chosen for the design. 3. You always have to expect the unexpected when designing for human use. The original plan for the project was to work on the foot/ankle, pylon, and socket component of the transtibial prosthetic limb. However, the stump of the client was not aligned axially and render the prosthesis ineffective in walking straight. A universal joint compensator that could readjust the alignment of the stump/leg vertically was necessary and, therefore, an extra year was added to complete the project.The lessons learned from the service-oriented project reflects what others reported [20]-[23] thatengineer students need to interpret non-technical needs from client into technical constraints forthe
, our two-semester interdisciplinary industry-sponsored Capstone program, Capstone project examples,and data analysis of past projects.Brief History and Structure of Project Based Learning at WCUThis year marks the 10th anniversary of the implementation of our interdisciplinary PBL coursesequence, required of all engineering and engineering technology majors at WCU. The PBLsequence was originally established by a team of engineering and engineering technology facultyto create a learning environment, and community of learners, that reflects how engineers work inthe real world. Using their previous work experience, several ABET student learning outcomes,and the Industrial Advisory Boards’ feedback as a guiding framework, the PBL sequence
mentors. Teams thatwaited until the last minute to submit files to the seniors would not get a chance to implementfeedback into their final designs. Seniors also had to work at communicating technical feedbackto first-year students who are relatively inexperienced in CAD and may have never used a 3Dprinter. When reflecting upon the mentorship experience, seniors routinely stated that promptand clear communication was critical to their success or failure as a group.Positive Outcomes for First year Student Teams: According to faculty and TA observations,first-year students put more effort and overall time into correctly learning how to use CAD in theassociated EDSGN computer lab when they were designing their projects to be 3D printed. First-year
8.4% 7.4% 8 6 4.8% 4.4% 4 2.3% 2 0.1% 0Figure 2. Percentage by major of COE undergraduate students (N = 3804) in fall 2017Course FormatCommunication and engineering design concepts were delivered through lecture in an interactivediscussion format followed by in-class activities. Students were expected to attend lecture and toparticipate in exploration of these concepts through regularly scheduled in-class discussion,practice and reflection assignments. For example, the concept of “design problem statement” wasinitially introduced by
other capstoneprograms [8].In the 2016-2017 season, selected topics from The 7 Habits were introduced in two JuniorDesign lectures prior to team formation and reinforced by instructor throughout the course.These included proactivity and using the "circle of influence" as a specific tool to promoteadaptability; building trust by making "deposits" in the "Emotional Bank account"; thinkingabout desired outcomes (and requirements) through each step of the capstone program, i.e., to"Begin with the End in Mind"; and the importance of self-management as a prerequisite formanaging others [6]. In 2017-2018, short writing assignments were added to encourage studentsto reflect on the relevance of these concepts to their work as an engineering
had been exposed to functional modeling through the engineeringprogram. To ensure inter-rater agreement, small samples of student responses for both the hairdryer and the car radiator were scored, and those scores were evaluated by a third seniorundergraduate researcher, who identified items where the two raters disagreed consistently.Group discussion was used to facilitate communication about points of disagreement and updatethe scoring rubric accordingly.For the composite scores, Cohen’s Kappa was used to evaluate inter-rater agreement. The hairdryer composite scores had a κ = 0.685 (95% CI, 0.584 to 0.786) and the car radiator had a κ =0.670 (95% CI, 0.582 to 0.773). Both of these reflect substantial agreement according to thedescriptors
developing conception generation skills (Daly et al.,2012), the benefits of model building for dealing with ambiguity (Lemons et al., 2010), and thebenefits of reflection practices in learning engineering design (Adams, 2003). Additionally, someresearchers have found that design courses should move from an“instructor-transfers-knowledge” model towards a “developing-a-professional-knowledge” model,where students are asked to take charge of their learning and needs (Mann et al, 2007).Crismond and Adams (2012) developed the informed design teaching and learning matrix whichoutlines specific learning practices between novice and expert designers and also providessuggested teaching approaches. Specifically, Crismond and Adams (2012) define design as
disconnect from the vacuum, but I just remembered that was part of the vacuum.”Indicating that at the time of the in-class activity, students did draw from their previousknowledge to formulate a mental model of the engineered system, but in reflection, the studentsrealize that their mental model is either incomplete or false. Here one can hope that studentsfollow the path of enrichment as described by Vosniadou [6] to append their mental model toinclude the remainder of the information not originally recognized as a part of the system.Most of the interviewees assumed that the mental model activity must be similar to theircoursework, as demonstrated in the following response. “I say that um with my engineering 101 class [Engineering
qualitativeinterview-based student perspectives from the fall 2018 semester are described in this work-in-progress paper. In conjunction with further qualitative data collection, a variety of survey anddirect assessment data from the entire two-semester course will be analyzed at the conclusion ofthe spring 2019 semester.Collecting qualitative data regarding student perspectives about working on interdisciplinaryteams allowed us to view students’ attitudes and self-reflections on their team experiences. Basedon the instructor’s own goals and literature-based reported gains [11] in interdisciplinaryteamwork, we were initially interested in how students perceived their team’s ability to beinnovative, identify customer needs, and receive rapid clinical feedback
spaces; is it the same or different?Our studyThis research project is investigating three very different universities with engineering programsthat have embraced the maker culture: University B, University A, and University C. Each ofthe spaces are different, reflecting the differences in the institutions. University B is first andforemost a technological institute with the majority of undergraduates majoring in engineering.Its maker space, housed within the Department of Mechanical Engineering, is operated by a 70person team comprising of 65 undergraduate volunteers and 5 non-student members. The makerspace comprises five rooms totaling 2,500 square feet that includes a rapid prototyping suitewith six 3D printers having various material
may be more appealing and more readily accepted and adopted by some individualsthan others – as anecdotal evidence collected from design classrooms and design thinkingworkshops seems to indicate. The aim of this study is to determine whether student receptivity todesign thinking might be linked to individual cognitive characteristics that reflect innatestructural preferences. This research could help educators determine the most appropriate designmethodology based on the cognitive preferences of their students, as well as the need to teachcoping strategies when students are required to engage in design activities that do not align withtheir natural cognitive preferences.Our work presents the results of data gathered during a design thinking
design decisions were influenced by varyinginterpretations of the main objective. Both shortening the chassis and moving the center of masstied in well with concepts being taught in class during weeks 2 to 5. It was valuable to see thatstudents were recommending design changes based on core course concepts and that they werealso able to apply these concepts to a real-world design.The recommendation to reduce weight from the original design (1A) was not applied asfrequently as expected to the students’ final designs based on how frequently this suggestion wasmade. Although students appreciated that the weight of the chassis was unnecessary for itsapplication, this did not reflect in their final designs. This may stem from many students
, including learning “how to make things” • Technical proficiency, including “mechanical/technical skills that crosses boundaries”, “better background in electronics”, and “programming”. • Entrepreneurship, including “how do you sell it, how do you do something with it”This reflects a multi-disciplinary, holistic attitude towards engineering education that is risingfrom discussions on the future of engineering education. The attitudes of the toy Makers reflect those of engaged students in classrooms. They viewthemselves as active participants in the learning process; they recognize that making mistakes isboth expected and valued during the process of learning; they have an understanding of theirlearning strengths and weaknesses
provide insights intothe conduct of a complex multidisciplinary design project that may lead to improvementsin the design process for future projects.The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. First, it provides an overview of theWild Sound project. Next, it summarizes the relevant theories of design. After this, itprovides excerpts of the interviews of participants, including the composer, theperformers, and the student engineers, and then maps observations from the interviews tothe design theories. Following this, the paper provides reflections from the participants Page 26.1123.2on what they learned from the project, as well as suggestions from
responsible for thesuccess of the project even though a team failure may result in some self-flagellation. We often learnmost in failure and so do students. Sponsors have experienced failure also. Still the goal of Capstone isfor students to learn to apply design, and to expand their engineering knowledge, skills and abilities KSAsbeyond what they’ve learned in the classroom and that may involve failure on some level; the goal is notto induce failure. Let ‘em stumble. Let ‘em fall. Let ‘em pick themselves up. As a faculty advisor,guide them in reflecting on what happened and push them to excel.This guide is offered in the spirit of helping students and faculty excel in Capstone. This is the facultyversion. Use this in conjunction with the “Purple
project area may have a significant impacton team effectiveness. We notice that project preferences may initially impact an individualstudent’s performance. For example, in cases where we might assign a student to a projectinvolving multidisciplinary participation, some students may find it difficult to appreciate theirparticular role on a project. We find that project preferences may be a factor during the initialweeks of the semester when students are becoming acquainted with a project, however, a studyof end-of-semester reflective memos indicates that as a project progresses, other factors, beyondinitial project preferences provide much of the motivation needed for team effectiveness andsuccess [15]. This transient motivation effect appears to
based on standardized nomenclature be developed to structurediscussions about and comparisons between higher education makerspaces. The classification systemwould succinctly indicate the purpose of the space and include indices that reflect the space’saccessibility, population, physical size, and levels of staffing. By establishing a makerspaceclassification system, similar spaces could be more easily compared. Also, the collective practices,standards and equipment within each category of space would produce meaningful metrics to compareeach space to the norm of a classification group.Identifying and Sharing Best Practices in Higher Education MakingUnderstanding the origins of making helps explain the adoption of this form of learning in
, and so on. The negative emotional vocabularies included tired, fatigue,boring, confused, nervous, agitated, regretful, inanimate, monotonous, whiny, exhausted, anda waste-of-time, among others.Using descriptive indexes (frequency, percentage), the positive emotional words and negativeemotional words were analyzed. With the frequency as the ordinate, practice time as abscissa,emotion changing curves have been drawn.The interview method was adopted to deeply and thoroughly study the causes of students’emotional changes. After reading and analyzing all the emotional words, this paper arrangedthe interviews on the emotional fluctuations that were reflected by the curves and thedifference between the two teams; with one teacher from every practice
the freshman engineering course. The quantitative portion of this study focuses onthese students and how their involvement levels changed after completing the course.Study Two: Three-Series Interviews. Through purposive and snowball sampling, six females,all university makerspace users, participated in a three-series phenomenologically based interviewprocess; future work will interview men. Through the three interviews, the participants are askedto: 1) relay their experiences with making prior to becoming involved in the makerspace, 2)describe their current making and makerspace experiences, and 3) reflect on their making andmakerspace experiences. The interviews are each approximately ninety minutes in length basedon the recommended length
, novelty, and quality in order to evaluate thestudent’s level of design ideation expertise.BackgroundThe phases of engineering design are often taught as having a circular, iterative nature. Anengineering product or process is designed through phases of (i) defining the problem, (ii)brainstorming solutions, (iii) planning a solution, (iv) prototyping, (v) evaluating the solution, andfinally (vi) reflecting for iteration, shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: Simple infographic conveying six phases of engineering design iteratively.In practice, the activities associated with each engineering design phase are highly interdependentand do not simply progress in a neat iterative circle, as implied by common infographics for theengineering design process
homework and test problemswith unique “right” answers. Divergent inquiry by contrast “often seems to conflict with theprinciples and values that are at the core of the predominantly deterministic, engineering scienceapproach.”1 These observations are reflected in the outcome of the fall 2003 and 2004 offeringsof the Sophomore Engineering Clinic, which are described in the next section.The Hoistinator ProjectIn the fall 2003 and fall 2004 semesters, the semester-long project was a crane design projectcalled the “Hoistinator”.11 This section describes the project itself and discusses outcomes fromthese first two offerings of the project.The student teams were provided with a substructure and basic mechanical elements for a crane,and challenged to
AC 2008-317: STRUCTURING TEAM LEARNING TASKS TO INCREASESTUDENT ENGAGEMENT AND COLLABORATIONSteven Zemke, Gonzaga University Steven Zemke is an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Gonzaga University. His primary responsibilities are Design courses and assessment. His research interests include effective learning environments and design teaching and learning. Prior to teaching he was a design engineer and manager for 23 years and holds five patents.Diane Zemke, Gonzaga University Diane Zemke is a PhD candidate at Gonzaga University in Leadership Studies. Her interests include small group dynamics, reflective practices, learning, and qualitative methods. She has co-authored
survey software called Qualtrics15. The survey instrumentincludes Likert-type (aka Likert Scale or rating scale), Yes/No (dichotomous), multiple choice,open-ended and demographic questions.The survey follows the postal questionnaire method16 that involves sending questionnaires to alarge sample of people located in a wide geographical area and who do not have any previouscontact with the authors. The response rate is usually as low as 20%. Thus, the survey was sentto 266 design educators of 89 of the top 100 Graduate Mechanical Engineering programs (withABET accredited undergraduate programs) in the US to ensure that the demographic profile ofrespondents reflect the design faculty population in the nation. The design faculty included aDean, Full
, andthe other lecture for the class reflection of lessons learnt), as well as two additional weeksdesignated for all teams to submit their final design reports. The course schedules for the twosessions are summarized in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. Page 24.299.11 Table 1: Course schedule for the EBT sessionWeek Date (Tue.) Weekly Lecture Subject (6:40-8:30pm) Team Project Work (8:30-9:20pm) 1 08/27/2013 Introduction of Methods for Design of Technical Systems (Overview) n/a 2 09/03/2013 Team Assembly
education.Research ParticipantsTwenty engineering students at a large research university participated in the study. Thesestudents came from a variety of engineering disciplines and had a variety of project experiencerelated to innovation. All students identified themselves as seniors. Table 1 provides a glimpse ofthe participants by gender, academic discipline, relevant project experience, and self-describedproject role. These data do not reflect the depth and complexity of each student or their academicenvironment. They are included to provide brief contextual information about the types ofprojects they have experienced and how they interacted with those projects. Project roles listed inquotes represent the student’s own words. We use pseudonyms to
learning skills in a freshmanengineering course where the students are required to develop and reflect on their learningstrategies.27The response of academia to these accreditation criteria through project based learning was notlimited to to introductory design courses. One can easily find several examples of project basedcourses in statics28, structures29, vehicle engineering30,31, architecture8, computer sciences32, energyconservation33, energy conversion34, and industrial engineering.35In the late 1990, MIT's Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics engaged in a rigorous process todetermine the knowledge, skills and attitudes that graduating engineers should possess. This resultedin a framework known as CDIO, short for Conceive, Design
as raw video were collected to capture the students’cognitive processes and strategies39. Additionally, software tracked the students’ activity on adesktop computer. Post-hoc focus group reflective interviews immediately followed the designchallenge40. The audio and video data from the design challenge, audio and video data from thepost-hoc interview, the computer tracking data, and the design artifact were triangulated forevidence of emerging themes or phenomena in systems thinking.Participants School selection. A high school pre-engineering program was chosen that had open-ended authentic engineering design as part of the curriculum. Authentic was defined as achallenge that was similar to what was experienced in industry: open-ended
in an introductory engineering course? Page 25.394.5Our study was not comparative; instead, our goal was to identify how using the heuristics inthese two different scenarios guided the ideation processes of engineering students, and how themethod of heuristic use was reflected in the design outcomes.ParticipantsWe collected data from two sections of a single introductory engineering course at a largeMidwestern university. This semester-long course introduces engineering students to designprocesses through a team design project. The projects in each section were different. We selectedprotocols from five participants from each section
, constraints very helpful"8 "using formulas to do real design" "theory to practice"9 "industry application" "useful in future"10 "calculations, investigating drawings" "enjoy these things"11 "unique" "does not talk about giant dump trucks often"1213 "professor explains preferred method after "gives us a chance to try, on our own" students attempt design"14 "following the design process from beginning to "helped to see where values are used" final part"15 "using real world information from suppliers" "textbook info can be outdated and not reflect the real world
needs to be learned;follow a learning plan; identify, retrieve, and organize information; understand and remembernew information; demonstrate critical thinking skills; and reflect on one’s own understanding.”Shuman, et al. argue that students’ demonstration of these skills also demonstrate abilities oflifelong learning. Some of these skills could be classified as information literacy skills,particularly identifying, retrieving, and organizing information, which implies that informationliteracy is a component of lifelong learning. The purpose of this research is to investigate thebaseline information literacy skills of FYE students by developing an assessment tool to evaluatewritten artifacts produced by students, either individually or in