- Conference Session
- Best Practices in Existing College-Industry Partnerships
- Collection
- 2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Mamdouh Bakr, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Dept. Of Engineering Technology
- Tagged Divisions
College-Industry Partnerships
the easiest andmost direct to measure. Students’ project performance is measured routinely and there issufficient evidence to indicate that it's greatly enhanced by such projects.4 The only drawbackstems from the need to limit project scope for the individual student and student teams to assurethe desired depth and quality, and completion on schedule. The lack of flexibility in studentassignment for such projects is a reflection of the curriculum emphasis on fundamentals, and to alesser degree on experiential learning.It is difficult to define and measure project success from industry perspective. Two factors werechosen to provide a composite score of project success as perceived by industry. They are thedegree of project completion, which is
- Conference Session
- College-Industry Partnerships: Bringing Industry into the Curriculum Development and Design Cycle
- Collection
- 2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Dave Sly, Iowa State University; Daniel Bumblauskas, Iowa State University; Frank Peters, Iowa State University
- Tagged Divisions
College-Industry Partnerships
that possibly not 100% solid. project should occur. Listeners seconds max) which ensures accurately reflects the content Listeners told what they will be never told what they will be told, that you will get their of the presentation. Solid told in an outline that reflects the or are presented with an outline attention. Get them to state case made for project to general sense of the that does not accurately reflect Attention & Introduction their
- Conference Session
- College-Industry Partnerships: Bringing Industry into the Curriculum Development and Design Cycle
- Collection
- 2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
J. Shelley, United States Air Force; Kenneth Santarelli, Cal State Fresno
- Tagged Divisions
College-Industry Partnerships
, theirdiscussion of case study as “… a form of deliberative reasoning (phronesis) about a situation inwhich there is a political imperative to act” (p.101) seems appropriate to the case describedherein. In this case study, an activity will be explored, in depth, bounded by time and activity andsequentially described through publication as the study matures. The purpose of this case study isto understand the processes required to successfully address a predetermined agenda and adefined outcome. This case study is purposefully driven in that it is being used to define,organize, understand, record, and report on those processes that are successful and those that arenot. It is a method of data collection and self reflection that will allow organized and