discussed using a very high level of active learning by thestudents. Thus students are actively involved in the learning process, giving them the ability tomaster the topic in a way that they can understand and apply it [2]. Students apply this newknowledge by presenting it to their peers. Once the students feel they understand the topic theymake evidence of their knowledge in whatever format best suits them, such as a short video ofthem explaining the topic with graphics or even making a detailed comic from scratch explainingthe topic. This proof of understanding is then uploaded to a token in an online proprietarylearning management system. As stated by professors who started an IBL program at NDSU,“To evaluate that token, peers provide blind
traditional classroom. A large number of studentspursue undergraduate research, service-learning, and even study abroad experiences, receivingacademic credit documented on a transcript. Students value these experiences even though theircredit hours during these semesters are higher than their peers. University leadership sees valuein micro-credential programs in terms of revenue and professional development opportunities forstudents, staff, faculty, and alumni. Micro-credentials and digital badges have gained popularityin recent years as ways for higher education institutions to provide competencies, knowledge,and skills quickly and effectively, especially when the needs of the workforce change faster thanthe curriculum. However, a recent development
college student participation as well as30% Black and Hispanic students. The NHERI-REU Program also collects qualitative and quantitative data on the progressof students’ preparation of scholarly work including their self-efficacy and confidence levelsthroughout the program. This paper will include quantitative pre- and post-program data to showstudents’ increased confidence and levels of self-efficacy. An important element of the program is the multiple points of support for students. Thesesupports include faculty, graduate students, peer, and program mentors. The structure of thesupport system and the community building activities throughout the REU program also includecareer development workshops, a NHERI faculty and professional
introducestudents to research work through rhetorical analysis of scholarly work. These first-timeundergraduate researchers are recruited from various universities and bring with them diverseexperiences based on their backgrounds. The REU program is designed to prepare students forgraduate studies by immersing participants in a authentic research conducted within a tier oneresearch facility alongside graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, research staff, and faculty.The program also provides career development workshops on applying to graduate school,writing personal statements, developing a professional network, working in academia andindustry as well as creating graduate level research products (i.e., posters, presentations, andpapers).The Natural
active research, and observing how other professionals interacted withone another. By working with other professionals and being treated as a peer, the RS students weregiven an opportunity to envision themselves as young professionals, hopefully motivating them tocontinue and finish their collegiate STEM educations through these contacts [21]. As rising juniors, the students were encouraged to undertake their own self-directed researchprojects under the guidance of the Principal Investigator. This pre-capstone experience wasdesigned to help them to gain marketable problem-solving skills, aiding them in securing anentry-level professional position [22], [23]. Technical writing ability, a highly sought-afterprofessional skill, was emphasized
, andproject development of the participants. This paper will also focus on the continued use of remote internshipsand experiential opportunities as a High Impact Practice to engage students at an urban commuter universityacross all majors.BackgroundHigh Impact Practices (HIPs) have been shown to be effective in retention, persistence, and overall studentsuccess [1-5]. These practices include activities such as undergraduate research, service learning, experientiallearning opportunities, internships, study abroad, collaborative projects and writing intensive courses. Theseactivities have been found to be very beneficial for underrepresented students. Institutional resources,curriculums and student body demographics limit the effectiveness of the
resources research and interested in building acommunication project related to their own work. The students were asked to write a 300-wordstatement about what water resources research they were conducting, who their current facultymentor was, why they were interested in applying for the fellowship, and their ideas for acommunication project. The application portal remained open for one month. Approximately 1/3 of therespondents indicated that they applied after having the Fellowship opportunity presented tothem in one of their classes. The other 2/3 of the students applied after being told about theopportunity directly by a professor or peer. In the first year of the GC WSC Fellowship, 12 applications were received, 12 offerswere made
develop a detailed roadmap outlining project goals,timelines, and required resources. Advisors assist students in identifying potential fundingsources and provide guidance on writing grant proposals or seeking sponsorships. Recruitment isanother area where advisors play a crucial role, helping students reach out to potential teammembers and ensuring the formation of a diverse and inclusive group. In the training phase,advisors provide mentorship and knowledge-sharing opportunities, equipping students with thenecessary skills for successful project execution. Peer-to-peer training offers senior teammembers a chance to share acquired knowledge and experience from participating in the SIGwith junior team members. In the prototyping and deployment
: Your Research Communication ExperienceWe are interested in hearing about your previous research communication experience. Do notworry if you do not have previous experience.4. Describe a prior experience you have had COMMUNICATING research to your peers, your family or your communities. The research you communicated could be yours or that of another researcher. If you have had no such experiences, please write NONE in the box, and skip to the next page.5. In the experience you described, how active or passive was your role in planning/directing the communications and selecting the medium (i.e., essay, podcast, video, poster), where very passive means carrying out instructions given to you by someone else? Leave blank if you have
telecommunications chairholder at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, and director of CONNECT – the Science Foundation Ireland Centre for Future Communications and Network. DaSilva is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) for his contributions to cognitive networking and to resource management in wireless networks. He pioneered the application of game theory to analyze and design wireless networks, authoring the first book on the topic. He is also responsible for seminal work on cognitive networking and spectrum and network sharing. He has authored two books, more than 300 peer-reviewed papers, and is a frequent keynote speaker and invited lecturer around the world. He has also been an IEEE
Paper ID #41559Preparing Students to Thrive in Industry: The Critical Role of a LearningCoachDr. Darcie Christensen, Minnesota State University, Mankato Dr. Darcie Christensen is a probationary Assistant Professor in the Department of Integrated Engineering at Minnesota State University Mankato. She teaches for Bell Engineering, which is a subset of Iron Range Engineering on the Mesabi Range College Campus. Dr. Christensen received her Ph.D. in Engineering Education from Utah State University in the Summer of 2021. The title of her Dissertation is ”A Mixed-Method Approach to Explore Student Needs for Peer Mentoring in a
semester. In addition,students complete two peer reviews for each project they work on. Moreover, their writing andoral communication skills are assessed through weekly project updates and final presentations.Weekly reading quizzes are also developed from the biography of Steve Jobs (by WalterIsaacson), The Secret of Apollo (by Stephen B. Johnson), and Inviting Disaster: Learning fromthe edge of technology (by James R Chiles). The Biography of Steve Jobs provides a greatexample of the importance of collaboration in innovation and entrepreneurship. Students whojoin the program read this book during their first year in the program. Those students who areable and permitted to do a second year in the program read and take quizzes from Johnson’sbook
utilization and application of their STEM knowledge. Networking with their peers - bothwithin their program and the national network - amplifies the experience and has the potential tocontribute to future career development. Participants, in the work itself, are given the opportunityto take ownership in the development of curriculum development and classroom management,building potential for self-efficacy development. Finally, the three interconnected strands holdmany connections to the Actua Future Skills Framework; “delivering results” requiresintellectual development, “working with others” draws from networking skills and institutionalknowledge; and future readiness draws from the three strands and makes connections to theparticipant’s future
withacademic learning but also an integration of learning from both domains (Zegwaard & Coll,2011). WIL internships offer students a foundation to expand their discipline knowledge andutilize skills with guidance from a supervisor and peers (Patrick et al., 2008) In the Frenchengineering curriculum, students delve deeply into mathematics and physics, a characteristicnot commonly found in other systems (Chatzis, 2010; Lemaître, 2017) The rigorous nature ofthese courses often posed challenges for students. However, through internships, studentscame to realize that their scientific studies had laid a strong foundation for their training,providing them with a broad base from which to explore various fields of study. 'It was atraining of the mind and
education system.This paper looks across three qualitative studies during the work-based experiences (WBEs) ofeleven undergraduate computer engineering and information technology systems students fromgroups traditionally underrepresented in STEM. In this paper, WBEs are defined as paidengagements for students as they work on solving real-world problems, while performing tasksand projects in partnership with an employer or community partner. Three types of WBEs arerepresented: internships (Study 1), apprenticeships (Study 2), and company employees (Study 3).All three studies used the Socio-Technical Integration Research (STIR) methodology which hasbeen established in 80 studies worldwide and over a dozen peer-reviewed publications. As amethodology