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- Sustainability in Construction Engineering
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- 2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
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Yong Han Ahn; Hyuksoo Kwon; Annie Pearce; John G. Wells
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Tyler, R. W., 1949. Basic principles of curriculum and instruction 2 Finch, C. R., Crunkilton, J. R., 1989. Curriculum Development in Vocational and Technical Education; Planning, Content, Implementation. Allyn and Bacon, INC. 3 Kwon, H. S., Yi, S. B., 2003. The development of hands-on activities based production technology curriculum by objective model at the secondary schoolThe first category of literature, systematic curriculum development theories, is summarized inTable 1. Curriculum development focuses primarily on content and areas associated with it.However, the curriculum should define the educational goals and mission for the time beingduring the development procedure
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- Innovation in Construction Engineering Education I
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- 2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
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Kun-jung Hsu, Leader University
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beginning node of activity, and j represents as the ending node of activity. Onecan calculate the total float of an activity (LSi-ESi), we can determine the critical path(s). As anillustrative example, Figure 1 showed the network of an example facility project with tenactivities. Table 1 showed the normal time vs. crash time scenarios of all activities of theproject network, and their time and costs to complete the activities. Figure 1: Illustrative example of a building construction project networkFollowing the critical path method describes above, one can apply Excel to calculate the totalfloat of each activity, thus draw the critical paths of the normal and crash scenarios. Find ES,EF, LS, LF, FF, and TF for the arrow diagram in
- Conference Session
- Trends in Construction Engineering Education II
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- 2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
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Gabriel Alungbe, Morehead State University; Jaby Mohammed, Morehead State University; Yuqiu You, Morehead State University
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engineering economy course had fullenrollment in spite of the fact that it was being offered by the department for the first time andduring a four-week period in the summer.Some of the writers who previously underwent Quality Matters training contributed experiencesgained from the training to the development of this online course. Quality Matters is a peer-reviewed program of “inter-institutional quality assurance in online learning”.5 A publication byGary S. Moore and others was a good source for information on online learning.6 The followingis a discussion of what was done to successfully offer engineering economy course to students inthe construction management program online.1. Introduction and Course OverviewWe used this section to introduce
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Ifte Choudhury
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expenditure of the country has increased from Tk. 100 billion in the early1990’s to more than Tk. 200 billion in 2004. Figure 1 shows a projection of the country’sconstruction output as a percentage of GDP1. Most of the construction works are in thepublic sector. Funding for a high percentage of construction projects come frommultilateral development agencies (MDA) like the World Bank or Asian DevelopmentBank. For large MDA funded projects, the usual practice to go for internationalcompetitive bidding. Most public contracts are awarded on the basis of the lowestresponsive tenders submitted by contractors. Local contractors are given a margin ofpreference to secure public sector tenders under MDA funding. One of the areas onwhich most of the
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- Innovation in Construction Engineering Education II
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- 2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
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Mark Shaurette, College of Technology - Purdue University
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students’ questions 4.47 5 0.62 over the two-way audio system. Length of Tour22. *The time devoted to each video-based site visit was: 4.66 5 1.1123. *The typical amount of time the video of each construction activity was on the 4.67 5 1.11 screen during the site visit(s) was: Instructor Skills 6. The extent to which the instructor made the students feel that they were part of 4.23 4 0.67 the video-based site visit. 7. The instructor's communication skills for the video-based site visit. 4.31 4 0.50 8. The instructor's preparation for the video
- Conference Session
- Trends in Construction Engineering Education I
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- 2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Gabriel Alungbe, Morehead State University; Xiaolong Li, Morehead State University; Jason Stepp, Morehead State University; Ahmad Zargari, Morehead State University
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, engineering or construction science AND 8 years experience in general design/construction. (This experience is in addition to the 48-month CM requirement.)A summary of the professional organizations, their certifications, and requirements is presentedin the table below. Page 13.1002.6 Organizations Certification(s) Requirements 4 years of education or1. American Institute of Associate Constructor (AC) equivalent
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- Innovation in Construction Engineering Education II
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- 2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
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Gouranga Banik, Southern Polytechnic State University
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continuing and evolving process for constructioncurriculum improvement.Key Words: Construction, Curriculum Improvement, Assessment, StudentIntroductionFrom its beginnings, construction education in this country focused strongly on practice. Theexpansion of world economy mainly in India and China accelerated construction workssignificantly and gave opportunities for the greater advances. Post-expansion industriesflourished, creating demand for contractors and engineers that exceeded the supply. Newly-minted engineering and technology Ph.D.’s joined the ranks of academia without much industryexperience and perpetuated the research emphasis on campuses for the last ten years. While thisresearch has contributed immeasurably to our technological