software was better than theirown program to complete the project and understand the concepts, and whether or not it shouldbe given to the students in the future semesters. The results from this evaluation were promisingwith a score of 4.47 and 4.24 respectively (with “1” as worst and “5” as best) for these questionsand the same was reflected in the quality of reports submitted by the students. It was noted thateven the weak students in the class had minimal mistakes in the solution which supports the Page 12.1285.6underlying concept behind the development of this software
design notebooks. MCPS teachers were especiallyhelpful to the undergraduates in their efforts to teach the design process to the high-schoolstudents by agreeing to grade their students’ assignments (some of which were conceived andassigned by the capstone students) and logbooks at the request of the engineering students. Inaddition, the engineering students were periodically required to generate progress memos, a mid-semester report, and a final design report as part of their requirements for ME 4015. At theconclusion of the robot redesign at mid-semester, the engineering students made a 30-minuteprofessional presentation to faculty advisors, teachers, and high-school students. After thisevent, time was dedicated to self-reflection by the
unlimited time) from the pure brainstormingactivity. Perhaps to gather statistically significant data, a class could be subdivided and only half Page 13.723.11given the bisociation half of the talk with the others simply given three more minutes to logideas. Then the numbers of ideas could be compared between the groups. The authors haveconjectured about doing this but have stopped short due to small class sizes and a concern thatthe variability person to person would most likely statistically mask the general trend without avery large sample size.Bisociation: Teaching PointsThe authors like to ask the students to reflect on how their thinking
Engineering (PLE), supported by PLM and Simulation Lifecycle Management(SLM). An initial implementation step is centered on the GIT Integrated Product Life-Engineering (IPLE) Laboratory, School of Aerospace Engineering (AE), to develop thenecessary digital support environment and to introduce PLM into its graduate andundergraduate aerospace systems design courses. Figure 1. The new educational research program architecture for lifelong learningAs illustrated in Figure 1 the new educational research program includes both educationand research. Its major focus is on introducing PLM seamlessly along the studentlifecycle. The yellow oval labeled GT Design Courses reflects graduate courses in theGIT School of AE graduate program in Aerospace Systems
Page 13.848.5Table 1: Weekly laboratory/project activities in 2005 - 2007.Other aspects, considered informally during team selection, included placing at least oneenthusiastic (based on classroom participation) member in each team.The problem statement distributed to the students was also altered to reflect the new emphasis onbudgeting. In 2005 the students were required to build all of their electronics circuits, LabVIEWVIs, and release mechanisms from basic components that were provided. As the end of theproject approached these requirements were relaxed and the teams were allowed to usecommercially available photogates provided by the instructor and a solenoid-based releasemechanism designed by the instructor. In 2006, a budget of 2,000
integrity. Once students are accepted into the program and assigned to projects, informationon each student (phone numbers, e-mail addresses, student ID numbers, disciplines, teamassignment, et cetera) would have to be manually keyed into a database. Data entry errors taketime to find and correct—especially if 150 students are involved.Revision control. Curriculum updates occur frequently across the nine participating departmentsand these changes often affected the published IPPD prerequisites. Often these changes wouldnot be reflected in the paper applications for several years. This delay was due to lack ofcommunication between the departments and IPPD. Further complicating the confusion was theproliferation of out-of-date application forms kept
apply knowledge gained in their major3 or to be a cumulative and integrating experience4 and should be both a synthesis – reflection and integration – and a bridge – a real-world preparatory experiences, with emphasis on integration, experiential learning, and real-world problem solving.1,5 • In another developing view, a capstone course is "demonstration". To elaborate a capstone course is an opportunity for students to demonstrate that they have achieved the goals for learning established by their educational institution and major department.6 Since, in addition to cognitive skills, learning can occur in two other domains (affective and psychomotor,) a capstone course allows for a mix of
andmathematical skills they are acquiring in other courses. As part of our Introduction toProfessional Engineering course, small groups of students work together on design projects.Students choose from a set of topics that reflect the diverse engineering disciplines within ourfaculty. The project descriptions were developed in collaboration with Engineers WithoutBorders (Canada) and are set in either a developing country or a remote area of Canada. Inaddition to the technical aspects of the engineering design, the final reports and presentationsaddress considerations such as ethics, healthy and safety, economics, and impact on thecommunity. Design projects included, for example, a rain-water harvesting system, a ceramicwater filter, a seed press to
., Turk, A. L., Subrahmanian, E., and Westerberg, A. W., 2002, “Communication andCollaborative Learning in a Cross-Atlantic Design Course,” in the Proceedings of 2002 World Conference onEducational Multimedia, Denver, Colorado, June 24-29.12. O’Brien, W., Soibelman, L., and Elvin, G., 2003, “Collaborative Design Processes: An Active- and Reflective-Learning Course in Multidisciplinary Collaboration,” Journal of Construction Education, 8(2), pp. 78-93.13. Dennis, T. W. and Fulton, R. E. 2004, “Undergraduate Distributed Collaborative Engineering Project UsingCAD, CAE and PLM Tools,” in Proceedings 2004 ASEE Southeastern Section Annual Meeting, Auburn, Alabama,April 4-6.14. Bohn, J. H. and Anderl, R., 2005, “A First Transatlantic Course on
because of this course. A7. My personal schedule allows me enough time to reflect on the material I have learned I class. A8. My personal schedule allows me enough time to adequately prepare for my optimum academic performance. B1. This instructor stimulated my thinking. B2. In this course, my critical thinking ability increased. B3. The homework assignments, papers, and projects in this course could be completed within the USMA time… 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 09-1 08-1 07-1
, as suggested in the ASCE Body of Knowledge for the 21st Century andABET, as indicated above. It also allows students the opportunity to provide humanitarian aidwhile gaining an invaluable international experience. Continental Crossings proposed thatstudents at the University of Iowa’s College of Engineering interested in pursuing this alternativeshould be given the option to do so through enrollment in the two semester course sequence ofDesign for the Developing World, followed by Project Management. Continental Crossingsdocumented the entire process with the hope that another team could have the same opportunitywhile reflecting upon their teams’ successes and failures.Future projects have been implemented through a continued partnership
the report, focused mainly on the writing, account for 6% of the course grade.Seven percent of the course grade is based on the writing style, grammar, punctuation, andproper citation of references in the final report. This grade is determined from a final versionsubmitted at the end of the semester, reflecting the results of two separate reviews by the courseinstructor. A typical project report for a design group of three students is approximately 55pages long. Writing the report accounts for approximately 20 of the 100 hours put in by eachstudent during the fall portion of the course. Therefore, the amount of work done by the studentsin writing the final report is approximately proportional to the portion of the course grade
programs in that we know with relative certainty the likelyfuture employment paths for our graduates. Because of this unique understanding, we have agreat responsibility to the Coast Guard and to our students to prepare them for their futureemployment in service to our taxpaying nation. It is in this context that we pursue our shipdesign sequence following the guidance provided by the ABET Accreditation Criteria.It is interesting in our case to reflect that the ABET emphasis on academic design experience ispresumably motivated by a need for graduates to be prepared to do design work as practicingengineers. In contrast, in our program, the design sequence is very important because we knowour graduates will likely experience hands on design work
. Page 11.1229.5 Knows some of the ways technology shapes human history and people shapetechnology. Knows that all technologies entail risk, some that can be anticipated and some thatcannot. Appreciates that the development and use of technology involve trade-offs and abalance of costs and benefits Understands that technology reflects the values and culture of societyWays of Thinking and Acting Asks pertinent questions, of self and others, regarding the benefits and risks oftechnologies Seeks information about new technologies Participates, when appropriate, in decisions about the development and use oftechnologyCapabilities Has a range of hands-on skills, such as using a computer for word
0 0 0 9 MA 1 31 1 0 7 0 3 43 Given MO 3 17 0 5 0 0 5 30 PR 2 8 0 2 0 0 4 16 QH 5 78 0 2 3 5 0 93 Totals 26 156 1 44 30 16 93 366 * AN-Analyzing; DE-Designing; DF-Defining problem; MA-Managing; MO-Modeling; PR-Predicting; QH-QuestioningThe observed frequencies show that there exist dominant iterations between designing andquestioning (f(DE→QH) = 78, f(QH→DE) = 78). This result reflects that participants oftenmoved back and forth between
participants,and started the team off in a manner that reflected this. Brainstorming happened almostimmediately, debates upon a project, and subsequently how to do the project occurred. Taskswere divvied up based on skill or preference while non vocalized goals were implied amongstthe group or self-assigned.ConclusionIn this paper, we have presented methods of observation for self-regulated learning in ahackathon environment, and discussed the overarching themes that have developed from theseobservations. These include various already known methods such as trial and error, as well asevery day actions such as googling a question. For the future, more teams should be studied tosee if the phenomenon that occurred in this team are present in other teams
alsoprovide constructive feedback when grading to justify the score they assign. Figure 1 – Instructions for the peer grading processThe primary objective of implementing the peer grading method is to reinforce design conceptstaught in lecture and to further develop the students’ design skillset. Peer grading is implementedto expose students to various examples of design, to provide further opportunities for teamwork,and to facilitate reflective practice. The peer grading method is also utilized to motivate studentsto produce higher quality work considering their peers are evaluating them.2.3 Grade the grader procedureAfter the teams complete peer grading, the graded reports are returned to the appropriate teamsusing the
thatstudents’ self-assessments are not accurate, often reflecting over-confidence (e.g., Kruger &Dunning, 1999 [27]).One challenge in data analysis was that fewer students completed the post-test (16) than the pre-test (36), likely because the participation in the survey was voluntary and the post-test came at atime when students were finishing high-stakes final projects. So, in addition to enhancing thecase study materials and refining the STSS instrument, future work will also include exploringways to better incentivize students to complete both the pre- and post-test.Finally, it is possible that the STSS results could be somewhat skewed by the fact that, unlikemost other universities, students at CMU have two capstone experiences to choose
difficult to adequately evaluate these programs. In order to evaluate andassess new experiments and projects, prior to introducing them in our curriculum, we use summerprograms with different students to develop content and test learning objectives. We introduce thenew topics to a cohort of students of diverse cultural background from local and internationalstudents. Our methodology is similar for the curricular development of each program (Figure 1)and consists of four main and distinct stages: (1) planning and administrative preparation, (2)content development and small-scale testing, (3) deployment and daily student assessment, (4)reflections, modifications and adjustments for a final course implementation. [6
activities focused on thedesign of load bearing components set in a laboratory environment with team-based learning.The design process is guided by the concept of a design vector consists of design parameters.The topics covered in the activities are placed in an order which reflect the growth andcomplexity of the design vector. The three main mechanical loads that are studied are tension,compression, and shear, each increasing the design vector complexity in their respective order.The theoretical behavior and equations are introduced and presented in the beginning of anactivity; this is done to reinforce the concurrent co-requisite or refresh the prerequisite mechanicsof materials course. The activities aim to decompose the equations into the
behavior.AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under GrantNos. 1463873 and 1463809. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of theNational Science Foundation."References Ahmed S. (2001). Understanding the use and reuse of experience in engineering design. PhD Thesis, Cambridge University, UK Ahmed, S, Wallace, K and Blessing L (2003). Understanding the differences between how novice and experienced designers approach design tasks, Research in Engineering Design14: 1–11 Atman, C.J., Kilgore, D., and McKenna, A. (2008). Characterizing Design Learning: A Mixed Methods Study of Engineering
/instructorsupport) that encourages students to identifyways they could utilize the product they dissect in their redesign by asking them to identifyapplication opportunities. Following the dissection activity, students are given 10 minutes tocome up with additional ideas for the design prompt. As a final step, the students are led througha 20-minute discussion activity led through the PowerPoint presentation that focuses on theusefulness of the product dissected for the activity, the impact of the complexity of the productdissection on design outcomes, and the reuse of features from the product dissected in the designideas. The module is culminated in a student-reflection which captures their understanding of thedissection lesson.Case Study of Module
education and developers of instructional materials and curricula, as well asteachers and designers planning classroom strategies, of initiatives in formal engineeringeducation. The development of educational strategies is explored with the intent to move studentsalong a trajectory towards expert design behavior.AcknowledgementJeff Kan carried out the sentiment analysis. This material is based upon work supported by theNational Science Foundation under Grant Numbers: 1463873 and 1463809. Any opinions,findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authorsand do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References Ahmed S. (2001). Understanding the use and reuse of experience in
would be impacted. As might be expected,each intervention has a complex relationship with quality, and more work is needed to determinethe significance and impact of these changes. A clearer understanding of these interventions andtheir trade-offs may allow educators and engineers to better use these interventions and broadentheir ideation flexibility.4.1 Limitations and CaveatsSeveral aspects of this research limit our conclusions. One issue with the teaming intervention isthat randomized pairings were used. It is possible that the randomized pairs used in these studiesdo not reflect ideal groupings. Another issue with this work is that participants undergo twosessions of ideation. After the first session, participants may be mentally fatigued
which questions or set of questions will have a stronger effect on engineering designself-efficacy and other metrics. Furthermore, future studies will analyze the relationship betweeninvolvement and participation, and the impact they have on GPA, innovation self-efficacy, ideageneration ability, and retention.AcknowledgementsWe would like to acknowledge that the support for this work was provided by the NationalScience Foundation Award No. DUE-1432107/1431721/1431923. Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References1. The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century. Washington, DC
and cooperative. Marginal Sometimes failed to show up or complete task, rarely prepared. Deficient Often failed to show up or complete task, rarely prepared. Unsatisfactory Consistently failed to show up or complete task, unprepared. Superficial Very little participation. No show No participation at all. Note that the ratings should reflect each individual's level of participation and effort and sense of responsibility, not his or her academic ability. EVALUATE YOURSELF AND ALL YOUR TEAM MEMBERS Rating
development. This paper is based upon worksupported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1037655. Any opinions,findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors anddo not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Page 26.335.14Bibliography1. Paretti, M., Howe, S., Blair, S., Rogers, P., Kanai, J., Stanfill, R. K., and Livesay, G. (2012) “Capstone Design Hub: Building the Capstone Design Community,” Proceedings of the 2012 American Society for Engineering Education Conference.2. WordPress. (2015) Accessed March 2015.3. Kline, W
provide additionalcomments. A surprisingly large number (40 of 73) elected to provide some sort of writtencomment. The comments are of particular interest as they come from working engineers, some ofwhom have been in industry for as long as five years. Selected responses have been sorted intothe generally positive, the somewhat critical, and others that may be of general interest.Generally Positive Alumni Comments • I believe the Project Manager "position" helped keep tasks in sight and scheduling reflected real-world goals and missed deadlines. Utilizing programs such as Asana or Microsoft Project was good preparation for real-world project management software that is used in larger corporations • I think the experience
ConIAB Meeting co- IAB members are more involved in the Makes for a long day; faculty have tolocated and event. be 'on point' after the main eventimmediately Easier for them to carve out time for concludes.following event the event if it coincides with the IAB Industrial partners may have different Meeting. ideas regarding what senior design IAB members more bought into the should and should not be. process since the event is discussed in IAB members have little time to reflect depth at the IAB Meeting. or process the event so
societies and industries, especially in the high-tech industries. The evolution of modern technologies (mobile devices, Internet of Things, cloudcomputing, etc.) keeps bringing in challenges in system engineering education. Hands-onpractices may not be sufficient enough to educate engineering students to face the unknownand fast-paced competitions. Imagination should also be considered as one of the keycapabilities for the students to develop in system engineering education. Reflecting on thechanges of technologies, Taiwan governmental authorities (e.g., Ministry of Education, MOEand Ministry of Science and Technology, MOST) financially support some projects to addressdemands, challenges, and trends of the new educational technologies