fusion (not yet viable but showing promise for widespread use in the future) continue to develop, communities will have many options and choices. Practicing engineers are looking for strategies to engage community members in equitable and just ways. The model for community engagement that we are developing in this course has the potential for widespread adoption in professional contexts; this is a way to reshape energy technologies and engineering design more broadly. eferencesR[1] T. Mitchell.Rule of Experts: Egypt, Technopolitics,Modernity. 2002.[ 2] T. M. Li.The Will to Improve: Governmentality,Development, and the Practice of Politics. 2007.[ 3] D. F. Elger, S. W. Beyerlein and R. S. Budwig
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, while the term post-assessment will only refer to the work being described in this paper.Flood outreach studyThe objective of the research study was to capture perspectives on flooding from rural residents,particularly in unincorporated communities of Region 1. Region 1’s large size required work tobe divided based on areas in close proximity to the university partners—WTAMU PIs andstudents surveyed residents generally in the Texas Panhandle, while MSU surveyed residents inthe Upper Red River Region. Figure 1 provides a general map of the flooding planning regionwith highlights of communities to be covered by each institution [4]. Figure 2 presents a fewexample images of historical flooding observed within Region 1 that were obtained from
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. She also teaches the Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering Capstone, Energy in Biological Systems, and the Introduction to Humanitarian Engineering course.Dr. Kadri Akinola Akanni Parris, The Ohio State University Dr. Kadri A.A. Parris is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Engineering Education at The Ohio State University (OSU). He is the holder of a Masterˆa C™s Degree in Transportation Engineering and received his Doctorate in Civil Engineering (Geotechnical) ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 From Service to Engagement: Outcomes from the implementation of multiyear human centered design initiatives across Humanitarian Engineering courses to improve
course.Patrick Sours, The Ohio State University Patrick is a lecturer and PhD candidate in Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering. Patrick received a B.S. in Civil Engineering from The Ohio State University with a minor in Humanitarian Engineering. Patrickˆa C™s graduate research focus is internatDr. Adithya Jayakumar, The Ohio State University Dr. Adithya Jayakumar is currently a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Engineering Education at The Ohio State University (OSU). He received his Masters and PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from OSU.Mrs. Rachel Marie Tuttle Rachel serves as the Humanitarian Engineering Scholars Program Manager and an Engineering Unde- clared Academic Advisor at The Ohio State
gives workers the power to collectively negotiate with and pushback against capitalist corporate owners and the industries they extract profit through [3].NSPE and their Anti-Union Roots“The concept of Unionism in engineering was one of [the] real reasons for NSPE’s creation and amovement that D.B. Steinman [‘Father’ of NSPE] wanted to prevent with engineers. This topic iscovered frequently as early as the late 1930’s in [NSPE publication] The American Engineer.” -from The Complete PEI History of NSPE [19]“The [National] Society [of Professional Engineers] throughout its history has maintained aconsistent stance opposing collective bargaining for engineers.” - Paul H. Robbins, firstExecutive Director of NSPE [20]The National Society of
between the groups, additional face-to face course and COIL courses could be run tocollect further data for comparison.Citations[1] Tejada, A. H., & Stanton, S. (2021). An Impact Study of the 100,000 Strong in the AmericasInnovation Fund.[2] A. Brown and L. De Regil Sanchez, “Structure and Outcomes of a Virtual InternationalHumanitarian Engineering Collaborative Program with Workshop,” Diversity Abroad, 21-Dec-2021. [Online]. Available: https://www.diversitynetwork.org//DIVaPublic/Articles/Article-Items/Structure-and-Outcomes-Intl-Humanitarian-Engineering-Program.aspx. [Accessed: 08-Feb-2023].[3] Boretti, A., & Rosa, L. (2019). Reassessing the projections of the world water developmentreport. NPJ Clean Water, 2(1), 15.[4] World Health
serve as a model for other universities andcommunities nationwide, demonstrating the transformative potential of collaboration betweenacademia, government, industry, and community partners.References:[1] Natarajarathinam, M., Qiu, S., & Zoghi, B. (2021). “Community engagement in engineeringeducation: A systematic literature review”. Journal of Engineering Education, 110(4), 1049–1077. https://doi.org/10.1002/jee.20424[2] J. Yates, and M. Accardi “Field Guide for Urban University-Community Partnerships.(n.d.)”. Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture.https://iasculture.org/research/publications/thriving-cities-field-guide[3] V. Lee, L. Mikkelsen, J. Srikantharajah, and L. Cohen (2008) “Strategies for enhancing thebuilt environment to