- Conference Session
- Impact of Information Technology on Engineering Education (3215)
- Collection
- 1998 Annual Conference
- Authors
Tahar El-Korchi, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Paul P. Mathisen, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Frederick L. Hart, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering (CE)
Science by Tracing Differences in Cognitive Style Distribution", in The Social Psychology of Science, The Guilford Press (W.R. Shadish and S. Fuller: eds), Pp 300-314, 1994.8. Biographical InformationPAUL P.MATHISEN is an assistant professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering atWorcester Polytechnic Institute. His areas of specialization are in environmental engineering and water resources.In addition to CE 1030, he teaches courses on topics relating to fluid mechanics, hydrology, and transport processesin the environment.FREDERICK L. HART is a professor and Head of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering atWorcester Polytechnic Institute. His areas of specialization are in environmental engineering. In