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Conference Session
Technology in Classrooms - Construction Engineering Perspective
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen Mulva, Texas State University-San Marcos
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the integration between resources, time, cost, and quality. In such anenvironment, students are able to comprehend project controls information and develop a feel forthe impact which certain decisions have on project goals and objectives, thus creatingknowledge. While additional research regarding the use of modeling and simulation in projectcontrols is underway, the findings contained herein point towards a larger role for its use infuture projects and engineering education.IntroductionAspects of the project management function such as planning, control and monitoring require theintegration of time, cost, and quantity of work with available resources. Since the early 1950’s,the classical scheduling methods of the Critical Path Method (CPM
Conference Session
Technology in Classrooms - Construction Engineering Perspective
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mohammed Haque, Texas A&M University
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&search=Search&searchYears=2004%2C2003%2C2002%2C 2001%2C2000%2C1999%2C1998%2C1997%2C19962. Haque, M.E. (2001) Web based visualization techniques for structural design education. Paper presented at the American society for Engineering Education conference. Paper retrieved Jan 28, 2005, from Kuyath, S (2002) How computer animations make teaching complex topics more effective and more efficient. Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition. Retrieved Jan26, 2005, From paperAuto r&searchText=kuyath&search=Search&
Conference Session
Trend in Construction Engineering Education II
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Chris Swan, Tufts University
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pursued this opportunity by seeking to use the construction sites as the basis for acourse on the construction process and the roles engineers have in construction. In other words,the projects were used as active learning “centers” through which students will learn and applyengineering concepts and the construction process.Construction engineering education is not new, dating back to the 1950’s 1, and industry hasplayed in important role in the establishment of such programs. The Construction Engineeringand Management degree program at Purdue University, established in 1972, has stronguniversity-industry collaborations in program development and delivery4. In addition, the use ofactive construction sites to illustrate or reinforce course concepts
Conference Session
Trend in Construction Engineering Education I
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Eddy Rojas, University of Washington; Carrie Dossick, University of Washington
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University of Washington’s Department ofConstruction Management envisions experiential learning curriculum at the Pacific NorthwestCenter for Construction Research and Education.Bibliography: 1. Allison, D., Wills, B., Hodges, L. F., and Wineman, J. “Gorillas in the Bits.” Paper presented at the VRAISAnnual Conference, Albuquerque, NM., 1997. 2. Barab, S. A., Hay, K. E., Barnett, M., and Squire, K. “Constructing Virtual Worlds: Tracing the HistoricalDevelopment of Learner Practices.” Cognition and Instruction, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2001, pp. 47–94. 3. Catalano, G. D. and Catalano, K. “Transformation: From Teacher-Centered to Student-Centered EngineeringEducation.” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 88, No. 1, 1999, pp. 59-64. 4. Chi, M
Conference Session
Trend in Construction Engineering Education I
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Virendra Varma, Missouri Western State University
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chart of DB v/s DBB looks as shown below. Page 11.402.4 DESIGN - BUILD Owner Design-Builder Fig. 1 DESIGN – BID - BUILD Owner Architect/Engineer General Contractor Fig. 2From the above organizational charts of the two very different project delivery systems, it isquite clear that the owner has to deal with a single entity
Conference Session
Trend in Construction Engineering Education I
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ifte Choudhury
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) in theearly 1990’s to about Tk. 200 billion (3.33 billion US dollars) in 2003. Figure 1 shows a steadyincrease of the country’s construction output which is presently over 8 per cent of its GDP1.Most of the construction works are in the public sector. Funding for a high percentage ofconstruction projects come from multilateral development agencies (MDA) like the World Bankor Asian Development Bank.The rapid growth in the construction sector demands an adequate number of professionals with abroad understanding of the principles of construction science as well as leadership skills in Page 11.473.2motivating teams and integrating a wide range of
Conference Session
Technology in Classrooms - Construction Engineering Perspective
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Bob McCullouch, Purdue University; Joohyoung Lee, Purdue University-Calument
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Multimedia in Education” [Online], Available: 7. Wankat, Phillip C., and Frank S. Oreovicz. (1993) Teaching Engineering, pp. 282-305, New York: McGraw-Hill. Page 11.1197.7