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Conference Session
Community Engagement in Engineering Education Projects
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sudhir Kaul, Western Carolina University; Guanghsu A. Chang, Western Carolina University; Paul M. Yanik, Western Carolina University; Chip W. Ferguson, Western Carolina University
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Community Engagement Division
cohorts through a series ofproject-based learning (PBL) courses. Furthermore, this attempt is enhanced by the introductionof incentives that encourage student involvement in undergraduate research as well as on-campusengineering organizations. The specific focus of the mentorship is on student-studentrelationships in addition to the conventional faculty-student relationships. These relationshipsallow students to learn from each other since they are able to strongly relate to each other’sexperiences among their peer group. The mentoring model proposed in this paper formulates alearning community that allows the student to form a support group and a mechanism forpreventive intervention, as discussed in other studies on mentoring programs. Such
Conference Session
Civic Engagement and Volunteerism in Engineering
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shoba Krishnan, Santa Clara University; Tonya Lynn Nilsson P.E., Santa Clara University
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Community Engagement Division
collaborative learning with peers and others through one or more of the following: working cooperatively with other students in class, observing and participating in the contemporary ramifications of various types of civic life or civic discourse, or working with civic organizations beyond the walls of the University.At most universities, the path to meet the civic engagement requirement is often found inservice-learning or community service programs organized in the social science or humanitiesdepartments. However, as a profession, engineering has incredible potential to promote andimprove the quality of life for both individuals and communities. Further, engineering projectsare required to meet codes, standards, and
Conference Session
Models and Practices of Community Engagement for Engineering Faculty
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tamara Ball, UCSC Baskin School of Engineering; Michael S. Isaacson, University of California, Santa Cruz
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Community Engagement Division
than might be expected to attend thesame kind of event if it were hosted at the training center. As of Fall 2014, ASCENDsuccessfully hosted the first community public screening event “Seeding Innovation”showcasing four films at the Exploration Center. The event attracted over 100 viewers whoparticipated in post-viewing discussions, explored demonstration materials provided by projectteams and partners, and gave additional feedback by writing their responses to four prompts onpaper “leaves” that were fixed to the ‘branches” of a three-dimensional cardboard tree locatedjust outside the theater. This event was significant for attending VTC apprentices because theirwon work was being featured and because the Exploration Center represents a
Conference Session
Learning Through Service
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
William C. Oakes, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Carla B. Zoltowski, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Katherine Schmotzer; Ana Paula Valenca, Purdue EPICS
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Community Engagement Division
individuals based on theirprogress on the project in that semester as well as how they function as a team and communicatewith each other and their community partner. Peer evaluations facilitate the evaluation ofteamwork and help to delineate individual contributions.While most of the grading rubrics and core assessment process of EPICS was used in the samemanner as other sections, the team reporting documentation and requirements were taken mostlyfrom the requirements of EWB-USA. These met or exceeded the requirements for the EPICSprocesses and maintained the consistency with the EWB-USA students.Team StructureEPICS and EWB-USA both had student leadership roles and these were combined. We delayedhow these were split up until the first class and spent
Conference Session
Measuring the Impact of Community Engagement on Students
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew Siniawski, Loyola Marymount University; Sandra G. Luca, Loyola Marymount University; Jeremy S. Pal, Loyola Marymount University; Jose A. Saez, Loyola Marymount University
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Community Engagement Division
toBarrington and Duffy (2010), general benefits to students include increases in subject mattercomprehension, GPA, retention, critical thinking skills, tolerance for diversity, writing skills, andcitizenship6. Specific gains in both professional and technical skills have been reported. Forexample, in a recent study by Carberry et al. (2013), engineering students on average identifiedthat 45% of what they have learned about technical skills and 62% of what they have learnedabout professional skills was gained through their engineering service experience7. Femalestudents credited service experiences as their source of both professional and technical skillssignificantly higher than male students, which was consistent across academic years7.Furthermore