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: Deep Learning with Python by Francois Chollet Robotics: Modelling, Planning and Control by Bruno Siciliano Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction by Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto IV. Computing and Simulation PlatformWe have used Keras and Gazebo as computing and simulation platform. Keras is an open-sourcesoftware library that provides a Python interface for artificial neural networks. Gazebo is anopen-source software platform for which anyone can develop a plug-in with model components V. Learning Outcomes and AssessmentThe learning outcomes of the course EGR 391 are as the following: 1. Understand the meaning, purpose
, backup and restore operations, and disaster recovery tasks. • Troubleshooting: Troubleshoot capacity, automation, connectivity, and security issues related to cloud implementations.Certification and Course Integration Methodologies:With the set of certifications decided, we set out to identify the course(s) that are best to integratethe certification skill set in. In this paper, we present our methodologies as they apply to theNetwork+, which we used as the pilot project. We will report and disseminate results for othercertifications as they are completed.Course Material RevampingWith most of the faculty in the new Cyber Security Program coming from Computer Sciencebackground, it was imperative that we revamp the current course
proposes a focus on the process of problem-solving and does not want to limitthe process to particular kinds of problems but to those that "influences one's adaptivefunctioning in the real-life social environment" (and engineering problems are some of those.)D'Zurilla et al.'s model uses the term social Problem-Solving for such problems. The modeldevelops the concepts of "problem-solving," "problem," and "solution," specifying that problem-solving "refers to the process of finding a solution." In contrast, "solution" refers to "carrying outthose solutions in the actual problematic situations." The model comprises "problem orientation"and "problem-solving skills." Through these components, they developed the Social Problem-Solving Inventory, which
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