-Hourtraining to the incoming freshman class of Honors College students, which consisted of 71students from various majors of study (shown in Table 2 below). These faculty members wereOSHA certified to teach the course and issue students the 10-Hour OSHA cards uponcompletion. The training occurred over two days in August 2017. Table 3 contains the actualtraining conducted. The students received 11 hours of actual instruction, which is one hour morethan the minimum amount required by OSHA. This additional training was provided in specificareas that the instructors felt would address that the students would complete during their servicelearning activities. The students were also issued personal protective equipment (PPE) includinga hardhat, reflective
be addressed during the summeris a very important thing to reflect on. My weaknesses were clearly related to my lack of generalconstruction industry knowledge, with the exception of my financial experience, and engineeringskills. My threats were focused mainly on my ability to self-teach myself when needed andgaining a sense of complacency. This summer was an opportunity to learn and fill knowledgegaps. I felt that if I was not constantly gaining experience, time was being wasted. This in turnpushed my opportunities. The constant desire to learn something new once I felt comfortablewith a certain aspect of my job was key to my knowledge base growing. Being able tounderstand where I started and where I needed to be by the end of the summer
of construction.The challenge, then, in teaching complex construction concepts lies in involving students in amore active form of learning to enhance knowledge acquisition and retention. Simulationtechnologies and serious games have been demonstrated to foster active learning throughincreased engagement as opposed to the passive memorization typical of traditional teachingmethods (Dede and Lewis 1995). An educational simulation is generally defined as a simplifiedmodel of reality or set of abstract concepts that provide basic information that facilitates studentlearning and understanding (Sawhney et al. 2000). Simulations are developed around learningsituations that contain contextual information mastered through reflection and interaction
sustainability engineering education has been widelyrecognized. However, reflecting the concept of sustainability in the course content and providingsufficient sustainability education standards are also issues that need to be considered. Some highereducation institutions have added sustainability courses to their construction courses and madethem compulsory courses for students. But there is a challenge in sustainable design education:recognizing the need for change and applying it to the enterprise [5]. Therefore, it still needs todiscover an appropriate way to improve sustainable education. Through appropriate engineeringactivities and education, students can increase their understanding of the world and theircommitment to sustainable development [6
, PedagogyIntroductionBuilding Information Model (BIM) uses a three-dimensional (3D), digital model to represent thefacility to be constructed and provides access to extract the information for various applicationssuch as visualization, quantification, structural analysis, coordination, energy modeling, andfacility management. Advancements in Information and Technology will enhance the BIMapplications in AEC domains. One of the Construction Management department's goals atKennesaw State University is to continue to improve the curriculum to reflect the current andevolving trends of information technology applications in the construction industry. TheConstruction Management department has included a BIM applications course in its undergraduateprogram’s curriculum to
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology under GrantNo.1001814551. Any opinions, findings or conclusions expressed in this material are those ofthe authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Transportation.The authors are greatly thankful to the students who participated in this study.References[1] Federal Highway Administration. (2009). Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (Issue May).[2] National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse. (2017). 2017 National Work Zone Fatal Crashes and Fatalities. Retrieved from https://www.workzonesafety.org/crash- information/work-zone-fatal-crashes-fatalities/#national[3] Brame, C., (2007). Active learning
able to reflect on what they have learned with the help ofintuitive illustrations and convenient operation of MUSSN. While no surveys have beenofficially conducted as of this writing, the program has been presented to a seminar of 10 civilengineering graduate students. The next step of the research would be to distribute formalsurveys to undergraduate, graduate students and experts to evaluate the effectiveness of theprogram. After analyzing the feedback, further improvements of MUSSN will be made for thefuture use in the classroom setting.MUSSNStudents are first greeted by a Welcome Screen tab when they use the MUSSN (Figure 3). Thebackground is a 3D graphical simulation of the NWDP. In the lower right corner is a “Next”button which takes
in the project report. Cycle 1- Assessment Results & Evaluation Actions. In the first cycle, all direct indicators met the target performance of 75%. As for the indirect measure demonstrated by the student survey response, it did not meet the target (69%).The indirect measure reflected the concerns that were received from students regarding the lack of training they received in estimating software. Through their internship experience, they realized most construction firms utilize construction software in their daily operations. The use of hand calculation, which is the main method of estimating in class is hardly used in the industry. Accordingly, faculty made effort to acquire estimating software such as Bluebeam
risk of theft andvandalism of materials, and protect the materials from weather damage [2].The research presented herein takes the form of hands-on service-learning. The National Societyfor Experiential Education has defined service-learning as “any carefully monitored serviceexperience in which a student has intentional learning goals and reflects actively on what he orshe is learning throughout the experience” [5]. Service based, hands-on research has proveneffective in university level construction programs. One particular study [6] describes thedevelopment of an undergraduate construction management course at California PolytechnicState University intended to incorporate service-learning goals and objectives into a hands-onconstruction
machineFigure 4 – Skills deficiency and need for improvementThe following question probed the respondents’ opinion on which concepts/technologies willbecome mainstream over the next decade, and which might run their course and become obsoletewithin the same timeframe. Respondents were asked to qualify their answers on a Likert scaleranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. The answers to the statements are shownhereunder and reflected in Table 1 below: • On the first statement: “Most cutting-edge technology available today will be mainstream in the next 10 to 20 years”, the responses were predominantly in agreement with a total of 84.38% ranking it between somewhat agree and strongly agree. The unsure or general
overhangs to prevent the direct sunlight, shade the windows, andsupport diffusing the daylight inside the space. Another supporting action ca be using a designedceiling geometry configuration that can help to diffuse daylight instead of the conventional flatceilings.The mixed overhang/light shelf became as one horizontal surface, as shown in Fig.11. Oneachievable method to tackle this issue is to take advantage of a white reflective coating on thetop layer of the light shelf finish material. By implementing this strategy, 50% of the floor areaachieved adequate daylighting, which means an additional 30% of the spaces have sufficientdaylighting. In addition, high efficiency LED lights, are added for the rest of the spaces to evenlydistribute light
hands-on immersion experience at FERL (describedpreviously) and co-enrollment in numerous course offerings. This knowledge helps createsbalanced teams which is critical to ensuring healthy competition in the fourth phase. During the competition, teams assume the identity of a design-build firm, dividing upindividual roles by sub-discipline as outlined previously. Team leaders are charged withproviding overall guidance and ensuring the final products reflect a fully coordinated design andconstruction plan between sub-disciplines. Teams compete to “win” the job by having the mosttechnically sound approach and best integrated design. Examining Table 1 highlights a few important similarities between The Crucible and theASC design-build
, construction manager, and constructionengineering. This shift is mostly associated with reductions in previous sports career interests, asthere is a notable drop in sports career interests from middle-school (16%) to high school (2%),as students become increasingly aware of some challenges to their sports career goals. Changesin career interests associated with science, engineering, and arts are minimal, with no changeobserved in the percentage of respondents interested in fine and performing arts.College: During the early college years, most of the respondents showed interest in technology,engineering, science, sports, and arts (Table 1); however, 2% of the respondents indicates thatthey have no career interests at this stage. This reflects undecided
studentsare trained in an educational atmosphere that defines and strengthens their career identities [11].In order to improve career identities and success, construction curriculum should include well-designed senior projects [4]; service learning [12]; industry partnerships and professionaldevelopment workshops [13]; electives [14]; project-based learning [5]; internships [15]; and trainstudents to use updated technology [16]. Educators should not be afraid to modify existing coursesor even introduce new courses to reflect changing needs of societies [14]. Due to theirbackgrounds, some students are aware of the changing needs in the construction industry, and enterinto construction programs expecting to be prepared to meet the most current needs of
university practices. Strategies foraccomplishing this goal emphasize active and reflective learning trough project based learning,helping student make connections to see the relevancy of the subject, group collaboration,empowerment and promoting and assessing deep learning in contrast to surface or strategiclearning. One means of empowering students in the decision making for the class is to offer thema choice to pursue assignments and the ability to pursue something of interest [14].Ponton [33] and others highlighted that teachers affect student outcomes by communicating thepurpose for developing particular skills and the criteria for mastering them. As instructors, weoften profess that we do not want students to memorize but rather understand
Information Center; 1975.[61] Morrison GR. Designing effective instruction. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley; 2011.[62] Cannon HM, Burns AC. A Framework For Assessing The Competencies Reflected In Simulation Performance. Developments in Business Simulation & Experiential Exercises 1999;26:40–4.[63] Bloom BS. Taxonomy of educational objectives: The classification of educational goals. United Kingdom: Longman Group United Kingdom; 1969.[64] Anderson LW, Krathwohl DR. A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing: a revision of Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives. New York: Longman; 2001.[65] Schell J. The art of game design a book of lenses. - Description based on print version record. Boston: Elsevier/Morgan Kaufmann; 2008.[66
featured on site can be viewed in Appendix D. Upon completion of the Interactive Safety Training Tool, the user’s earned points aretotaled and can be viewed by the user at the top left corner of the screen throughout the training.A score of greater than, or equal to70% results in a passing score reflecting the pass requirementfor the OSHA 10-Hour/OSHA 30-Hour tests. The total score is based on a calculation of 30 totalpoints, from 15 questions, with a maximum of two points earned from each. As shown in Figures13 and 14, text will appear letting the user know whether they passed and what percentage wasearned. At this time, the user can try again, as mentioned earlier, or end the training. Tryingagain will reset the training for the user
, configuring and designing structural elements and systems for abuilding from beginning to end of the design. Figures 4 - 8 provide one example of the design,review, and resubmittal process that occurred between the faculty and student team duringARCE 226. The submittals reflect the conceptual development of a building design and itsstructural solution refined over advancing stages of a project. Figure 4: Submittal 1a – 3D drawing of original building formFigure 5: Submittal 1a – Representative Framing plans for 3D structure shown aboveFigure 6: Submittal 3a – Refined Framing plans Figure 7: Final Submittal – 3D Framing Figure 8: Final Submittal – Representative Framing PlansThe noted advantages of using Bluebeam for the
, stereotype attitude, organizational culture, working environment, and jobrecruitment issues [6], [22]. Not only that, some studies on the women working in constructionshow that the majority of them work in secretarial or office positions than in the field [6], [13].Expanding further on issues of underrepresentation, in the study conducted by Fielden, et. al[13], it is reported that the construction industry has a poor image and the workers are consideredas ‘cowboys’ creating a macho stereotype. Sadly, the view of construction as a “man’s world” isstill reflected even in recent studies of women participation in construction [23]. Coupled withthat, women’s social image as being delicate and sensitive deters girls from considering pursuinga career in