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- Issues of Cooperative Education I
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- 2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
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Joe Raelin, Northeastern University; Jerry Hamann, University of Wyoming; David Whitman, University of Wyoming; Rachelle Reisberg, Northeastern University
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Cooperative & Experiential Education
Page 13.1220.2academic learning. These programs comprise co-op jobs, internships, apprenticeships, and othermethods that integrate experience in the world with experience in the classroom. Theseapproaches are becoming increasingly relevant in a work culture characterized by the need tocontinuously reflect and learn from ongoing experience.2 A 1998 census of cooperativeeducation found that approximately 250,000 U.S. students were placed in cooperative educationjobs that year.3 In 2006, the career publisher Vault.com. reported in its third Internship Surveythat some 62% of undergraduate students completed an internship that year.4In terms of outcome studies from co-op, the majority of research was conducted in the 1970’sand 1980’s due to the
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- Global Cooperative Education
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Thomas Akins, Georgia Institute of Technology; Debbie D. Gulick, Georgia Institute of Technology; Jack Lohmann, Georgia Institute of Technology
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Cooperative & Experiential Education
Lohmann, Georgia Institute of Technology Page 13.903.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2008 MODELS ON INDUSTRY AND UNIVERSITY GLOBAL COLLABORATION THROUGH CO-OP AND INTERNSHIPSIntroductionFrom industry giants to start-ups; from the U. S. News’ top schools to aspiring institutionsof higher education; and from the bastions of engineering education in the U. S. tocampuses in all areas of the world, globalization is the mantra being spoken by educators,administrators, and corporate leaders. Author Thomas Friedman brought this to theforefront in his best selling book, The World is Flat, and the topic is constantly
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- Cooperative Education and Engineering
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- 2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
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Jacqueline El-Sayed, Kettering University
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Cooperative & Experiential Education
industrial advisory boardsand employers of engineering graduates has brought to the forefront that practical know-howmust be integrated into engineering education. It is not enough to be “book smart.” Industrywants engineers who are flexible, savvy and can produce quality results in real world situations.Higher education must find ways to educate engineering students with both practical andtheoretical knowledge to ensure the student’s success.ABET1 has led the charge by instituting learning outcomes for accreditation. Many of theseoutcomes are not technical but are considered “soft skills.” Soft skills include interpersonal,“people” skills. Following ABET’ s lead, higher education is experimenting with methodologiesto address all outcomes, and to
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- Issues of Cooperative Education II
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- 2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Jean-Claude Thomassian, State University of New York, Maritime College; Anoop Desai, Georgia Southern University; Patrick kinnicutt, Central Michigan University
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Cooperative & Experiential Education
, M., Zwitserloot, Active Learning of Introductory Machine Learning, 36th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Oct. 2006.16. Mason, D. S., Students remember what they do, Journal of Chemical Education, vol. 83, Issue 4, pp. 521, 200617. Juedes, D., Fleeman, D., Marling, C., & Chelberg, D., Work in progress - Anytime, anywhere active learning in computer science, 37th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Oct. 2007.18. Everett, L., Pennathur, A., Jones, V., Kephart, K., & Villa, E., Workshop - creating learning opportunities: Building active learning problems to create conceptual conflict for enduring understanding, 37th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Oct. 2007.19. Hauck, S
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- Cooperative Education and Engineering
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- 2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Tylisha Baber, Michigan State University; Norman Fortenberry, National Academy of Engineering
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Cooperative & Experiential Education
-25-06-06.pdf.13. ASEE, How Do You Measure Success? Designing Effective Processes for Engineering Education. 1998, Washington, DC: ASEE Professional Books.14. Haag, S., E. Guilbeau, and W. Goble, Assessing Engineering Internship Efficacy: Industry's Perception of Student Performance. International Journal of Engineering Education, 2006. 22(2): p. 257-263.15. Lang, J.D., et al., Industry Expectations of New Engineers: A Survey to Assist Curriculum Designers. Journal of Engineering Education, 1999. 88(1): p. 43-51.16. “Education for High Growth Innovation,” Synergy, Autum 2005, Issue 5, Cambridge-MIT Institute, p. 11. [cited Jan. 2008]. Available from http://www.cambridge- mit.org/object/download/1713
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- Issues of Cooperative Education I
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- 2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
ROBERT GRAY, Penn State Erie
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Cooperative & Experiential Education
engineering and engineering technology students,” World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 159-162, 2004.2. Gray, R., “Partnering with industry to provide students with active learning experiences,” UNESCO International Centre for Engineering Education, Global Congress on Engineering Education, Glasgow, Scotland, 4 pp., 2002.3. Gray, R., and Shaffer, G., “Integrating teaching, research, and community outreach in applied system design for locomotives,” Outreach Scholarship 2001, Learning Discovery and Engagement, University Park, PA, 2001.4. Rothery, R. and Salt, E., “Design for Electrical and Computer Engineers," John Wiley and Sons, 2002.5. Gray, R., and Weissbach, R. S., “Industrial