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Displaying all 10 results
Conference Session
Computers in Education Division Poster Session
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Thalia Anagnos, San Jose State University; Alicia L. Lyman-Holt, Oregon State University; Sean P. Brophy, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Computers in Education
memo and Gantt chart, a graduate school statement of purpose, a draft poster, anda draft final report. The assignments serve two purposes: developing skills such as how to createa poster or write a literature review, and keeping the projects on schedule so that all students arefully prepared to present at the Young Researchers Symposium. Page 25.1493.6After deliverables are posted, students are required to review and comment on the work of atleast two of their peers that are not based at their research site. The CMS provides a threadeddiscussion linked to each deliverable. All students can browse each other’s work and leavequestions and
Conference Session
Computers in Education Division Poster Session
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
JUDITH VIRGINIA GUTIERREZ; Aurelio Lopez-Malo, Universidad de las Americas, Puebla; Enrique Palou, Universidad de las Americas, Puebla
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Computers in Education
receive feedback in real time. After these experiences, students said it would bemore useful if all applications are considered as being able to write, take photos, take up otherprograms and the sharing of information between peers in real time, not only with the teacher.They mentioned the communication and collaborative work is much more streamlined using theTablet PCs and associated technologies. Selected quotes follow: “The Tablets have much potential as the deal also depends on everyone, but I personally think it takes up very well if a Tablet has much potential in so many ways, as well as speeding up the class could be a database much larger recordings could be because that I think helps a lot, have a recording, and
Conference Session
Tablets Large and Small
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ashley Robinson, Virginia Tech; Catherine T. Amelink, Virginia Tech; Holly M. Matusovich, Virginia Tech
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Computers in Education
student initiated; • How the instructor models tablet use; • The degree of student engagement in collaborative activities; • How and the degree of frequency that students use the tablet flip screen to share ideas, content, and/or notes with peers; and • Barriers to collaboration and the use of technology in collaboration.Essentially, we explored the use of the stylus (i.e., e-inking) and other features specific to the Page 25.1342.2tablet PC (i.e., swivel screen) and how those options are used by faculty and students to facilitatecollaboration in conjunction with instructional software (e.g., DyKnow Vision
Conference Session
Best of Computers in Education Division
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Xin Chen, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Adithya Raghavan; Ji Soo Yi, Purdue University; Krishna Madhavan, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Computers in Education
tools, toolevaluation and web information seeking.2. Literature Review2. 1 Novice Researchers’ DifficultiesNovice researchers in a new field usually face various kinds of challenges. Hockey7 portrays thefirst year of PhD as the most crucial and difficult period because students “initially encounterand experience intellectual and social processes at their point of maximum novelty”(p1). Muchresearch has been done about the challenges and issues first-year PhD students or junior researchstudents face, including social isolation, productivity, financing, discrepancies with advisers, andunequal accesses to peer culture and academic culture7,9–13. An important area of doctoral studythat has received little attention is the development of
Conference Session
Topics in Computer Science and Programming
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Walter W. Schilling Jr., Milwaukee School of Engineering; Mark J. Sebern, Milwaukee School of Engineering
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Computers in Education
Implementation & Test 7 Project: Code Review Testing Project, Cycle 1: Status Memo Configuration Management Implementation & Test cont. 8 Test Case Exercise Generalization Project, Cycle 2: Cycle 1 Final Report Analysis & Design Peer Evaluation Role Summary 9 Additional Design Software Metrics Estimation Project, Cycle 2: Cycle 2 Analysis &
Conference Session
Social Media and In-class Technology: Creating Active Learning Environments
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mihaela Vorvoreanu, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Erin E. Bowen, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Dawn D. Laux, Purdue University
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Computers in Education
conducted in the higher educationcontext in different parts of the world have documented that community building is, indeed, abenefit that results from student use of microblogging as part of instruction. For example,integration of informal microblogging in the UK, among two groups of students lead the authorsto conclude that community building and peer support were two of the most beneficial impactsof Twitter use7. Similar findings were observed among Chinese students who used Twitter aspart of their courses: they created a community that provided social support and motivation tolearn 8-10. Beyond enabling relationship and community building among groups of studentsenrolled in the same course, microblogging was shown to help build international
Conference Session
Topics in Computer Science and Programming
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James Dean Palmer, Northern Arizona University; Eck Doerry, Northern Arizona University
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Computers in Education
out brackets,rules, and time limits so that the audience could clearly seewho was winning at any given moment…and so we could Figure  3.  A  Digital  Carnival  poster  jointly  award a winner immediately at the end of the carnival. sponsored  with  SUN  Entertainment.  Being computer scientists, our ACM members saw this asa software problem and responded by writing a sophisticated program to manage competitionbrackets and scoring, as well as an elaborate on-line preregistration system. Nonetheless, humanjudges remained important to monitor the events, verify the scores, and input the data.The third problem we identified centered around finding a viable financial model for the DigitalCarnival or, better yet, finding a way to turn
Conference Session
Computers and Simulation
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hatem M. Wasfy, Advanced Science and Automation Corp.; Tamer M. Wasfy, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis; Jeanne Peters, Advanced Science and Automation Corp.
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Computers in Education
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). Dr. Wasfy is also the founder and chairman of Advanced Science and Automation Corp. (founded in 1998) and AscienceTutor (founded in 2007). Wasfy’s research and development areas include: flexible multibody dynamics, finite element modeling of solids and fluids, fluid-structure interaction, belt-drive dynamics, tires mechanics/dynamics, ground ve- hicle dynamics, visualization of numerical simulation results, engineering applications of virtual-reality, and artificial intelligence. He authored and co-authored more than 70 peer-reviewed publications and gave more than 65 presentations at international conferences and invited lectures in those areas. He received
Conference Session
Social Media and In-class Technology: Creating Active Learning Environments
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gerald C. Gannod, Miami University; Kristen M. Bachman, Miami University
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Computers in Education
during the creation of theartifacts in those genres 4. Genre in software engineering refers to categories or types ofcommunication that occur in recurrent situations. In this context, generic situations includeactivities such as definition of a software project/problem, elicitation and specification ofprogram requirements, creation of a design document, and so on. Table 2 lists the commongenres as defined by Carter et al. While we often think of creation of specific artifacts alongwith these genres, various reading, writing, speaking, and teaming/collaboration communicationmodes are employed. For instance, one might read program requirements to meet a number ofgoals such as determining what needs to be known to generate designs, to revise
Conference Session
CoED General Technical Session II
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jonathan M. Hill, University of Hartford; Ying Yu, University of Hartford
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Computers in Education
Ying Yu received the B.Eng. degree from Fudan University in Shanghai, China, in 2000. She received the M.Eng. degree and Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Brown University, RI., USA, in 2003 and 2007, respectively. Since 2008, she has been teaching as an Assistant Professor of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Hartford. Her current research interests includes digital signal processing, speech processing, and teaching with new educational methods, which includes peer instruction, clickers, video games, and state-of-the-art CAD tools. Page 25.1281.1