering
major.Approximately half of students will decide to leave the major before the start of their sophomoreyear [2]. The decision to leave the engineering major can be based on many factors including: ifa student is failing courses in their major, motivation to do well in school, external influences(peers/parents) and change in attitude about the major. There are some students who view themajor as a means to make a competitive salary upon graduation and others who have a truepassion for the study of how engineering connects the world. Page 24.1346.2Supplemental Instruction (SI) was created to assist students in high risk courses by offeringsessions throughout the
- Conference Session
- Innovative Techniques in Structural Engineering Courses
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- 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Matthew W. Roberts, University of Wisconsin, Platteville; Angela Marie Jones, University of Wisconsin, Platteville; Michael K. Thompson, University of Wisconsin, Platteville
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Civil Engineering
. Angela Marie Jones, University of Wisconsin–Platteville Angela Jones teaches First-Year English Composition / Rhetoric and Research Writing at UW–Platteville and adds Screenwriting to the above courses at the University of Dubuque. She has worked as a Tech- nical Writer & Editor at ENGEO, a geotechnical engineering company in San Ramon, CA. She takes special care to uphold brevity in most writing instances, and has led a writing workshop for engineers and geologists that tackles wordiness and related style issues.Dr. Michael K Thompson, University of Wisconsin, Platteville Keith Thompson is an associate professor in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of Wisconsin