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Conference Session
Working at the Intersection of Industry and Academia
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert J. Rabb P.E., The Citadel; David S. Greenburg, The Citadel
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Continuing Professional Development
. David S. Greenburg, The Citadel Dr. Greenburg is an Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering Leadership and Program Management (ELPM) in the School of Engineering (SOE) at The Citadel. He served over 20 years of active military service, achieving the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, United States Marine Corps. During his military career he served in a variety of progressively responsible command and staff and leadership positions in Infantry, Logistics, Acquisition, and Human Resources; with peacetime and combat experi- ence. Upon completion of active military service, Dr. Greenburg served in program leadership positions at Eagan McAllister Associates, and Science Applications International Corporation until
Conference Session
Continuous improvement of programs, practices and people.
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katy Luchini-Colbry, Michigan State University; Dirk Joel-Luchini Colbry, Michigan State University; Julie Rojewski, Michigan State University; Astri Briliyanti
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Continuing Professional Development
wish to thank T.J. Nguyen for his work on the CyberAmbassadors project. We alsoappreciate the support and engagement of the many organizations partnering with theCyberAmbassadors project, including Tau Beta Pi, ACI-REF, CaRRC, the Carpentries, NRMNand CIMER. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundationunder Grant No. 1730137. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science Foundation.References[1] H. Neeman et al., “The Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Research and Education Facilitators Virtual Residency: Toward a National Cyberinfrastructure Workforce,” in Proceedings of the
Conference Session
Continuous improvement of programs, practices and people.
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emily Nutwell, Ohio State University; Ann D. Christy P.E., Ohio State University
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Continuing Professional Development
(CAM), and Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) [1]. The riseof digital manufacturing and the reliance on these technologies to reduce development timewhile improving product design and quality has been exponentially increasing over the past fewyear [2]. The reliance on digital manufacturing by industry has grown as high performancecomputing technology evolves. Recognizing the far reaching implications of this technology onresearch, several government programs in the 1980’s and 1990’s promoted the growth of highperformance computing. Today, programs such as XSEDE promote the use of high performancecomputing to conduct research in multiple fields such as engineering by supporting scholars andresearchers in using these computational resources [3
Conference Session
Continuous improvement of programs, practices and people.
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eugene Rutz, University of Cincinnati
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Continuing Professional Development
College. Feedback from this group has been uniformly positive to these efforts to meetcurrent and emerging needs of business and industry. The College has been encouraged tocontinue to look to future needs and continue to develop programs that meet these needs throughcreative approaches to offering degree programs.References[1] World Economic Forum, “The Future of Jobs Report 2018,” World Economic forum, 2018. Available at[2] J. Bughin, E. Hazan, S. Lund, P. Dahlstrom, A. Wiesinger, and A. Subramainian, “Skill Shift - Automation and The Future of the Workforce,” McKinsey Global Institute, McKinsey and Company, 2018. Available at
Conference Session
Continuous improvement of programs, practices and people.
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mitchell L. Springer PMP, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, Purdue University-Main Campus, West Lafayette; Kathryne Newton, Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Topics
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Continuing Professional Development
parents have not completed their H.S. education.  Childs participation in some college, when parent(s) have a bachelor’s degree or more is 87%.  Childs participation in some college, when parent(s) did not complete High School is 47%.The Winds of ChangeThe winds of change are blowing the sands of time through the pages of history; as the sayinggoes. We are standing at the precipice of seismic shifts in national and international highereducation and public institutions of higher education in particular. The U.S. economy is stuck inneutral since the last recession [8, p.1], tuition prices are skyrocketing, student loan debt hassurpassed $1.5 trillion [15, p. 1], parents – who have leveraged their homes through equity loansand second
Conference Session
Working at the Intersection of Industry and Academia
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Evan Harpenau; Evelyn Ann Kaelin; Meg Piechocki; Mitchell L. Springer PMP, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, Purdue University-Main Campus, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Continuing Professional Development
fill open positions and aHuman Resources (HR) staffing agent revealed several interesting pieces of information aboutemployment at a government installation. Employability begins when the category of theposition and the skillset(s) needed to fulfill the job requirements are established. As a position’stechnical competence and experience requirement increase, there is less flexibility for hiringmanagers to extend consideration to applicants who do not satisfy all stated criteria, even thoughthey may have the potential to do great in the targeted position. In each of the independentinterviews, the interviewees said this formality is driven by accountability standards establishedat the highest levels of government (personal communication
Conference Session
Working at the Intersection of Industry and Academia
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas M. Freeman, Michigan Technological University; Michelle E. Jarvie-Eggart, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Continuing Professional Development
students.Figure 3. Student highlighting text and asking a question in Nb.Piazza is a wiki-style discussion forum that lends itself to the kind of questions with just oneright answer. Each question has a single students' answer that students can contribute to, and asingle instructors' answer that instructors can contribute to. With wiki-style Q&A, when astudent has a question, s/he doesn't need to sift through long threads in a forum to find what theyare looking for, they can read just the single, high-quality question and answer.Figure 4. Piazza Q & A Platform.Perusall is another forum tool for students to annotate and discuss your class readings.Instructors can order and assign textbooks, articles, or PDFs in Perusall. Students annotate