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course(s). The main objective of designing andteaching a hands-on and immersive cost estimating course is to get the students ready from day one, byexposing them to the fundamentals of cost estimating. A review of cost estimating syllabi indicate a lackof consistency or standardization in the content covered. The literature on cost estimating as published inASEE (American Society for Engineering Education) conference papers provide little or no examples ofthe typical cost estimating and bidding process. In addition, there are no samples from ASEE conferencepapers on the scope of work for quantity takeoff (QTO) and pricing assignments, or samples of thequantity takeoff templates, the pricing templates, and the criteria for grading students’ work
class start. The goal of this gradedsurvey was to ensure the students read or at least skim through the case study draft and to acquirethe students’ knowledge and experience about the concepts related to TVD. The questions in thisgraded survey included: • What is your major? • What is your current knowledge of project delivery methods, such as Design-Bid-Build, Design-Build, Integrated Project Delivery, etc.? Please briefly describe your understanding of these methods. • Do you have experience with any of the project delivery methods mentioned previously (Design-Bid-Build, Design-Build, Integrated Project Delivery, etc.)? If yes, please specify which method(s) and describe your experience. If no, just type “I
. (9) Quantity Surveying and Budgeting. (9) Ability to perform construction checklists 2 and supervision. (12) Technical Specification Analysis, Installation coordination. (10) 3 Administrative Basis, and Blueprint Reading. (9) S-Curve Analysis, Physical and Financial Capability to execute construction 4 Progress. (8) process protocols. (10) Regulatory Analysis, Zoning Plans, and Proposal of technical solutions and 5 OGUC (General Urban Construction material selection. (7) Ordinance). (8)Personal and collaborative
should continue Concrete Bowling Ball project.Q-4 Concrete Bowling Ball project lab presentation and report improved your learning in thiscourse.Q-5 I can accurately define what is meant by concrete mix design in construction projects.Q-6 The lessons in this course provided me with an awareness of concrete mix design practices.Q-7 I tried to relate material covered in lecture(s) to Concrete Bowling Ball project.Q-8 I fairly contributed to the sample preparation part of the Concrete Bowling Ball project.Q-9 I fairly contributed to the sample testing part of the Concrete Bowling Ball project.Q-10 I fairly contributed to the report writing part of the Concrete Bowling Ball project.Each question was rated on the scale of 1 to 5, 1 representing
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% 43.10% 31.03% 3.45% well as student collaboration the whiteboard(s) can be easily viewed from every 27.59% 41.38% 29.31% 1.72% seat the lab is a good representation of the cultural 22.41% 51.72% 24.14% 1.72% diversity within the CM programTable 1 Construction Lab Physical Attributes Performance Based on Student ResponsesIn response to the size of the space and furnishings, the results shown in Table 1 reveal that70.69% of the students responding agree that the construction lab provides sufficient space foractivities, 67.24% agree that the table and seating arrangement options
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