Paper ID #18534Global Humanitarian-based Projects: A Documentation Strategy for Strength-ening Project SustainabilityDr. Randy S. Lewis, Brigham Young University Dr. Randy S. Lewis is professor and chair of Chemical Engineering at Brigham Young University (BYU). He received his B.S. and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from BYU and Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, respectively. He currently serves as vice-chair of the Education and Accreditation Committee of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) and as an ABET commissioner for accrediting engineering programs. He previously served in several national
Paper ID #18486Sustainable Water Filters in Southern PeruDr. Randy S. Lewis, Brigham Young University Dr. Randy S. Lewis is professor of Chemical Engineering at Brigham Young University (BYU). He re- ceived his B.S. and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from BYU and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, respectively. He currently serves as chair of the Education and Accreditation Committee of the Ameri- can Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) and as an ABET commissioner for accrediting engineering programs. He previously served in several national positions of AIChE. His research interests include biomaterials
with engineeringoutreach activities to enhance the learning experience of the students enrolled in an engineeringcourse (EGR 299 S course). The objective was to improve the retention of underrepresentedengineering students (majority at CPP) by providing them with opportunities to use theirtechnical engineering skills and by providing them with opportunities to work in diverse andmultidisciplinary teams (building confidence in their knowledge) in order to build relationshipswith K-12 students and to motivate the K-12 students to pursue STEM fields.Introduction to CPP engineering programsCal Poly Pomona is a four-year institution well-known by the diversity of its student population(0.2, 23.6, 3.3, 38.9, 0.1, 19.7, 3.9, 4.4 and 5.7 % of American
careers to solvesocietal challenges that mitigate and prepare for climate change and its global implications forsustainability. Attached below is the survey instrument developed and currently undergoing validatingand reliability testing.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1635534. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material arethose of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.ReferencesABET. (2013). Criteria for accrediting engineering programs, 2014 - 2015. Retrieved from, B., Murphy, C., Allen, D., & Davidson, C. (2009
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strengthening core competencies gained through academic programs andexperiential learning (S. Paynter, personal communication, February 21, 2017).The PSF student selected for this project was a double major—industrial engineering technologyand design. They worked with the affiliate’s executive director; its two AmeriCorps members,whose role was to increase the capacity of their assigned affiliate to serve additional low-incomehomeowners through volunteer recruitment, client outreach, repairs for low-incomehomeowners, new project implementation, community partnership development, and programexpansion; and a host institution faculty member.Project design and execution. The product for this project was a user friendlier means forcollecting and compiling
will have to cultivate if they are interested in creating a TAP of their own. Our hope isthat TAP will be a pilot for other programs that address this need across the country.AcknowledgmentsThis work is currently supported by the Battelle Engineering, Technology, and Human Affairs(BETHA) Endowment and an Impact Grant from The Ohio State University Office of Outreachand Engagement, a program supporting innovative and scholarly engagement programs thatleverage academic excellence of The Ohio State University in mutually beneficial ways withexternal partners. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the BETHAEndowment or the Office
-based learning and supplement traditional STEM curriculum with exposure tocommunity based research, participatory design, and design thinking methodologies. Throughthis collaborative environment, students gain real world experience and engage in meaningfulwork on issues around Bowman Creek and the quality of life in the surrounding neighborhood.2.0 Project design and executionBCe2’s Summer 2016 Internship Program consisted of twenty two interns from six South Bendinstitutions: Indiana University South Bend, Ivy Tech Community College, University of NotreDame, Riley High School, St. Joseph High School and Washington High School. To identifyproject focus areas within the Southeast neighborhood, design thinking methodology was used toidentify
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project, they did not have experiences involuntary services or working with people with cognitive impairments. Some studentswitnessed the special care system and then realized how much the teachers contributedto the quality of life of people they cared for, what a different life the people withdisabilities lived, and how hard the people with disabilities had to try to become self-contained. Students considered the project a life changing experience.ReferencesChang, Y. J., Kang, Y. S., & Liu, F. L. (2014). A computer-based interactive game totrain persons with cognitive impairments to perform recycling tasks independently.Research in developmental disabilities, 35(12), 3672-3677.Chang, Y. J., Wang, T. Y., Chen, S. F., & Liao, R. H. (2011
. J. Elmer and N. Comolli, “Unifying Multiple Concepts with a Single Semester-Long Project: A Brewery Design Project for Heat Transfer Courses,” Proc. Spring 2015 Middle Atl. Sect. Conf. Am. Soc. Eng. Educ., pp. 459–472, 2015.[7] S. Krishnan and M. R. Nalim, “Project-Based Learning in Introductory Thermodynamics,” ASEE Conf. Proc., p. 14.986.1-14.986.11, 2009.[8] M. Sozen, “A Design-and-Build Project for Heat Transfer Course,” ASEE Conf. Proc., 2016.[9] M. S. Zarske, M. Dana, E. Schnee, and A. R. Bielefeldt, “The Impacts of Real Clients in Project-Based Service-Learning Courses,” ASEE Conf. Proc., p. 23.1213.1-23.1213.19, 2013.
faculty lead would likely improve the likelihood of success of the project and courses. With the demands of research and other faculty obligations, it may be convenient for a faculty member to become dis-engaged. Similar to the roles of the students, a deliberate definition of this role clarifies the chain of command for both the faculty and students involved.References1. McKenzie, L. J., Trevisan, M. S., Davis, D. C. & Beyerlein, S. W. Capstone design courses and assessment: A national study. in Proceedings of the 2004 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition 1–14 (2004).2. ABET Board of Delegates. Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs. (2015).3. Miller, R. L
quality of life B5: Identifies and addresses future community needs B6: Reflects social responsibility C1: Considers economic impacts of environmental design criterion C2: Considers economic impacts of a social design criterion C3: Considers trade-offs between social and environmental criteria Economic C4: Evaluates economic lifecycle costs and benefits C5: Considers affordability or demonstrates cost competitiveness or cost reduction X1: Uses and/or creates innovation(s) in its specific field to achieve
SDGs “… seek tobuild on the [previous] Millennium Development Goals and complete what they did not achieve(United Nations General Assembly 2015).” In launching the SDGs in 2015, the GeneralAssembly of the United Nations “recognize[s] that eradicating poverty in all its forms anddimensions (including extreme poverty) is the greatest global challenge and an indispensablerequirement for sustainable development (United Nations General Assembly 2015).” To thatend, the SDGs represent “a plan of action for people, planet, and prosperity,” which in additionto peace and partnership, define the five “P’s” of the mission of the SDGs. To accomplish thatmission, there needs to be a “balance [between] the three dimensions of sustainabledevelopment: the
spring of 2017. The Historical Society director wanted to show the shift from flour milling topaper milling on the Fox River that occurred at that time. So, the class was ‘hired’ to makeinteractive exhibits that demonstrated how an 1870’s flour mill worked.It was a unique opportunity for the class, because they were able to interact with a client,including touring the space, creating prototypes, having the client request design changes, andfinally building the exhibit. Partnering with the students also helped the Historical Societyreceive two local community grants to support the exhibit. At the end of the semester, thedirector of the Historical Society reviewed the student projects and accepted 4 of the 5 projectsfor inclusion in the exhibit
Design Engineering Division and Lockheed Martin.Bibliography[1] C. Corbett and C. Hill, "Solving the equation: the variables for women’s success in engineering and computing," The American Association of University Women, Washington, D.C.2015.[2] U.S. Census Bureau. (2014, February 5, 2017). American Community Survey 1-year Estimates: Tables B24125 and B24126. Available:[3] R. H. Tai, C. Q. Liu, A. V. Maltese, and X. Fan, "Planning early for careers in science," Science, vol. 312, 2006.[4] C. S. Hulleman and J. M. Harackiewicz, "Promoting interest and performance in high school science classes," Science, vol. 326, pp. 1410-1412, 2009.[5] A. Krishnamurthi, M. Ballard, and G. G. Noam, "Examining
agriculture, and community engagement.Disseminating Results & Planning Next Steps – As the project(s) progress, the research team willuse various medium to disseminate results to a wide audience. Thus, we will target not only peerreviewed publications, but other, more publicly accessible avenues such as social media,newsletters, community meetings, etc.3. Assessment of Learning and EngagementThe majority of efforts to date have been focused on developing partnerships, expandingcollaborations, and executing projects. This early work, focused on improving operations, waseasily quantifiable as most project results could be measured in dollars or time. For thisscholarship program to become truly “community-engaged”, more effort should focus on
the organization’s growth as it sought n ew funding sources and s ustainability . These factors were frequent topics of discussion, as many of the subprojects involved researching them to create selfsustaining solutions in the community. Viewed from an organizational level, this idea of mission creep could be viewed as improvisation of the entire organization in response to shifting funding sources, or conditions for achieving their goals. Apparent abandonment of core goals can appear in any organization as shortterm shifts are made in order to accommodate new expectations from funders
demographics and trends in the labor market continue to remain an unwaveringissue. Currently, there is a demand in the U.S. to produce qualified students, both at the K-12 andpostsecondary levels with suitable STEM transferable skills and a knack for scientificexploration and innovation through engineering design to aid in the growth and enrichment ofthe U.S.’s economy. In 2004, the National Science Foundation noted that half of the economicgrowth within the U.S. over the past 50+ years is credited to the scientific innovation of theSTEM workforce, which represents a minute 5% of the overall U.S. workforce.1 In order to strengthen the K-12 STEM pipeline and workforce, investments in outreachand student development are continually being
, and to what extent are they interested in impact-driven work?2.2 Impact-Driven Interest as a Career ChoiceThere are many capacities in which one may address societal challenges, e.g. as a volunteer,employee, and/or founder. To narrow the scope, the current study explores how engineeringundergraduates consider addressing societal challenges as a career choice.In the early 1990’s Robert Lent proposed a model of career choice called Social CognitiveCareer Theory (SCCT, see Figure 1) that provides a framework for understanding, explaining,and predicting the processes through which people develop occupational choice (Lent & Brown,2006; Lent, Brown, & Hackett, 1994). The SCCT model has been shown to be useful inpredicting career choice