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technical, professional, and personallearning outcomes can result, regardless of whether the activity is embedded within courses asservice-learning or conducted by students for pay or as volunteer activities.AcknowledgementsThis material is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant#1158863. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References[1] Jeffers, A.T., A.G. Safferman, S.I. Safferman. 2004. Understanding K-12 Engineering Outreach Programs. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 130 (2), 95-108.[2] Yowell, J.L., M.S. Zarske, D. Knight
simply to non-technical audiences; leadership skills by presenting the engineeringdesign challenge in partnership with their co-facilitator(s); and creative problem-solving skills byassisting students and their families in iterating and persevering in the design challenge process.Employee Community Engagement and Corporate CitizenshipEmployee community engagement or corporate citizenship initiatives such as skills-basedvolunteerism programs can contribute to overall employee engagement and drive value for thebusiness. Companies are increasingly investing in employee engagement efforts in order torecruit, retain, and develop their workforce amidst high levels of disengagement, shiftingworkforce demographics, and a competitive marketplace for
, organizational simplicity, high adaptability to a particular society or cultural environment, sparing use of natural resources, low cost of final product, or high potential for employment.9(p. 10)During the 1980’s, when the National Science Foundation sponsored a program dedicated toresearch in Appropriate Technology, the definition in the program solicitation was similar,though somewhat less prescriptive: Appropriate Technologies are defined as those which possess many of the following qualities: they are decentralized, require low capital investment, are amenable to management by their users, result in solutions that conserve natural resources, are in harmony with the environment, are small or intermediate scale, and are more labor- than
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. To me, joining a leadership program seemed like the next logical step, but I had noidea how much of an impact it would make on my communication skills, leadership abilities, andgeneral outlook on life.Throughout the first three years of coursework in the program, I was continually challenged toreflect on my own personal growth and development. Without the program I know that I wouldhave thought I was „good enough‟ at all of the skills previously mentioned. As soon as thisthought pops into ones head, that is the end of any hope that one can make a difference. I thinkthat is one of the biggest lessons learned through the program‟s coursework. I feel that having agroup of people who know me and can give feedback so I can grow is the only way to
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Sixteencollege basketball tournament and seated near the front.The countdown round was a fast-paced competition. In each paring, two students sat on the stagewith pencils and scratch paper. The Coordinator would read and show a problem on the bigscreen. The two students had 45 seconds to figure out the answer. Whoever buzzed in first hadthe chance to answer the question verbally. If his or her answer was correct, a point wasawarded. If the answer was incorrect, the other student had the remaining time to buzz in andanswer the question. The student who had more point(s) after 3 problems won the paring andmoved on to the next round.Soon, the 16 students shrunk down to 8, and then to 4. To determine the top four ranking of thecountdown round, the rule
, and to what extent are they interested in impact-driven work?2.2 Impact-Driven Interest as a Career ChoiceThere are many capacities in which one may address societal challenges, e.g. as a volunteer,employee, and/or founder. To narrow the scope, the current study explores how engineeringundergraduates consider addressing societal challenges as a career choice.In the early 1990’s Robert Lent proposed a model of career choice called Social CognitiveCareer Theory (SCCT, see Figure 1) that provides a framework for understanding, explaining,and predicting the processes through which people develop occupational choice (Lent & Brown,2006; Lent, Brown, & Hackett, 1994). The SCCT model has been shown to be useful inpredicting career choice
uncover more reliabledata in future iterations of the program. Modifying these questions will allow students to providemore honest and relevant feedback. Current questions, the indicator they are meant to measure,and their proposed modifications are outlined in Table 8. Table 8: Comparison of current and proposed modification to questions Current Indicator(s) Proposed It has been said that one Civic Learning Explain some methods you doesn't truly understand Civic Efficacy employed to make the something until they can academic material explain it to someone else. understandable to
help rectify this situation. In the process,it is believed that enthusiasm for engineering and science will increase among both adults andyoung people. Survey data indicates that demonstrating the underlying ingenuity behind nature,as exemplified above, has been moderately successful in accomplishing this goal.Thus far, as a part of this grant-funded project, 79 presentations have been made to communitygroups, churches and Christian schools with a total audience of 2,500 people. A diverse selectionof 23 of these groups was anonymously surveyed in an attempt to assess the impact of thepresentations and drive improvements for the future. The presentations typically close with livelyquestion and answer sessions between speaker(s) and audience. A
Page 26.349.12 global community”, 119th American Society of Engineering Education Conference, San Antonio, USA, June 20124. Davis, R., Krishnan, S., Nilsson, T., & Fylling Rimland, P., “IDEAS: Interdisciplinary Design Engineering and Service”, International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship, Special Issue: University Engineering Programs That Impact Communities: Critical Analyses and Reflection, January 2015, pp. 165-1795. Guadalupe River Park Conservancy, http://www.grpg.org/the-conservancy/mission6. City of San Jose’s Public Works Department, http://www.sanjoseca.gov/publicworks7. 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design, Department of Justice
capabilities are rooted in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics… For a variety of reasons, concerns have arisen over the future of both the military and civilian contingents of the Air Force’s STEM workforce. Emerging mission areas, particularly in the space and cyber domains, are expanding the need for new technical skills and expertise… A growing percentage of science and engineering graduates in the United States are foreign citizens and thus ineligible for the security clearances that many jobs in the Air Force and in the aerospace industry require. The existing STEM workforce is aging, with many individuals nearing retirement. Women and minorities are underrepresented in most S&E