, statistical analysis, simulation processes, optimization techniques, and risk analysis at the strategic and network management level. Among his research sponsors are the National High- way Cooperative Research Program (NCHRP), Metropolitan Transportation Commission in California (MTC), the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), the El Paso Metropolitan Planning Organiza- tion (MPO), and the City of El Paso. His academic work is documented in more than 100 publications in peer- reviewed national and international journals, conference proceedings, books, and technical reports. Dr. Chang also serves as the Chair of the ASCE Infrastructure Systems Committee, and Vice President of isMARTI in the U. S Research Coordinator
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scale) in important outcomessuch as teamwork, communication, project management, and design skills.Figure 1: SEE Initiative ComponentsIn terms of the pull v s push components of the SEE Initiative, most of the concrete elementsincluded in the initiative speak primarily to the pull component. They are focused on bringingindustry representatives into the classroom or into other aspects of students’ academicexperience, either directly through guest speakers and panelists or indirectly through thedevelopment of relevant modules/problem sets that reference professional practice. The pushcomponent is more challenging to visualize because it focuses on a change in the departmentculture and relies primarily on students pursuing opportunities for
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. For the initial cohort, the programdevelopers expected that the process would be primarily related to the number of applications.After our research results showed Cohort 1’s success was more dependent on personalconnections with a company, networking with companies was given a strong focus throughout2020. Networking was a stronger focus in the training for Cohort 2 students and they had greateropportunities to connect with companies through Bell Program sponsored career fairs. Part ofthis research will look to identify if the program changes made from the first research resulted intangible improvements for Cohort 2 co-op placement.III. Research StudyResearch QuestionThe research question focuses on the second cohort of students for the
Data s Collection Program Design Design Implementation Analysis Design Improvement Evaluation Research Design Research Literature Review Research Documentation Knowledge Question of Learning Design & Publication Creation TheoriesFigure 1. Adapted DBR Process CyclePrevious iterations were focused on how the curricular element would be developed [1] and howstudents and faculty members viewed the
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