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Conference Session
Developing Programs for Adult Learners
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Keith Plemmons; Ray Jones, The Citadel
Tagged Divisions
Continuing Professional Development
project-level capability. Alongwith developing knowledge, performance, and personal competencies, the need for developmentand standardization of project documentation became a central and primary theme for TPMcourse development. PMI and CMMI influences are reflected in the Knowledge andPerformance Learning Model shown in Figure 1. Also, the PMBOK Guide was accepted as aprimary text in all TPM courses. The ability to cross-reference content with the PMBOK Guidewas used as selection criteria of other primary and supporting texts17.Figure 1. Technical Project Management (TPM) Knowledge and Performance Learning ModelInput from IndustryIndustry professionals provided input concerning the needs of their employees and explainedhow the TPM courses could
Conference Session
Successful Professional Development Programs
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kurt Becker, Utah State University
Tagged Divisions
Continuing Professional Development
. Page 12.1447.7As a first step toward establishing best practices for delivering engineering design andcontent through professional development, engineers and technology teacher educatorsfrom each of the technology teacher education (TTE) partner institutions conceptualized,developed, and delivered a series of workshops. While the format and specific contentvaried across the five professional development sites, a balance between theoreticalcontent and activity-based experiences has been maintained. At the conclusion of eachworkshop, participating high school teachers completed similar surveys, which weredesigned to facilitate analysis and reflection. Building on lessons learned during theinitial year of the Center (2005), the TTE institutions
Conference Session
Development of Undergraduate Distance Education Programs
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Frank Fisher, Stevens Institute of Technology; Hamid Hadim, Stevens Institute of Technology; Sven Esche, Stevens Institute of Technology; Robert Ubell, Stevens Institute of Technology; Constantin Chassapis, Stevens Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Continuing Professional Development
low very high LowIt is anticipated that a major obstacle to realizing a truly successful online undergraduateengineering curriculum is the development of an appropriate combination of virtual experiments(simulations), laboratory exposure through on-site visits, simple experiments conducted at home,and remotely accessible laboratory experiments, which is necessary to contribute towardsenhanced learning in accordance with the respective ABET criteria. The vital importance of acomprehensive laboratory experience in the engineering curricula is widely acknowledged by allconstituents and reflected prominently in the ABET Engineering Criteria 2000.42 ABET hasalready begun the process to establish criteria for assessing the