Figure-4: Water Velocity Readings in USGS [5]6. Results and Discussions: Once all the components are confirmed, it is decided to chose averaging out the 4 days data.Table-2 contains velocity of water flow data that was used in this study. These pieces were thenput into the power equation to get the total wattage that can be produced. Then multiplied theamount by 24 to find the watt-hours for one day and then multiplied that amount by 365 to seehow much power could be produced in a year. This calculation was repeated for the maximumvelocity to find the absolute maximum amount of power that could potentially be obtained if thatvelocity continued for a year. Table-2: Bayou Water Velocity (m/s) Data Sample 1
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in the competition, and theyintend to encourage at least one student group to participate in the competition in the future. Thecompetition team students who participated in the project said they gained more practicalexperience. However, they noted that it required dedication and time commitment. To betterassist the capstone students in the future, several sites and data will be provided for students whowould like an experience similar to the competition project. The capstone requirements would bemodified if they chose this option as their capstone project. This will not impact the capstoneproject timeline while providing a competition-like experience.References[1] A. S. Baitule and K. Sudhakar, “Solar Powered Green Campus: A simulation study